
111 lines
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package heaps;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Heap tree where a node's key is higher than or equal to its parent's and lower than or equal
* to its children's.
* @author Nicolas Renard
public class MaxHeap implements Heap {
private final List<HeapElement> maxHeap;
public MaxHeap(List<HeapElement> listElements) throws Exception {
maxHeap = new ArrayList<HeapElement>();
for (HeapElement heapElement : listElements) {
if (heapElement != null) insertElement(heapElement);
else System.out.println("Null element. Not added to heap");
if (maxHeap.size() == 0) System.out.println("No element has been added, empty heap.");
// Get the element at a given index. The key for the list is equal to index value - 1
public HeapElement getElement(int elementIndex) {
if ((elementIndex <= 0) && (elementIndex > maxHeap.size())) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index out of heap range");
return maxHeap.get(elementIndex - 1);
// Get the key of the element at a given index
private double getElementKey(int elementIndex) {
return maxHeap.get(elementIndex - 1).getKey();
// Swaps two elements in the heap
private void swap(int index1, int index2) {
HeapElement temporaryElement = maxHeap.get(index1 - 1);
maxHeap.set(index1 - 1, maxHeap.get(index2 - 1));
maxHeap.set(index2 - 1, temporaryElement);
// Toggle an element up to its right place as long as its key is lower than its parent's
private void toggleUp(int elementIndex) {
double key = maxHeap.get(elementIndex - 1).getKey();
while (getElementKey((int) Math.floor(elementIndex/2)) < key) {
swap(elementIndex, (int) Math.floor(elementIndex/2));
elementIndex = (int) Math.floor(elementIndex/2);
// Toggle an element down to its right place as long as its key is higher
// than any of its children's
private void toggleDown(int elementIndex) {
double key = maxHeap.get(elementIndex - 1).getKey();
boolean wrongOrder = (key < getElementKey(elementIndex*2)) || (key < getElementKey(Math.min(elementIndex*2, maxHeap.size())));
while ((2*elementIndex <= maxHeap.size()) && wrongOrder) {
// Check whether it shall swap the element with its left child or its right one if any.
if ((2*elementIndex < maxHeap.size()) && (getElementKey(elementIndex*2 + 1) > getElementKey(elementIndex*2))) {
swap(elementIndex, 2*elementIndex + 1);
elementIndex = 2*elementIndex + 1;
else {
swap(elementIndex, 2*elementIndex);
elementIndex = 2*elementIndex;
wrongOrder = (key < getElementKey(elementIndex*2)) || (key < getElementKey(Math.min(elementIndex*2, maxHeap.size())));
private HeapElement extractMax() {
HeapElement result = maxHeap.get(0);
return result;
public void insertElement(HeapElement element) {
public void deleteElement(int elementIndex) {
if (isempty(maxHeap)) throw new EmptyHeapException("Attempt to delete an element from an empty heap");
if ((elementIndex > maxHeap.size()) && (elementIndex <= 0)) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index out of heap range");
// The last element in heap replaces the one to be deleted
maxHeap.set(elementIndex - 1, getElement(maxHeap.size()));
// Shall the new element be moved up...
if (getElementKey(elementIndex) > getElementKey((int) Math.floor(elementIndex/2))) toggleUp(elementIndex);
// ... or down ?
else if (((2*elementIndex <= maxHeap.size()) && (getElementKey(elementIndex) < getElementKey(elementIndex*2))) ||
((2*elementIndex < maxHeap.size()) && (getElementKey(elementIndex) < getElementKey(elementIndex*2)))) toggleDown(elementIndex);
public HeapElement getElement() throws EmptyHeapException {
try {
return extractMax();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new EmptyHeapException("Heap is empty. Error retrieving element");