package Sorts; import static Sorts.SortUtils.print; import java.util.List; /** *

Implementation of the Tree Sort algorithm

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* Tree Sort: A sorting algorithm which constructs a Binary Search Tree * using the unsorted data and then outputs the data by inorder traversal * of the tree. * * Reference: *

* * @author Madhur Panwar ( */ public class TreeSort implements SortAlgorithm { @Override public > T[] sort(T[] unsortedArray) { return doTreeSortArray(unsortedArray); } @Override public > List sort(List unsortedList) { return doTreeSortList(unsortedList); } private > T[] doTreeSortArray(T[] unsortedArray) { // create a generic BST tree DataStructures.Trees.BSTRecursiveGeneric tree = new DataStructures.Trees.BSTRecursiveGeneric(); // add all elements to the tree for(T element: unsortedArray) { tree.add(element); } // get the sorted list by inorder traversal of the tree List sortedList = tree.inorderSort(); // add the elements back to the initial array int i = 0; for(T element: sortedList) { unsortedArray[i++] = element; } // return the array return unsortedArray; } private > List doTreeSortList(List unsortedList) { // create a generic BST tree DataStructures.Trees.BSTRecursiveGeneric tree = new DataStructures.Trees.BSTRecursiveGeneric(); // add all elements to the tree for(T element: unsortedList) { tree.add(element); } // get the sorted list by inorder traversal of the tree and return it return tree.inorderSort(); } public static void main(String[] args) { TreeSort treeSort = new TreeSort(); // ==== Integer Array ======= System.out.println("Testing for Integer Array...."); Integer[] a = { 3, -7, 45, 1, 343, -5, 2, 9 }; System.out.print(String.format("%-10s", "unsorted: ")); print(a); a = treeSort.sort(a); System.out.print(String.format("%-10s", "sorted: ")); print(a); System.out.println(); // ==== Integer List ======= System.out.println("Testing for Integer List...."); List intList = List.of(3, -7, 45, 1, 343, -5, 2, 9); System.out.print(String.format("%-10s", "unsorted: ")); print(intList); intList = treeSort.sort(intList); System.out.print(String.format("%-10s", "sorted: ")); print(intList); System.out.println(); // ==== String Array ======= System.out.println("Testing for String Array...."); String[] b = { "banana", "berry", "orange", "grape", "peach", "cherry", "apple", "pineapple" }; System.out.print(String.format("%-10s", "unsorted: ")); print(b); b = treeSort.sort(b); System.out.print(String.format("%-10s", "sorted: ")); print(b); System.out.println(); // ==== String List ======= System.out.println("Testing for String List...."); List stringList = List.of("banana", "berry", "orange", "grape", "peach", "cherry", "apple", "pineapple"); System.out.print(String.format("%-10s", "unsorted: ")); print(stringList); stringList = treeSort.sort(stringList); System.out.print(String.format("%-10s", "sorted: ")); print(stringList); } }