Merge branch 'siriak-patch-1' of into siriak-patch-1

This commit is contained in:
Andrii Siriak 2021-09-26 12:12:04 +03:00
commit 35813dad0d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 165FBC99465D381C
6 changed files with 290 additions and 280 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
--- ---
name: Bug report name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve about: Create a report to help us improve
title: '' title: ""
labels: '' labels: ""
assignees: '' assignees: ""
--- ---
**Describe the bug** **Describe the bug**
@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce** **To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior: Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...' 1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....' 2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....' 3. Scroll down to '....'

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
--- ---
name: Feature request name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: '' title: ""
labels: '' labels: ""
assignees: '' assignees: ""
--- ---
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**

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@ -1,276 +1,287 @@
## Ciphers ## Ciphers
* [AES](
* [AESEncryption]( - [AES](
* [Caesar]( - [AESEncryption](
* [ColumnarTranspositionCipher]( - [Caesar](
* [RSA]( - [ColumnarTranspositionCipher](
* [SimpleSubstitutionCipher]( - [RSA](
* [Vigenere]( - [SimpleSubstitutionCipher](
- [Vigenere](
## Conversions ## Conversions
* [AnyBaseToAnyBase](
* [AnyBaseToDecimal]( - [AnyBaseToAnyBase](
* [AnytoAny]( - [AnyBaseToDecimal](
* [BinaryToDecimal]( - [AnytoAny](
* [BinaryToHexadecimal]( - [BinaryToDecimal](
* [BinaryToOctal]( - [BinaryToHexadecimal](
* [DecimalToAnyBase]( - [BinaryToOctal](
* [DecimalToBinary]( - [DecimalToAnyBase](
* [DecimalToHexaDecimal]( - [DecimalToBinary](
* [DecimalToOctal]( - [DecimalToHexaDecimal](
* [HexaDecimalToBinary]( - [DecimalToOctal](
* [HexaDecimalToDecimal]( - [HexaDecimalToBinary](
* [HexToOct]( - [HexaDecimalToDecimal](
* [IntegerToRoman]( - [HexToOct](
* [OctalToDecimal]( - [IntegerToRoman](
* [OctalToHexadecimal]( - [OctalToDecimal](
* [RgbHsvConversion]( - [OctalToHexadecimal](
* [RomanToInteger]( - [RgbHsvConversion](
* [TurkishToLatinConversion]( - [RomanToInteger](
- [TurkishToLatinConversion](
## DataStructures ## DataStructures
* Bags
* [Bag]( - Bags
* Buffers - [Bag](
* [CircularBuffer]( - Buffers
* DynamicArray - [CircularBuffer](
* [DynamicArray]( - DynamicArray
* Graphs - [DynamicArray](
* [A Star]( - Graphs
* [BellmanFord]( - [A Star](
* [ConnectedComponent]( - [BellmanFord](
* [Cycles]( - [ConnectedComponent](
* [FloydWarshall]( - [Cycles](
* [Graphs]( - [FloydWarshall](
* [Kruskal]( - [Graphs](
* [MatrixGraphs]( - [Kruskal](
* [PrimMST]( - [MatrixGraphs](
* HashMap - [PrimMST](
* Hashing - HashMap
* [HashMap]( - Hashing
* [HashMapLinearProbing]( - [HashMap](
* [Main]( - [HashMapLinearProbing](
* [MainLinearProbing]( - [Main](
* Heaps - [MainLinearProbing](
* [EmptyHeapException]( - Heaps
* [Heap]( - [EmptyHeapException](
* [HeapElement]( - [Heap](
* [MaxHeap]( - [HeapElement](
* [MinHeap]( - [MaxHeap](
* [MinPriorityQueue]( - [MinHeap](
* Lists - [MinPriorityQueue](
* [CircleLinkedList]( - Lists
* [CountSinglyLinkedListRecursion]( - [CircleLinkedList](
* [CursorLinkedList]( - [CountSinglyLinkedListRecursion](
* [DoublyLinkedList]( - [CursorLinkedList](
* [Merge K SortedLinkedlist]( - [DoublyLinkedList](
* [MergeSortedArrayList]( - [Merge K SortedLinkedlist](
* [MergeSortedSinglyLinkedList]( - [MergeSortedArrayList](
* [SearchSinglyLinkedListRecursion]( - [MergeSortedSinglyLinkedList](
* [SinglyLinkedList]( - [SearchSinglyLinkedListRecursion](
* Queues - [SinglyLinkedList](
* [GenericArrayListQueue]( - Queues
* [LinkedQueue]( - [GenericArrayListQueue](
* [PriorityQueues]( - [LinkedQueue](
* [Queues]( - [PriorityQueues](
* Stacks - [Queues](
* [BalancedBrackets]( - Stacks
* [DecimalToAnyUsingStack]( - [BalancedBrackets](
* [InfixToPostfix]( - [DecimalToAnyUsingStack](
* [NodeStack]( - [InfixToPostfix](
* [StackArray]( - [NodeStack](
* [StackArrayList]( - [StackArray](
* [StackOfLinkedList]( - [StackArrayList](
* Trees - [StackOfLinkedList](
* [AVLTree]( - Trees
* [BinaryTree]( - [AVLTree](
* [BSTIterative]( - [BinaryTree](
* [BSTRecursive]( - [BSTIterative](
* [GenericTree]( - [BSTRecursive](
* [LevelOrderTraversal]( - [GenericTree](
* [LevelOrderTraversalQueue]( - [LevelOrderTraversal](
* [PrintTopViewofTree]( - [LevelOrderTraversalQueue](
* [RedBlackBST]( - [PrintTopViewofTree](
* [TreeTraversal]( - [RedBlackBST](
* [TrieImp]( - [TreeTraversal](
* [ValidBSTOrNot]( - [TrieImp](
- [ValidBSTOrNot](
## DivideAndConquer ## DivideAndConquer
* [ClosestPair](
* [SkylineAlgorithm]( - [ClosestPair](
- [SkylineAlgorithm](
## DynamicProgramming ## DynamicProgramming
* [BoardPath](
* [BruteForceKnapsack]( - [BoardPath](
* [CoinChange]( - [BruteForceKnapsack](
* [DyanamicProgrammingKnapsack]( - [CoinChange](
* [EditDistance]( - [DyanamicProgrammingKnapsack](
* [EggDropping]( - [EditDistance](
* [Fibonacci]( - [EggDropping](
* [FordFulkerson]( - [Fibonacci](
* [KadaneAlgorithm]( - [FordFulkerson](
* [Knapsack]( - [KadaneAlgorithm](
* [LevenshteinDistance]( - [Knapsack](
* [LongestCommonSubsequence]( - [LevenshteinDistance](
* [LongestIncreasingSubsequence]( - [LongestCommonSubsequence](
* [LongestPalindromicSubsequence]( - [LongestIncreasingSubsequence](
* [LongestValidParentheses]( - [LongestPalindromicSubsequence](
* [MatrixChainMultiplication]( - [LongestValidParentheses](
* [MemoizationTechniqueKnapsack]( - [MatrixChainMultiplication](
* [MinimumPathSum]( - [MemoizationTechniqueKnapsack](
* [MinimumSumPartition]( - [MinimumPathSum](
* [RodCutting]( - [MinimumSumPartition](
* [SubsetSum]( - [RodCutting](
- [SubsetSum](
## Maths ## Maths
* [AbsoluteMax](
* [AbsoluteMin]( - [AbsoluteMax](
* [AbsoluteValue]( - [AbsoluteMin](
* [AliquotSum]( - [AbsoluteValue](
* [AmicableNumber]( - [AliquotSum](
* [Area]( - [AmicableNumber](
* [Armstrong]( - [Area](
* [Average]( - [Armstrong](
* [BinaryPow]( - [Average](
* [Ceil]( - [BinaryPow](
* [CircularConvolutionFFT]( - [Ceil](
* [Combinations]( - [CircularConvolutionFFT](
* [Convolution]( - [Combinations](
* [ConvolutionFFT]( - [Convolution](
* [EulerMethod]( - [ConvolutionFFT](
* [Factorial]( - [EulerMethod](
* [FactorialRecursion]( - [Factorial](
* [FFT]( - [FactorialRecursion](
* [FFTBluestein]( - [FFT](
* [FibonacciNumber]( - [FFTBluestein](
* [FindMax]( - [FibonacciNumber](
* [FindMaxRecursion]( - [FindMax](
* [FindMin]( - [FindMaxRecursion](
* [FindMinRecursion]( - [FindMin](
* [Floor]( - [FindMinRecursion](
* [GCD]( - [Floor](
* [GCDRecursion]( - [GCD](
* [LucasSeries]( - [GCDRecursion](
* [MaxValue]( - [LucasSeries](
* [Median]( - [MaxValue](
* [MinValue]( - [Median](
* [Mode]( - [MinValue](
* [NumberOfDigits]( - [Mode](
* [PalindromeNumber]( - [NumberOfDigits](
* [ParseInteger]( - [PalindromeNumber](
* [PerfectCube]( - [ParseInteger](
* [PerfectNumber]( - [PerfectCube](
* [PerfectSquare]( - [PerfectNumber](
* [PiNilakantha]( - [PerfectSquare](
* [Pow]( - [PiNilakantha](
* [PowerOfTwoOrNot]( - [Pow](
* [PowRecursion]( - [PowerOfTwoOrNot](
* [PrimeCheck]( - [PowRecursion](
* [PrimeFactorization]( - [PrimeCheck](
* [PythagoreanTriple]( - [PrimeFactorization](
* [SumOfArithmeticSeries]( - [PythagoreanTriple](
* [SumOfDigits]( - [SumOfArithmeticSeries](
* [VampireNumber]( - [SumOfDigits](
- [VampireNumber](
## MinimizingLateness ## MinimizingLateness
* [MinimizingLateness](
- [MinimizingLateness](
## Misc ## Misc
* [ColorContrastRatio](
* [matrixTranspose]( - [ColorContrastRatio](
* [MedianOfRunningArray]( - [matrixTranspose](
* [PalindromePrime]( - [MedianOfRunningArray](
* [RangeInSortedArray]( - [PalindromePrime](
* [WordBoggle]( - [RangeInSortedArray](
- [WordBoggle](
## Others ## Others
* [BestFit](
* [BrianKernighanAlgorithm]( - [BestFit](
* [CountChar]( - [BrianKernighanAlgorithm](
* [CountWords]( - [CountChar](
* [CRC32]( - [CountWords](
* [CRCAlgorithm]( - [CRC32](
* [Dijkstra]( - [CRCAlgorithm](
* [EulersFunction]( - [Dijkstra](
* [FibToN]( - [EulersFunction](
* [FirstFit]( - [FibToN](
* [FloydTriangle]( - [FirstFit](
* [GuassLegendre]( - [FloydTriangle](
* [InsertDeleteInArray]( - [GuassLegendre](
* [KMP]( - [InsertDeleteInArray](
* [KochSnowflake]( - [KMP](
* [Krishnamurthy]( - [KochSnowflake](
* [LinearCongruentialGenerator]( - [Krishnamurthy](
* [LowestBasePalindrome]( - [LinearCongruentialGenerator](
* [Mandelbrot]( - [LowestBasePalindrome](
* [PasswordGen]( - [Mandelbrot](
* [PerlinNoise]( - [PasswordGen](
* [QueueUsingTwoStacks]( - [PerlinNoise](
* [RabinKarp]( - [QueueUsingTwoStacks](
* [RemoveDuplicateFromString]( - [RabinKarp](
* RestrictedTowerOfHanoi - [RemoveDuplicateFromString](
* Main - RestrictedTowerOfHanoi
* [Hanoi]( - Main
* [ReturnSubsequence]( - [Hanoi](
* [ReverseStackUsingRecursion]( - [ReturnSubsequence](
* [RootPrecision]( - [ReverseStackUsingRecursion](
* [RotateMatriceBy90Degree]( - [RootPrecision](
* [SieveOfEratosthenes]( - [RotateMatriceBy90Degree](
* [SJF]( - [SieveOfEratosthenes](
* [SkylineProblem]( - [SJF](
* [StackPostfixNotation]( - [SkylineProblem](
* [StringMatchFiniteAutomata]( - [StackPostfixNotation](
* [ThreeSum]( - [StringMatchFiniteAutomata](
* [TopKWords]( - [ThreeSum](
* [TowerOfHanoi]( - [TopKWords](
* [TwoPointers]( - [TowerOfHanoi](
* [WorstFit]( - [TwoPointers](
- [WorstFit](
## Searches ## Searches
* [BinarySearch](
* [InterpolationSearch]( - [BinarySearch](
* [IterativeBinarySearch]( - [InterpolationSearch](
* [IterativeTernarySearch]( - [IterativeBinarySearch](
* [JumpSearch]( - [IterativeTernarySearch](
* [LinearSearch]( - [JumpSearch](
* [PerfectBinarySearch]( - [LinearSearch](
* [SaddlebackSearch]( - [PerfectBinarySearch](
* [SearchAlgorithm]( - [SaddlebackSearch](
* [TernarySearch]( - [SearchAlgorithm](
- [TernarySearch](
## Sorts ## Sorts
* [BitonicSort](
* [BogoSort]( - [BitonicSort](
* [BubbleSort]( - [BogoSort](
* [BubbleSortRecursion]( - [BubbleSort](
* [BucketSort]( - [BubbleSortRecursion](
* [CocktailShakerSort]( - [BucketSort](
* [CombSort]( - [CocktailShakerSort](
* [CountingSort]( - [CombSort](
* [CycleSort]( - [CountingSort](
* [GnomeSort]( - [CycleSort](
* [HeapSort]( - [GnomeSort](
* [InsertionSort]( - [HeapSort](
* [MergeSort]( - [InsertionSort](
* [PancakeSort]( - [MergeSort](
* [QuickSort]( - [PancakeSort](
* [RadixSort]( - [QuickSort](
* [SelectionSort]( - [RadixSort](
* [ShellSort]( - [SelectionSort](
* [SortAlgorithm]( - [ShellSort](
* [SortUtils]( - [SortAlgorithm](
* [TimSort]( - [SortUtils](
- [TimSort](
## Strings ## Strings
* [Alphabetical](
* [CharactersSame]( - [Alphabetical](
* [CheckAnagrams]( - [CharactersSame](
* [CheckVowels]( - [CheckAnagrams](
* [HorspoolSearch]( - [CheckVowels](
* [Lower]( - [HorspoolSearch](
* [Palindrome]( - [Lower](
* [Pangram]( - [Palindrome](
* [ReverseString]( - [Pangram](
* [Rotation]( - [ReverseString](
* [Upper]( - [Rotation](
- [Upper](

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
stack is an ADT (abstract data type ) that act like list of objects but there is a diffrents. stack is an ADT (abstract data type ) that act like list of objects but there is a diffrents.
stack act is *LIFO* (Last In First Out), it means that when we want to get an element from the stack we get the last element in the stack. stack act is _LIFO_ (Last In First Out), it means that when we want to get an element from the stack we get the last element in the stack.
stack is bast on two methods ( functions) stack is bast on two methods ( functions)
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ for example: we have `1, 3, 5` in stack, then we call push(9),
`9` will add to last index of stack -> `1, 3, 5 , 9` `9` will add to last index of stack -> `1, 3, 5 , 9`
**pop**: remove the last element from stack. **pop**: remove the last element from stack.
for example: we have `1, 3, 5 , 9` in stack, then we call pop(), for example: we have `1, 3, 5 , 9` in stack, then we call pop(),

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@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ From [Wikipedia][binary-wiki]: 이진 탐색, (also known as half-interval searc
## 나머지 알고리즘에 대한 링크 ## 나머지 알고리즘에 대한 링크
| 전환 | 다이나믹프로그래밍(DP) | 암호 | 그 외 것들 | | 전환 | 다이나믹프로그래밍(DP) | 암호 | 그 외 것들 |
| --------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| [Any Base to Any Base](Conversions/ | [Coin Change](DynamicProgramming/ | [Caesar](Ciphers/ | [Heap Sort](Sorts/ | | [Any Base to Any Base](Conversions/ | [Coin Change](DynamicProgramming/ | [Caesar](Ciphers/ | [Heap Sort](Sorts/ |
| [Any Base to Decimal](Conversions/ | [Egg Dropping](DynamicProgramming/ | [Columnar Transposition Cipher](Ciphers/ | [Palindromic Prime Checker](Misc/ | | [Any Base to Decimal](Conversions/ | [Egg Dropping](DynamicProgramming/ | [Columnar Transposition Cipher](Ciphers/ | [Palindromic Prime Checker](Misc/ |
| [Binary to Decimal](Conversions/ | [Fibonacci](DynamicProgramming/ | [RSA](Ciphers/ | More soon... | | [Binary to Decimal](Conversions/ | [Fibonacci](DynamicProgramming/ | [RSA](Ciphers/ | More soon... |
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ From [Wikipedia][binary-wiki]: 이진 탐색, (also known as half-interval searc
### 자료 구조 ### 자료 구조
| 그래프 | 힙 | 리스트 | 큐 | | 그래프 | 힙 | 리스트 | 큐 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | [빈 힙 예외처리](DataStructures/Heaps/ | [원형 연결리스트](DataStructures/Lists/ | [제너릭 어레이 리스트 큐](DataStructures/Queues/ | | | [빈 힙 예외처리](DataStructures/Heaps/ | [원형 연결리스트](DataStructures/Lists/ | [제너릭 어레이 리스트 큐](DataStructures/Queues/ |
| | [](DataStructures/Heaps/ | [이중 연결리스트](DataStructures/Lists/ | [](DataStructures/Queues/ | | | [](DataStructures/Heaps/ | [이중 연결리스트](DataStructures/Lists/ | [](DataStructures/Queues/ |
| [그래프](DataStructures/Graphs/ | [힙 요소](DataStructures/Heaps/ | [단순 연결리스트](DataStructures/Lists/ | | [그래프](DataStructures/Graphs/ | [힙 요소](DataStructures/Heaps/ | [단순 연결리스트](DataStructures/Lists/ |

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
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