package DataStructures.Trees; /** * * *
An implementation of BST iteratively. Binary Search Tree is a binary tree which satisfies
* three properties: left child is less than root node, right child is grater than root node, both
* left and right childs must themselves be a BST.
* @author [Lakhan Nad](
import java.util.Stack;
public class BSTIterative {
/** Reference for the node of BST. */
private Node root;
/** Default Constructor Initializes the root of BST with null. */
BSTIterative() {
root = null;
/** main function for tests */
public static void main(String[] args) {
BSTIterative tree = new BSTIterative();
assert !tree.find(4) : "4 is not yet present in BST";
assert tree.find(2) : "2 should be present in BST";
assert !tree.find(2) : "2 was just deleted from BST";
assert !tree.find(1) : "Since 1 was not present so find deleting would do no change";
assert tree.find(40) : "40 was inserted but not found";
Will print following order
3 9 30 40
* A method to insert a new value in BST. If the given value is already present in BST the
* insertion is ignored.
* @param data the value to be inserted
public void add(int data) {
Node parent = null;
Node temp = this.root;
int rightOrLeft = -1;
/* Finds the proper place this node can
* be placed in according to rules of BST.
while (temp != null) {
if ( > data) {
parent = temp;
temp = parent.left;
rightOrLeft = 0;
} else if ( < data) {
parent = temp;
temp = parent.right;
rightOrLeft = 1;
} else {
System.out.println(data + " is already present in BST.");
return; // if data already present we ignore insertion
/* Creates a newNode with the value passed
* Since this data doesn't already exists
Node newNode = new Node(data);
/* If the parent node is null
* then the insertion is to be done in
* root itself.
if (parent == null) {
this.root = newNode;
} else {
/* Check if insertion is to be made in
* left or right subtree.
if (rightOrLeft == 0) {
parent.left = newNode;
} else {
parent.right = newNode;
* A method to delete the node in BST. If node is present it will be deleted
* @param data the value that needs to be deleted
public void remove(int data) {
Node parent = null;
Node temp = this.root;
int rightOrLeft = -1;
/* Find the parent of the node and node itself
* That is to be deleted.
* parent variable store parent
* temp stores node itself.
* rightOrLeft use to keep track weather child
* is left or right subtree
while (temp != null) {
if ( == data) {
} else if ( > data) {
parent = temp;
temp = parent.left;
rightOrLeft = 0;
} else {
parent = temp;
temp = parent.right;
rightOrLeft = 1;
/* If temp is null than node with given value is not
* present in our tree.
if (temp != null) {
Node replacement; // used to store the new values for replacing nodes
if (temp.right == null && temp.left == null) { // Leaf node Case
replacement = null;
} else if (temp.right == null) { // Node with only right child
replacement = temp.left;
temp.left = null;
} else if (temp.left == null) { // Node with only left child
replacement = temp.right;
temp.right = null;
} else {
/* If both left and right child are present
* we replace this nodes data with
* leftmost node's data in its right subtree
* to maintain the balance of BST.
* And then delete that node
if (temp.right.left == null) { =;
replacement = temp;
temp.right = temp.right.right;
} else {
Node parent2 = temp.right;
Node child = temp.right.left;
while (child.left != null) {
parent2 = child;
child = parent2.left;
} =;
parent2.left = child.right;
replacement = temp;
/* Change references of parent after
* deleting the child.
if (parent == null) {
this.root = replacement;
} else {
if (rightOrLeft == 0) {
parent.left = replacement;
} else {
parent.right = replacement;
/** A method for inorder traversal of BST. */
public void inorder() {
if (this.root == null) {
System.out.println("This BST is empty.");
System.out.println("Inorder traversal of this tree is:");