Add fastlane metadata to crowdin config and pull translations (#1130)

Add fastlane metadata to crowdin config for translation

close #1129

Co-authored-by: 6543 <>
Co-authored-by: qwerty287 <>
Co-authored-by: qwerty287 <>
Reviewed-by: qwerty287 <>
Co-authored-by: 6543 <>
Co-committed-by: 6543 <>
This commit is contained in:
6543 2022-05-15 15:25:33 +02:00 committed by M M Arif
parent cddfad8d44
commit 7ae2619603
846 changed files with 9515 additions and 1945 deletions

View File

@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ pipeline:
event: [ push, tag ]
branch: main
path: [ app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml ]
path: [ app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml, fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/*.txt ]

View File

@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- menu items -->
<string name="navMyRepos">My Repositories</string>
<string name="navStarredRepos">Starred Repositories</string>
<string name="navRepos">Repositories</string>
<string name="navProfile">Profile</string>
<string name="navSettings">Settings</string>
<string name="navOrg">Organizations</string>
<string name="navAbout">About</string>
<string name="navRate">Rate GitNex</string>
<string name="navLogout">Logout</string>
<string name="navAdministration">Administration</string>
<!-- menu items -->
<!-- page titles -->
<string name="pageTitleNewRepo">New Repository</string>
<string name="pageTitleIssues">Issues</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateOrganization">New Organization</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateMilestone">New Milestone</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateNewIssue">New Issue</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateLabel">New Label</string>
<string name="pageTitleCredits">Credits</string>
<string name="pageTitleChooseBranch">Select Branch</string>
<string name="pageTitleLabelUpdate">Update Label</string>
<string name="pageTitleStarredRepos">Starred Repositories</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateTeam">New Team</string>
<string name="pageTitleAddEmail">Add Email Address</string>
<string name="pageTitleNewFile">New File</string>
<string name="pageTitleExplore">Explore</string>
<string name="pageTitleAdministration">Gitea Administration</string>
<string name="pageTitleNewPullRequest">New Pull Request</string>
<string name="pageTitleUsers">Users</string>
<!-- page titles -->
<string name="repoName">Demo repo</string>
<string name="repoDescription">Demo description</string>
<string name="noData">No repositories found</string>
<string name="orgName">Demo organization</string>
<string name="noDataOrg">No organizations found</string>
<string name="newCreateButtonCopy">Create</string>
<string name="newUpdateButtonCopy">Update</string>
<string name="newRepoTintCopy">Repository Name</string>
<string name="newRepoDescTintCopy">Repository Description</string>
<string name="newRepoPrivateCopy">Private</string>
<string name="newRepoOwner">Owner</string>
<string name="newOrgTintCopy">Organization Name</string>
<string name="newOrgDescTintCopy">Organization Description</string>
<string name="userName">Username</string>
<string name="passWord">Password</string>
<string name="btnLogin">LOGIN</string>
<string name="instanceUrl">Instance URL</string>
<string name="navigationDrawerOpen">Open Navigation Drawer</string>
<string name="navigationDrawerClose">Close Navigation Drawer</string>
<string name="logo">Login to Gitea</string>
<string name="protocol">Protocol</string>
<string name="urlInfoTooltip">1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter Gitea url e.g: \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.</string>
<string name="malformedUrl">Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors</string>
<string name="protocolError">It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network</string>
<string name="malformedJson">Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful</string>
<string name="emptyFieldURL">Instance URL is required</string>
<string name="emptyFieldUsername">Username is required</string>
<string name="emptyFieldPassword">Password is required</string>
<string name="protocolEmptyError">Protocol is required</string>
<string name="checkNetConnection">Cannot access network, please check your Internet connection</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorEmpty">Repository name is empty</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorInvalid">Repository name is not valid. [a&#8211;z A&#8211;Z 0&#8211;9 &#8211; _]</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorReservedName">Repository name is reserved</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorReservedPatterns">Repository name contains reserved keywords</string>
<string name="repoDescError">Repository description exceeds the max 255 characters limit</string>
<string name="repoCreated">Repository created successfully</string>
<string name="repoCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="repoExistsError">Repository of this name already exists under selected Owner</string>
<string name="repoOwnerError">Select owner for the repository</string>
<string name="orgNameErrorEmpty">Organization name is empty</string>
<string name="orgNameErrorInvalid">Organization name is not valid, [a&#8211;z A&#8211;Z 0&#8211;9 &#8211; _]</string>
<string name="orgDescError">Organization description exceeds the max 255 characters limit</string>
<string name="orgCreated">Organization created successfully</string>
<string name="orgCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="orgExistsError">Organization already exists</string>
<string name="diffStatistics">%s addition(s) and %s deletion(s)</string>
<string name="processingText">Processing</string>
<string name="search">Search</string>
<string name="close">Close</string>
<string name="addNewContent">Add</string>
<string name="orgContentAvatar">Org</string>
<string name="repoContentAvatar">Repo</string>
<string name="privateAvatar">Pri</string>
<string name="removeContent">Remove</string>
<string name="genericApiStatusError">Instance has returned an error. Code\u0020</string>
<string name="tabTextInfo">Details</string>
<string name="tabTextFiles">Files</string>
<string name="tabTextMl">Milestones</string>
<string name="tabTextReleases">Releases</string>
<string name="tabTextBranches">Branches</string>
<string name="tabTextLabels">Labels</string>
<string name="tabTextCollaborators">Collaborators</string>
<string name="tabPullRequests">Pull Requests</string>
<string name="noDataIssueTab">No issues found</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoSize">Size</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoDefaultBranch">Default Branch</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoSshUrl">SSH URL</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoCloneUrl">Clone URL</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoRepoUrl">Repo URL</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoForksCount">Forks</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoCreatedAt">Created</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoUpdatedAt">Last Updated</string>
<string name="infoShowMoreInformation">Show More Information</string>
<string name="infoMoreInformation">More Information</string>
<string name="timeAtText">at</string>
<string name="createdText">Opened\u0020</string>
<string name="issueCreator">Creator :\u0020</string>
<string name="issueCommenter">Commenter:\u0020</string>
<string name="issueMilestone">Milestone %1$s</string>
<string name="dueDate">Due on %1$s</string>
<string name="assignedTo">Assigned to: %1$s</string>
<string name="commentButtonText">Comment</string>
<string name="commentEmptyError">Please write your comment</string>
<string name="commentSuccess">Comment posted</string>
<string name="commentError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="featureDeprecated">This function will be removed in the future</string>
<string name="generalImgContentText">Image</string>
<string name="noDataMilestonesTab">No milestones found</string>
<string name="commitAuthor">Commit author: %1$s</string>
<string name="releaseDownloadText">Downloads</string>
<string name="noDataReleasesTab">No releases found</string>
<string name="releasePublishedBy">Published by @%1$s</string>
<string name="noReleaseBodyContent">Release notes are not provided by the publisher.</string>
<string name="noDataCollaboratorTab">No collaborators found</string>
<string name="newMilestoneTitle">Title</string>
<string name="newMilestoneDescription">Description</string>
<string name="newMilestoneDueDate">Due Date</string>
<string name="milestoneNameErrorEmpty">Milestone title is empty</string>
<string name="milestoneDescError">Milestone description exceeds the max 255 characters limit</string>
<string name="milestoneCreated">Milestone created successfully</string>
<string name="milestoneCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="milestoneDateEmpty">Please choose due date</string>
<string name="milestoneNoDueDate">No due date</string>
<string name="milestoneNoDescription">No description</string>
<string name="milestoneIssueStatusOpen">%1$d Open</string>
<string name="milestoneIssueStatusClosed">%1$d Closed</string>
<string name="selectMilestone">Select Milestone</string>
<string name="newIssueSelectAssigneesListTitle">Select Assignees</string>
<string name="newIssueSelectLabelsListTitle">Select Labels</string>
<string name="newIssueTitle">Title</string>
<string name="newIssueAssigneesListTitle">Assignees</string>
<string name="newIssueDescriptionTitle">Description</string>
<string name="newIssueDueDateTitle">Due Date</string>
<string name="newIssueMilestoneTitle">Milestone</string>
<string name="newIssueLabelsTitle">Labels</string>
<string name="issueTitleEmpty">Issue title is empty</string>
<string name="issueDescriptionEmpty">Issue description is empty</string>
<string name="issueCreated">New issue created successfully</string>
<string name="issueCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="issueCreatedNoMilestone">No milestone</string>
<string name="noAssigneesFound">No assignees found</string>
<string name="noLabelsFound">No labels found</string>
<!-- settings -->
<string name="settingsLanguageHeaderText">Translation</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSystem">System</string>
<string name="settingsSecurityHeader">Security</string>
<string name="settingsCertsSelectorHeader">Delete Trusted Certificates</string>
<string name="settingsCertsPopupTitle">Delete Trusted Certificates?</string>
<string name="settingsCertsPopupMessage">Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeHeaderText">Date &amp; Time</string>
<string name="settingsSave">Settings saved</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectorHeader">Language</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectedHeaderDefault">English</string>
<string name="settingsAppearanceHeader">Appearance</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeHeaderDefault">Pretty</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeNormal">Normal</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectorDialogTitle">Choose Language</string>
<string name="settingsLightThemeTimeSelectorHeader">Light Theme Switch Time</string>
<string name="settingsDarkThemeTimeSelectorHeader">Dark Theme Switch Time</string>
<string name="settingsTimeSelectorDialogTitle">Choose Time Format</string>
<string name="settingsHelpTranslateText">Translate GitNex via Crowdin</string>
<string name="codeBlockHeaderText">Code Block Color</string>
<string name="settingsCodeBlockSelectorDialogTitle">Code Block Color Selector</string>
<string name="settingsHomeScreenHeaderText">Home Screen</string>
<string name="settingsHomeScreenSelectedText">My Repositories</string>
<string name="settingsHomeScreenSelectorDialogTitle">Select Home Screen</string>
<string name="settingsCustomFontHeaderText">Font</string>
<string name="settingsCustomFontSelectorDialogTitle">Choose Font</string>
<string name="themeSelectorDialogTitle">Select App Theme</string>
<string name="themeSelectionHeaderText">Theme</string>
<string name="settingsCounterBadges">Counter Badges</string>
<string name="settingsFileViewerSourceCodeHeaderText">Source Code Theme</string>
<string name="cacheSizeDataDialogHeader">Data Cache Size</string>
<string name="cacheSizeDataSelectionHeaderText">Data Cache Size</string>
<string name="cacheSizeImagesDialogHeader">Images Cache Size</string>
<string name="cacheSizeImagesSelectionHeaderText">Images Cache Size</string>
<string name="clearCacheSelectionHeaderText">Clear Cache</string>
<string name="clearCacheDialogHeader">Clear Cache?</string>
<string name="clearCacheDialogMessage">This will delete all the cache data including files and images.\n\nProceed with deletion?</string>
<string name="draftsHeader">Drafts</string>
<string name="draftsHintText">Comments draft</string>
<string name="settingsEnableCommentsDeletionText">Enable Drafts Deletion</string>
<string name="settingsEnableCommentsDeletionHintText">Delete comment draft when comment is posted</string>
<string name="settingsGeneralHeader">General</string>
<string name="generalHintText">Home screen, default link handler</string>
<string name="generalDeepLinkDefaultScreen">Default Link Handler</string>
<string name="generalDeepLinkDefaultScreenHintText">Choose what screen should be loaded if the app cannot handle external links. It will redirect you automatically.</string>
<string name="generalDeepLinkSelectedText">N/A</string>
<string name="linkSelectorDialogTitle">Select Default Link Handler Screen</string>
<string name="settingsBiometricHeader">Biometric Support</string>
<!-- settings -->
<string name="noMoreData">No more data available</string>
<string name="createLabel">New Label</string>
<string name="menuTitleText">Repo Menu</string>
<string name="labelName">Label Name</string>
<string name="labelColor">Label Color</string>
<string name="labelEmptyError">Label name is empty</string>
<string name="labelNameError">Label name is not valid</string>
<string name="labelCreated">Label created.</string>
<string name="labelGeneralError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="labelUpdated">Label updated.</string>
<string name="noDataLabelsTab">No labels found</string>
<string name="labelMenuContentDesc">Desc</string>
<string name="labelDeleteText">Label deleted</string>
<string name="labelDeleteErrorText">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="noDataBranchesTab">No branches found</string>
<string name="selectBranchError">Select a branch for release</string>
<string name="alertDialogTokenRevokedTitle">Authorization Error</string>
<string name="alertDialogTokenRevokedMessage">It seems that the Access Token is revoked OR your are not allowed to see these contents.\n\nIn case of revoked Token, please logout and login again</string>
<string name="labelDeleteTitle">Delete %s</string>
<string name="labelDeleteMessage">Do you really want to delete this label?</string>
<!-- org tabbed layout str -->
<string name="orgTabRepos">Repositories</string>
<string name="orgTabTeams">Teams</string>
<string name="orgTabMembers">Members</string>
<string name="orgCreateTeam">New Team</string>
<string name="noDataTeams">No teams found</string>
<string name="teamTitle">Team name</string>
<string name="teamDescription">Team desc</string>
<string name="teamPermissions">Permissions</string>
<string name="teamPermissionNone">• Members of this team do not have any permissions.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionRead">• Members of this team can view team repositories.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionWrite">• Members of this team can view and push to team repositories.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionAdmin">• Members of this team can push to and from team repositories and add collaborators.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionOwner">• Members of this team have owner permissions.</string>
<string name="teamShowAll">show all</string>
<string name="noDataMembers">No members found</string>
<string name="orgMember">Org members</string>
<string name="orgTeamMembers">Organization team members</string>
<string name="addNewMember">Add / Remove New Member</string>
<string name="removeTeamMemberTitle">Remove\u0020</string>
<string name="addTeamMemberTitle">Add\u0020</string>
<string name="addTeamMemberMessage">Do you want to add this user to the team?</string>
<string name="removeTeamMemberMessage">Do you want to remove this user from the team?</string>
<string name="memberAddedMessage">Member added to the team successfully</string>
<string name="memberRemovedMessage">Member removed from the team successfully</string>
<!-- org tabbed layout str -->
<!-- create team -->
<string name="newTeamTitle">Team Name</string>
<string name="newTeamDesc">Description</string>
<string name="newTeamPermission">Permission</string>
<string name="newTeamAccessControls">Access Controls</string>
<string name="newTeamPermissionRead">Members can view and clone team repositories</string>
<string name="newTeamPermissionWrite">Members can read and push to team repositories</string>
<string name="newTeamPermissionAdmin">Members can pull and push to team repositories and add collaborators to them</string>
<string name="teamNameEmpty">Please enter team name</string>
<string name="teamNameError">Team name should contain only alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore (_) and dot (.) characters</string>
<string name="teamPermissionEmpty">Please select permission</string>
<string name="teamDescError">Team description have illegal characters</string>
<string name="teamDescLimit">Team description have more than 100 characters</string>
<string name="teamCreated">Team created successfully</string>
<string name="teamCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<!-- create team -->
<!-- issue comments -->
<string name="editCommentTitle">Edit Comment</string>
<string name="editCommentUpdatedText">Comment updated</string>
<string name="issueCommentShare">Share Comment</string>
<string name="deleteCommentSuccess">Comment deleted successfully</string>
<string name="copyCommentText">Copy Comment</string>
<!-- issue comments -->
<!-- add collaborator -->
<string name="addCollaboratorTitle">Add / Remove Collaborator</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorSearchHint">Search users</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorViewUserDesc">Username</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorDialogTitle">Remove %s?</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorMessage">Do you want to remove this user from the repository?</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorToastText">User removed from the repository.</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorToastText">User added to the repository.</string>
<!-- add collaborator -->
<!-- profile section -->
<string name="profileTabFollowers">Followers</string>
<string name="profileTabFollowing">Following</string>
<string name="profileCreateNewEmailAddress">Add Email Address</string>
<string name="profileEmailTitle">Email Address</string>
<string name="emailAddedText">New email added successfully</string>
<string name="emailErrorEmpty">Email address is empty</string>
<string name="emailErrorInvalid">Email address is not valid</string>
<string name="emailErrorInUse">Email address is already in use</string>
<string name="emailTypeText">Primary</string>
<string name="profileTabEmails">Emails</string>
<!-- profile section -->
<!-- single issue section -->
<string name="singleIssueEditLabels">Add / Remove Labels</string>
<string name="labelsUpdated">Labels updated</string>
<string name="closeIssue">Close Issue</string>
<string name="editIssue">Edit Issue</string>
<string name="reOpenIssue">Reopen Issue</string>
<string name="issueStateClosed">Issue closed</string>
<string name="issueStateReopened">Issue reopened</string>
<string name="addRemoveAssignees">Add / Remove Assignees</string>
<string name="assigneesUpdated">Assignees updated</string>
<string name="singleIssueSubscribe">Subscribe</string>
<string name="singleIssueUnSubscribe">Unsubscribe</string>
<!-- single issue section -->
<string name="repoMetaData">Repository Meta</string>
<!-- admin -->
<string name="adminCreateNewUser">Add New User</string>
<string name="adminUsers">System Users</string>
<string name="userRoleAdmin">Admin</string>
<string name="adminCron">Cron Tasks</string>
<string name="adminCronScheduleHeader">Schedule</string>
<string name="adminCronNextRunHeader">Next Run</string>
<string name="adminCronLastRunHeader">Last Run</string>
<string name="adminCronExecutionHeader">Executions</string>
<string name="adminCronTaskSuccessMsg">Task %1$s is initiated successfully</string>
<!-- admin -->
<!-- create user -->
<string name="userFullNameText">Full Name</string>
<string name="userEmail">Email</string>
<string name="userUserName">Username</string>
<string name="userPassword">Password</string>
<string name="userInvalidFullName">Invalid Full Name</string>
<string name="userInvalidUserName">Invalid Username</string>
<string name="userInvalidEmail">Invalid Email</string>
<string name="userCreatedText">New user added successfully</string>
<string name="userExistsError">User already exists</string>
<!-- create user -->
<!-- edit issue -->
<string name="editIssueNavHeader">Edit Issue #%1$s</string>
<string name="editIssueSuccessMessage">Issue updated</string>
<!-- edit issue -->
<!-- release -->
<string name="createRelease">New Release</string>
<string name="releaseTagNameText">Tag Name</string>
<string name="releaseTitleText">Title</string>
<string name="releaseContentText">Content</string>
<string name="releaseTypeText">Mark as Pre-Release</string>
<string name="releaseBranchText">Select Branch</string>
<string name="releaseDraftText">Draft</string>
<string name="tagNameErrorEmpty">Tag name is empty</string>
<string name="titleErrorEmpty">Title is empty</string>
<string name="releaseCreatedText">New release created</string>
<!-- release -->
<string name="loginOTPTypeError">OTP code should be numbers</string>
<string name="loginOTP">OTP Code (Optional)</string>
<string name="otpMessage">Enter otp code if 2FA is enabled</string>
<string name="openWebRepo">Open in Browser</string>
<string name="repoStargazersInMenu">Stargazers</string>
<string name="repoWatchersInMenu">Watchers</string>
<string name="noDataWebsite">No website found</string>
<string name="noDataDescription">No description found</string>
<string name="noDataLocation">No location found</string>
<string name="starMember">Star</string>
<string name="watcherMember">Watcher</string>
<string name="zipArchiveDownloadReleasesTab">Source code (ZIP)</string>
<string name="tarArchiveDownloadReleasesTab">Source code (TAR.GZ)</string>
<!-- new file -->
<string name="newFileNameTintCopy">File Name</string>
<string name="newFileBranchTintCopy">New Branch Name</string>
<string name="newFileContentTintCopy">File Content</string>
<string name="newFileButtonCopy">Create New File</string>
<string name="newFileNameHintMessage">with folder: app/</string>
<string name="newFileMessageTintCopy">Commit Message</string>
<string name="newFileInvalidBranchName">Invalid branch name, may only contain &#8211;, a&#8211;z, 0&#8211;9</string>
<string name="newFileCommitMessageError">Commit message is too long</string>
<string name="newFileSuccessMessage">New file created</string>
<string name="newFileBranches">Select or create a branch</string>
<string name="newFileRequiredFields">Fields like filename, content and commit message are required</string>
<string name="newFileEmptyBranchMessage">Leave blank to push to the default branch</string>
<string name="newFileRequiredFieldNewBranchName">New branch name cannot be empty if current branch is not selected</string>
<string name="strFilter">Filter</string>
<string name="strSwitchBranches">Branches</string>
<string name="strMarkdown">Markdown</string>
<string name="copyIssueUrl">Copy Issue URL</string>
<string name="copyIssueUrlToastMsg">URL copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="copyIssueCommentToastMsg">Comment copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="milestoneCompletion">%1$d\uFF05 completed</string>
<!-- files -->
<string name="noDataFilesTab">No files found</string>
<string name="filesGenericError">Sorry this file cannot be viewed as API returned an error</string>
<string name="fileTypeCannotBeEdited">Files of this type cannot be edited</string>
<string name="notSupported">Not supported</string>
<!-- generic copy -->
<string name="okButton">OK</string>
<string name="doneButton">Done</string>
<string name="cancelButton">Cancel</string>
<string name="genericError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="apiNotFound">This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.</string>
<string name="noDataFound">No data found</string>
<string name="addButton">Add</string>
<string name="removeButton">Remove</string>
<string name="authorizeError">You are not authorized to perform this action.</string>
<string name="menuContentDesc">Menu</string>
<string name="menuEditText">Edit</string>
<string name="menuDeleteText">Delete</string>
<string name="menuCopyText">Copy</string>
<string name="menuQuoteText">Quote and Reply</string>
<string name="modifiedText">edited</string>
<string name="saveButton">Save</string>
<string name="websiteText">Website</string>
<string name="locationText">Location</string>
<string name="characters255Limit">Max 255 characters</string>
<string name="emptyFields">All fields are required</string>
<string name="textContinue">Continue</string>
<string name="copyToken">Token</string>
<string name="viewInBrowser">View in Browser</string>
<string name="isOpen">Open</string>
<string name="isClosed">Closed</string>
<string name="genericServerResponseError">We cannot reach the server at the moment, please check your server status and try again</string>
<string name="genericCopyUrl">Copy URL</string>
<string name="genericWaitFor">Hold on ☕</string>
<!-- generic copy -->
<string name="exploreUsers">Explore users</string>
<string name="exploreIssues">Explore issues</string>
<string name="exploreTextBoxHint">Explore repositories</string>
<string name="starRepository">Star Repository</string>
<string name="unStarRepository">Unstar Repository</string>
<string name="starRepositorySuccess">Repository added to starred list</string>
<string name="unStarRepositorySuccess">Repository removed from starred list</string>
<string name="watchRepository">Watch Repository</string>
<string name="unWatchRepository">Unwatch Repository</string>
<string name="watchRepositorySuccess">Repository added to watch list</string>
<string name="unWatchRepositorySuccess">Repository removed from watch list</string>
<string name="titleDrafts">Drafts</string>
<string name="versionUnsupportedOld">Unsupported old version(%1$s) of Gitea detected. Please update to latest stable version. If you continue, some features may not work.</string>
<string name="versionUnsupportedNew">New Gitea version detected! Please UPDATE GitNex!</string>
<string name="versionUnknown">No Gitea detected!</string>
<string name="versionAlertDialogHeader">Unsupported Version of Gitea</string>
<string name="loginViaPassword">Username / Password</string>
<string name="loginMethodText">Choose your preferred login method to access your account. Token is more secure!</string>
<string name="unauthorizedApiError">Instance has returned an error - Unauthorized. Check your credentials and try again</string>
<string name="loginTokenError">Token is required</string>
<string name="prDeletedFork">Deleted Fork</string>
<string name="noDataPullRequests">No pull requests found</string>
<string name="editPrText">Edit Pull Request</string>
<string name="copyPrUrlText">Copy Pull Request URL</string>
<string name="editPrNavHeader">Edit Pull Request #%1$s</string>
<string name="editPrSuccessMessage">Pull Request updated</string>
<string name="fileDiffViewHeader">%1$s Files Changed</string>
<string name="fileDiffViewHeaderSingle">%1$s File Changed</string>
<string name="updatePullRequestText">Update Pull Request</string>
<string name="openFileDiffText">Show Changed Files</string>
<string name="mergePullRequestText">Merge Pull Request</string>
<string name="deletePrHeadBranch">Delete head branch</string>
<string name="deleteBranchSuccess">Branch deleted successfully</string>
<string name="deleteBranchError">Could not delete branch</string>
<string name="deleteBranchErrorNotFound">Branch does not exist</string>
<string name="mergePullRequestButtonText">Merge</string>
<string name="deleteBranchAfterMerge">Delete branch after merge</string>
<string name="mergeNoteText">Merge may fail if you are not authorized to merge this Pull Request.</string>
<string name="mergeInfoDisabledMessage">Disabled Merge button means that there are conflicts OR other things to fix before Merge</string>
<string name="deleteBranchForkInfo">This branch belong to a forked repository</string>
<string name="mergeCommentText">Merge comment</string>
<string name="mergePRSuccessMsg">Pull Request was merged successfully</string>
<string name="mergePR404ErrorMsg">Pull Request is not available for merge</string>
<string name="mergeOptionMerge">Merge Pull Request</string>
<string name="mergeOptionRebase">Rebase and Merge</string>
<string name="mergeOptionRebaseCommit">Rebase and Merge (&#45;&#45;no-ff)</string>
<string name="mergeOptionSquash">Squash and Merge</string>
<string name="mergeStrategy">Merge Strategy</string>
<string name="selectMergeStrategy">Select merge strategy</string>
<string name="mergeNotAllowed">Not allowed to merge [Reason: Does not have enough approvals]</string>
<string name="downloadFile">Download This File</string>
<string name="waitLoadingDownloadFile">Please wait for the file to load to memory</string>
<string name="downloadFileSaved">File saved successfully</string>
<string name="excludeFilesInFileViewer">This file type/size is not supported in file viewer. You can download it from the menu.</string>
<string name="deleteFile">Delete This File</string>
<string name="editFile">Edit This File</string>
<string name="deleteFileText">Delete %1$s</string>
<string name="deleteFileMessage">File is set for deletion by branch %1$s</string>
<string name="editFileText">Edit %1$s</string>
<string name="editFileMessage">File is modified by branch %1$s</string>
<string name="sizeCopy">Size</string>
<string name="shareIssue">Share Issue</string>
<string name="sharePr">Share Pull Request</string>
<string name="shareRepository">Share Repository</string>
<string name="createRepository">Create Repository</string>
<string name="commitTitle">Commits</string>
<string name="commitAuthoredByAndCommittedByWhen"><![CDATA[<b>%s</b> authored and <b>%s</b> committed %s]]></string>
<string name="commitCommittedByWhen"><![CDATA[<b>%s</b> committed %s]]></string>
<string name="viewCommits">View Commits</string>
<!-- Memorizing Trust Manager -->
<string name="mtmNotification">Certificate Verification</string>
<string name="mtmAcceptCert">Accept Unknown Certificate?</string>
<string name="mtmTrustAnchor">The server certificate is not signed by a known Certificate Authority</string>
<string name="mtmCertExpired">The server certificate is expired.</string>
<string name="mtmAcceptServerName">Accept Mismatching Server Name?</string>
<string name="mtmHostnameMismatch">Server could not authenticate as \&quot;%s\&quot;. The certificate is only valid for:</string>
<string name="mtmConnectAnyway">Do you want to connect anyway?</string>
<string name="mtmCertDetails">Certificate details:</string>
<string name="mtmDecisionAlways">Trust</string>
<string name="mtmDecisionAbort">Abort</string>
<string name="subscribedSuccessfully">Subscribed successfully</string>
<string name="alreadySubscribed">You have already subscribed</string>
<string name="subscriptionError">Subscription failed</string>
<string name="unsubscribedSuccessfully">Unsubscribed successfully</string>
<string name="alreadyUnsubscribed">You have already Unsubscribed</string>
<string name="unSubscriptionError">Un-Subscription failed</string>
<string name="closeMilestone">Close Milestone</string>
<string name="openMilestone">Open Milestone</string>
<string name="milestoneStatusUpdate">Milestone status updated successfully</string>
<string name="errorOnLogin">We cannot reach the server, please check your server status</string>
<string name="reportViewerHeader">Crash Reports</string>
<string name="settingsEnableReportsText">Enable Crash Reports</string>
<string name="crashTitle">GitNex has stopped :(</string>
<string name="setCrashReports">Crash reports</string>
<string name="crashMessage">It is encouraged to open an issue at the project repository with how to reproduce this bug. It is easier to debug and fix the problem that way.\n\nTap the OK button to send the crash report by email instead. Additional content could be added in the email.\nThank you!</string>
<string name="forceLogoutDialogHeader">Please sign in again</string>
<string name="forceLogoutDialogDescription">Due to some major changes regarding the internal functioning of the app, we require you to login again. These changes allow us to make the app more flexible in the future.\n\nThank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.</string>
<string name="deleteAllDrafts">Delete All Drafts</string>
<string name="draftsListEmpty">No drafts found</string>
<string name="draftsDeleteSuccess">Drafts deleted successfully</string>
<string name="draftsSingleDeleteSuccess">Draft deleted successfully</string>
<string name="deleteAllDraftsDialogMessage">This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?</string>
<string name="draftSaved">Draft was saved automatically.</string>
<string name="appearanceHintText">Themes, fonts, badges</string>
<string name="securityHintText">Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache</string>
<string name="languagesHintText">Languages</string>
<string name="reportsHintText">Crash reports</string>
<string name="rateAppHintText">If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up</string>
<string name="aboutAppHintText">App version, build, user gitea version</string>
<string name="archivedRepository">Archived</string>
<string name="archivedRepositoryMessage">This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.</string>
<string name="accountDeletedMessage">Account deleted successfully</string>
<string name="removeAccountPopupTitle">Remove Account</string>
<string name="removeAccountPopupMessage">Are you sure you want to remove this account from the app?\n\nThis will remove all the data related to this account on the app only.</string>
<string name="addNewAccount">New Account</string>
<string name="addNewAccountText">Add New Account</string>
<string name="accountAlreadyExistsError">Account already exists in the app</string>
<string name="accountAddedMessage">Account added successfully</string>
<string name="switchAccountSuccess">Switched to account : %1$s@%2$s</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<string name="pageTitleNotifications">Notifications</string>
<string name="noDataNotifications">All caught up 🚀</string>
<string name="notificationsPollingHeaderText">Notifications Polling Delay</string>
<string name="pollingDelaySelectedText">%d Minutes</string>
<string name="pollingDelayDialogHeaderText">Select Polling Delay</string>
<string name="pollingDelayDialogDescriptionText">Choose a minutely delay in which GitNex tries to poll new notifications</string>
<string name="markAsRead">Mark as Read</string>
<string name="markAsUnread">Mark as Unread</string>
<string name="pinNotification">Pin Notification</string>
<string name="markedNotificationsAsRead">Successfully marked all notifications as read</string>
<string name="notificationsHintText">Polling delay, light, vibration</string>
<string name="enableNotificationsHeaderText">Enable Notifications</string>
<string name="enableLightsHeaderText">Enable Light</string>
<string name="enableVibrationHeaderText">Enable Vibration</string>
<string name="chooseColorSelectorHeader">Choose Color</string>
<string name="newMessages">New messages for %s</string>
<string name="youHaveGotNewNotifications">You\'ve got %d new notifications.</string>
<string name="mainNotificationChannelName">Notifications</string>
<string name="mainNotificationChannelDescription">This is the main notification channel of GitNex.</string>
<string name="isRead">Read</string>
<string name="isUnread">Unread</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTitle">Repository Settings</string>
<string name="repoSettingsEditProperties">Edit Properties</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDelete">Delete Repository</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDeleteHint">Be careful, this operation CANNOT be undone!</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesTemplate">Set as Template</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableIssues">Enable Issues</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesExternalIssuesUrl">External Issue Tracker Url</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableWiki">Enable Wiki</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesExternalWikiUrl">External Wiki Url</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnablePr">Enable Pull Requests</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableTimeTracker">Enable Time Tracker</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableMergeCommits">Enable Merge Commits</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableRebase">Enable Rebase</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableSquash">Enable Squash and Merge</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableForceMerge">Enable Rebase with Merge Commits (&#8212;&#8212;no-ff)</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesSaveSuccess">Repository properties updated successfully</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDeleteDescription">Things to know before deletion:\n\n- This operation CANNOT be undone.\n- This operation will permanently delete the repository including code, issues, comments, wiki data and collaborator settings.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDeleteError">Repository name does not match</string>
<string name="repoDeletionSuccess">Repository deleted successfully</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTransferOwnership">Transfer Ownership</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTransferOwnershipHint">Transfer this repository to a user or to an organization for which you have administrator rights</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTransferOwnershipDescription">Things to know before transfer:\n\n- You will lose access to the repository if you transfer it to an individual user.\n- You will keep access to the repository if you transfer it to an organization that you (co-)own.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation</string>
<string name="repoTransferText">Perform Transfer</string>
<string name="repoTransferOwnerText">New Owner</string>
<string name="repoTransferSuccess">Repository transferred successfully</string>
<string name="repoTransferOwnerError">New owner is required</string>
<string name="repoTransferError">There is a problem with the owner name. Make sure that the new owner exists</string>
<string name="exploreFilterDialogTitle">Filter Repositories</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeTopic">Search ONLY in Topic</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeDesc">Search in Description</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeArchive">Only Archived Repositories</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludePrivate">Only Private Repositories</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeTemplateRepos">Search in Template Repositories</string>
<string name="mergeIntoBranch">Merge Into</string>
<string name="pullFromBranch">Pull From</string>
<string name="sameBranchesError">These branches are equal. There is no need to create a pull request</string>
<string name="mergeIntoError">Merge into branch is required</string>
<string name="pullFromError">Pull from branch is required</string>
<string name="titleError">Title is required</string>
<string name="prCreateSuccess">Pull Request created successfully</string>
<string name="prAlreadyExists">A pull request between these branches already exists</string>
<string name="accountDoesNotExist">It seems that account for URI %1$s does not exists in the app. You can add one by tapping on the Add New Account button.</string>
<string name="launchApp">Go to App</string>
<string name="noActionText">GitNex cannot handle the requested resource, you can open an issue at the project repository as an improvement with providing details of the work. Just launch a default screen for now from the buttons below, it can be changed from settings.</string>
<string name="biometricAuthTitle">Biometric Authentication</string>
<string name="biometricAuthSubTitle">Unlock using your biometric credentials</string>
<string name="biometricNotSupported">No biometric features available on this device</string>
<string name="biometricNotAvailable">Biometric features are currently unavailable</string>
<string name="enrollBiometric">Enroll biometric from phone settings</string>
<string name="copyLoginIdToClipBoard">Login ID \'%s\' copied to clipboard</string>
<!-- file viewer activity -->
<string name="fileViewerNotificationTitleStarted">Download in progress</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationDescriptionStarted">Downloading %s</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationTitleFinished">Download successful</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationDescriptionFinished">Downloaded %s</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationTitleFailed">Download failed</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationDescriptionFailed">Couldn\'t download %s</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationChannelName">Download manager</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationChannelDescription">Indicates the progress of ongoing downloads</string>
<string name="lastUpdatedAt">Updated %s</string>
<string name="joined">Joined</string>
<string name="userFollow">Follow</string>
<string name="unfollowUser">Unfollow</string>
<string name="unfollowedUser">Unfollowed @%s</string>
<string name="nowFollowUser">You now follow @%s</string>
<string name="unfollowingFailed">Couldn\'t unfollow user</string>
<string name="followingFailed">Couldn\'t follow user</string>
<string name="updatePrConflict">The pull request conflicts with the base branch. Please resolve the conflicts and try again.</string>
<string name="updatePrSuccess">Pull Request updated successfully</string>
<string name="updateStrategyMerge">Merge</string>
<string name="updateStrategyRebase">Rebase</string>
<string name="selectUpdateStrategy">Select Update Strategy</string>
<string name="closePr">Close Pull Request</string>
<string name="reopenPr">Reopen Pull Request</string>
<string name="userAvatar">Avatar</string>
<string name="tags">Tags</string>
<string name="releasesTags">Releases/Tags</string>
<string name="create_tag">Create Tag Only</string>
<string name="tagCreated">Tag created</string>
<string name="asRef">Use as reference</string>
<string name="deleteTagConfirmation">Do you really want to delete this tag?</string>
<string name="deleteTagTitle">Delete tag %s</string>
<string name="tagDeleted">Tag deleted</string>
<string name="useCustomTabs">Use Custom Tabs</string>
<string name="browserOpenFailed">No application found to open this link. SSH URLs and URLs with another prefix the http:// or https:// are not supported by most browser</string>

View File

@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- menu items -->
<string name="navMyRepos">自分のリポジトリ</string>
<string name="navStarredRepos">Starred Repositories</string>
<string name="navRepos">リポジトリ</string>
<string name="navProfile">プロファイル</string>
<string name="navSettings">Settings</string>
<string name="navOrg">Organizations</string>
<string name="navAbout">About</string>
<string name="navRate">Rate GitNex</string>
<string name="navLogout">Logout</string>
<string name="navAdministration">Administration</string>
<!-- menu items -->
<!-- page titles -->
<string name="pageTitleNewRepo">New Repository</string>
<string name="pageTitleIssues">Issues</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateOrganization">New Organization</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateMilestone">New Milestone</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateNewIssue">New Issue</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateLabel">New Label</string>
<string name="pageTitleCredits">Credits</string>
<string name="pageTitleChooseBranch">Select Branch</string>
<string name="pageTitleLabelUpdate">Update Label</string>
<string name="pageTitleStarredRepos">Starred Repositories</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateTeam">New Team</string>
<string name="pageTitleAddEmail">Add Email Address</string>
<string name="pageTitleNewFile">New File</string>
<string name="pageTitleExplore">Explore</string>
<string name="pageTitleAdministration">Gitea Administration</string>
<string name="pageTitleNewPullRequest">New Pull Request</string>
<string name="pageTitleUsers">Users</string>
<!-- page titles -->
<string name="repoName">Demo repo</string>
<string name="repoDescription">Demo description</string>
<string name="noData">No repositories found</string>
<string name="orgName">Demo organization</string>
<string name="noDataOrg">No organizations found</string>
<string name="newCreateButtonCopy">Create</string>
<string name="newUpdateButtonCopy">Update</string>
<string name="newRepoTintCopy">Repository Name</string>
<string name="newRepoDescTintCopy">Repository Description</string>
<string name="newRepoPrivateCopy">Private</string>
<string name="newRepoOwner">Owner</string>
<string name="newOrgTintCopy">Organization Name</string>
<string name="newOrgDescTintCopy">Organization Description</string>
<string name="userName">Username</string>
<string name="passWord">Password</string>
<string name="btnLogin">LOGIN</string>
<string name="instanceUrl">Instance URL</string>
<string name="navigationDrawerOpen">Open Navigation Drawer</string>
<string name="navigationDrawerClose">Close Navigation Drawer</string>
<string name="logo">Login to Gitea</string>
<string name="protocol">Protocol</string>
<string name="urlInfoTooltip">1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter Gitea url e.g: \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.</string>
<string name="malformedUrl">Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors</string>
<string name="protocolError">It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network</string>
<string name="malformedJson">Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful</string>
<string name="emptyFieldURL">Instance URL is required</string>
<string name="emptyFieldUsername">Username is required</string>
<string name="emptyFieldPassword">Password is required</string>
<string name="protocolEmptyError">Protocol is required</string>
<string name="checkNetConnection">Cannot access network, please check your Internet connection</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorEmpty">Repository name is empty</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorInvalid">Repository name is not valid. [a&#8211;z A&#8211;Z 0&#8211;9 &#8211; _]</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorReservedName">Repository name is reserved</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorReservedPatterns">Repository name contains reserved keywords</string>
<string name="repoDescError">Repository description exceeds the max 255 characters limit</string>
<string name="repoCreated">Repository created successfully</string>
<string name="repoCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="repoExistsError">Repository of this name already exists under selected Owner</string>
<string name="repoOwnerError">Select owner for the repository</string>
<string name="orgNameErrorEmpty">Organization name is empty</string>
<string name="orgNameErrorInvalid">Organization name is not valid, [a&#8211;z A&#8211;Z 0&#8211;9 &#8211; _]</string>
<string name="orgDescError">Organization description exceeds the max 255 characters limit</string>
<string name="orgCreated">Organization created successfully</string>
<string name="orgCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="orgExistsError">Organization already exists</string>
<string name="diffStatistics">%s addition(s) and %s deletion(s)</string>
<string name="processingText">Processing</string>
<string name="search">Search</string>
<string name="close">Close</string>
<string name="addNewContent">Add</string>
<string name="orgContentAvatar">Org</string>
<string name="repoContentAvatar">Repo</string>
<string name="privateAvatar">Pri</string>
<string name="removeContent">Remove</string>
<string name="genericApiStatusError">Instance has returned an error. Code\u0020</string>
<string name="tabTextInfo">Details</string>
<string name="tabTextFiles">Files</string>
<string name="tabTextMl">Milestones</string>
<string name="tabTextReleases">Releases</string>
<string name="tabTextBranches">Branches</string>
<string name="tabTextLabels">Labels</string>
<string name="tabTextCollaborators">Collaborators</string>
<string name="tabPullRequests">Pull Requests</string>
<string name="noDataIssueTab">No issues found</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoSize">Size</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoDefaultBranch">Default Branch</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoSshUrl">SSH URL</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoCloneUrl">Clone URL</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoRepoUrl">Repo URL</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoForksCount">Forks</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoCreatedAt">Created</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoUpdatedAt">Last Updated</string>
<string name="infoShowMoreInformation">Show More Information</string>
<string name="infoMoreInformation">More Information</string>
<string name="timeAtText">at</string>
<string name="createdText">Opened\u0020</string>
<string name="issueCreator">Creator :\u0020</string>
<string name="issueCommenter">Commenter:\u0020</string>
<string name="issueMilestone">Milestone %1$s</string>
<string name="dueDate">Due on %1$s</string>
<string name="assignedTo">Assigned to: %1$s</string>
<string name="commentButtonText">Comment</string>
<string name="commentEmptyError">Please write your comment</string>
<string name="commentSuccess">Comment posted</string>
<string name="commentError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="featureDeprecated">This function will be removed in the future</string>
<string name="generalImgContentText">Image</string>
<string name="noDataMilestonesTab">No milestones found</string>
<string name="commitAuthor">Commit author: %1$s</string>
<string name="releaseDownloadText">Downloads</string>
<string name="noDataReleasesTab">No releases found</string>
<string name="releasePublishedBy">Published by @%1$s</string>
<string name="noReleaseBodyContent">Release notes are not provided by the publisher.</string>
<string name="noDataCollaboratorTab">No collaborators found</string>
<string name="newMilestoneTitle">Title</string>
<string name="newMilestoneDescription">Description</string>
<string name="newMilestoneDueDate">Due Date</string>
<string name="milestoneNameErrorEmpty">Milestone title is empty</string>
<string name="milestoneDescError">Milestone description exceeds the max 255 characters limit</string>
<string name="milestoneCreated">Milestone created successfully</string>
<string name="milestoneCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="milestoneDateEmpty">Please choose due date</string>
<string name="milestoneNoDueDate">No due date</string>
<string name="milestoneNoDescription">No description</string>
<string name="milestoneIssueStatusOpen">%1$d Open</string>
<string name="milestoneIssueStatusClosed">%1$d Closed</string>
<string name="selectMilestone">Select Milestone</string>
<string name="newIssueSelectAssigneesListTitle">Select Assignees</string>
<string name="newIssueSelectLabelsListTitle">Select Labels</string>
<string name="newIssueTitle">Title</string>
<string name="newIssueAssigneesListTitle">Assignees</string>
<string name="newIssueDescriptionTitle">Description</string>
<string name="newIssueDueDateTitle">Due Date</string>
<string name="newIssueMilestoneTitle">Milestone</string>
<string name="newIssueLabelsTitle">Labels</string>
<string name="issueTitleEmpty">Issue title is empty</string>
<string name="issueDescriptionEmpty">Issue description is empty</string>
<string name="issueCreated">New issue created successfully</string>
<string name="issueCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="issueCreatedNoMilestone">No milestone</string>
<string name="noAssigneesFound">No assignees found</string>
<string name="noLabelsFound">No labels found</string>
<!-- settings -->
<string name="settingsLanguageHeaderText">Translation</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSystem">System</string>
<string name="settingsSecurityHeader">Security</string>
<string name="settingsCertsSelectorHeader">Delete Trusted Certificates</string>
<string name="settingsCertsPopupTitle">Delete Trusted Certificates?</string>
<string name="settingsCertsPopupMessage">Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeHeaderText">Date &amp; Time</string>
<string name="settingsSave">Settings saved</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectorHeader">Language</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectedHeaderDefault">English</string>
<string name="settingsAppearanceHeader">Appearance</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeHeaderDefault">Pretty</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeNormal">Normal</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectorDialogTitle">Choose Language</string>
<string name="settingsLightThemeTimeSelectorHeader">Light Theme Switch Time</string>
<string name="settingsDarkThemeTimeSelectorHeader">Dark Theme Switch Time</string>
<string name="settingsTimeSelectorDialogTitle">Choose Time Format</string>
<string name="settingsHelpTranslateText">Translate GitNex via Crowdin</string>
<string name="codeBlockHeaderText">Code Block Color</string>
<string name="settingsCodeBlockSelectorDialogTitle">Code Block Color Selector</string>
<string name="settingsHomeScreenHeaderText">Home Screen</string>
<string name="settingsHomeScreenSelectedText">My Repositories</string>
<string name="settingsHomeScreenSelectorDialogTitle">Select Home Screen</string>
<string name="settingsCustomFontHeaderText">Font</string>
<string name="settingsCustomFontSelectorDialogTitle">Choose Font</string>
<string name="themeSelectorDialogTitle">Select App Theme</string>
<string name="themeSelectionHeaderText">Theme</string>
<string name="settingsCounterBadges">Counter Badges</string>
<string name="settingsFileViewerSourceCodeHeaderText">Source Code Theme</string>
<string name="cacheSizeDataDialogHeader">Data Cache Size</string>
<string name="cacheSizeDataSelectionHeaderText">Data Cache Size</string>
<string name="cacheSizeImagesDialogHeader">Images Cache Size</string>
<string name="cacheSizeImagesSelectionHeaderText">Images Cache Size</string>
<string name="clearCacheSelectionHeaderText">Clear Cache</string>
<string name="clearCacheDialogHeader">Clear Cache?</string>
<string name="clearCacheDialogMessage">This will delete all the cache data including files and images.\n\nProceed with deletion?</string>
<string name="draftsHeader">Drafts</string>
<string name="draftsHintText">Comments draft</string>
<string name="settingsEnableCommentsDeletionText">Enable Drafts Deletion</string>
<string name="settingsEnableCommentsDeletionHintText">Delete comment draft when comment is posted</string>
<string name="settingsGeneralHeader">General</string>
<string name="generalHintText">Home screen, default link handler</string>
<string name="generalDeepLinkDefaultScreen">Default Link Handler</string>
<string name="generalDeepLinkDefaultScreenHintText">Choose what screen should be loaded if the app cannot handle external links. It will redirect you automatically.</string>
<string name="generalDeepLinkSelectedText">N/A</string>
<string name="linkSelectorDialogTitle">Select Default Link Handler Screen</string>
<string name="settingsBiometricHeader">Biometric Support</string>
<!-- settings -->
<string name="noMoreData">No more data available</string>
<string name="createLabel">New Label</string>
<string name="menuTitleText">Repo Menu</string>
<string name="labelName">Label Name</string>
<string name="labelColor">Label Color</string>
<string name="labelEmptyError">Label name is empty</string>
<string name="labelNameError">Label name is not valid</string>
<string name="labelCreated">Label created.</string>
<string name="labelGeneralError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="labelUpdated">Label updated.</string>
<string name="noDataLabelsTab">No labels found</string>
<string name="labelMenuContentDesc">Desc</string>
<string name="labelDeleteText">Label deleted</string>
<string name="labelDeleteErrorText">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="noDataBranchesTab">No branches found</string>
<string name="selectBranchError">Select a branch for release</string>
<string name="alertDialogTokenRevokedTitle">Authorization Error</string>
<string name="alertDialogTokenRevokedMessage">It seems that the Access Token is revoked OR your are not allowed to see these contents.\n\nIn case of revoked Token, please logout and login again</string>
<string name="labelDeleteTitle">Delete %s</string>
<string name="labelDeleteMessage">Do you really want to delete this label?</string>
<!-- org tabbed layout str -->
<string name="orgTabRepos">Repositories</string>
<string name="orgTabTeams">Teams</string>
<string name="orgTabMembers">Members</string>
<string name="orgCreateTeam">New Team</string>
<string name="noDataTeams">No teams found</string>
<string name="teamTitle">Team name</string>
<string name="teamDescription">Team desc</string>
<string name="teamPermissions">Permissions</string>
<string name="teamPermissionNone">• Members of this team do not have any permissions.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionRead">• Members of this team can view team repositories.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionWrite">• Members of this team can view and push to team repositories.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionAdmin">• Members of this team can push to and from team repositories and add collaborators.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionOwner">• Members of this team have owner permissions.</string>
<string name="teamShowAll">show all</string>
<string name="noDataMembers">No members found</string>
<string name="orgMember">Org members</string>
<string name="orgTeamMembers">Organization team members</string>
<string name="addNewMember">Add / Remove New Member</string>
<string name="removeTeamMemberTitle">Remove\u0020</string>
<string name="addTeamMemberTitle">Add\u0020</string>
<string name="addTeamMemberMessage">Do you want to add this user to the team?</string>
<string name="removeTeamMemberMessage">Do you want to remove this user from the team?</string>
<string name="memberAddedMessage">Member added to the team successfully</string>
<string name="memberRemovedMessage">Member removed from the team successfully</string>
<!-- org tabbed layout str -->
<!-- create team -->
<string name="newTeamTitle">Team Name</string>
<string name="newTeamDesc">Description</string>
<string name="newTeamPermission">Permission</string>
<string name="newTeamAccessControls">Access Controls</string>
<string name="newTeamPermissionRead">Members can view and clone team repositories</string>
<string name="newTeamPermissionWrite">Members can read and push to team repositories</string>
<string name="newTeamPermissionAdmin">Members can pull and push to team repositories and add collaborators to them</string>
<string name="teamNameEmpty">Please enter team name</string>
<string name="teamNameError">Team name should contain only alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore (_) and dot (.) characters</string>
<string name="teamPermissionEmpty">Please select permission</string>
<string name="teamDescError">Team description have illegal characters</string>
<string name="teamDescLimit">Team description have more than 100 characters</string>
<string name="teamCreated">Team created successfully</string>
<string name="teamCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<!-- create team -->
<!-- issue comments -->
<string name="editCommentTitle">Edit Comment</string>
<string name="editCommentUpdatedText">Comment updated</string>
<string name="issueCommentShare">Share Comment</string>
<string name="deleteCommentSuccess">Comment deleted successfully</string>
<string name="copyCommentText">Copy Comment</string>
<!-- issue comments -->
<!-- add collaborator -->
<string name="addCollaboratorTitle">Add / Remove Collaborator</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorSearchHint">Search users</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorViewUserDesc">Username</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorDialogTitle">Remove %s?</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorMessage">Do you want to remove this user from the repository?</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorToastText">User removed from the repository.</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorToastText">User added to the repository.</string>
<!-- add collaborator -->
<!-- profile section -->
<string name="profileTabFollowers">Followers</string>
<string name="profileTabFollowing">Following</string>
<string name="profileCreateNewEmailAddress">Add Email Address</string>
<string name="profileEmailTitle">Email Address</string>
<string name="emailAddedText">New email added successfully</string>
<string name="emailErrorEmpty">Email address is empty</string>
<string name="emailErrorInvalid">Email address is not valid</string>
<string name="emailErrorInUse">Email address is already in use</string>
<string name="emailTypeText">Primary</string>
<string name="profileTabEmails">Emails</string>
<!-- profile section -->
<!-- single issue section -->
<string name="singleIssueEditLabels">Add / Remove Labels</string>
<string name="labelsUpdated">Labels updated</string>
<string name="closeIssue">Close Issue</string>
<string name="editIssue">Edit Issue</string>
<string name="reOpenIssue">Reopen Issue</string>
<string name="issueStateClosed">Issue closed</string>
<string name="issueStateReopened">Issue reopened</string>
<string name="addRemoveAssignees">Add / Remove Assignees</string>
<string name="assigneesUpdated">Assignees updated</string>
<string name="singleIssueSubscribe">Subscribe</string>
<string name="singleIssueUnSubscribe">Unsubscribe</string>
<!-- single issue section -->
<string name="repoMetaData">Repository Meta</string>
<!-- admin -->
<string name="adminCreateNewUser">Add New User</string>
<string name="adminUsers">System Users</string>
<string name="userRoleAdmin">Admin</string>
<string name="adminCron">Cron Tasks</string>
<string name="adminCronScheduleHeader">Schedule</string>
<string name="adminCronNextRunHeader">Next Run</string>
<string name="adminCronLastRunHeader">Last Run</string>
<string name="adminCronExecutionHeader">Executions</string>
<string name="adminCronTaskSuccessMsg">Task %1$s is initiated successfully</string>
<!-- admin -->
<!-- create user -->
<string name="userFullNameText">Full Name</string>
<string name="userEmail">Email</string>
<string name="userUserName">Username</string>
<string name="userPassword">Password</string>
<string name="userInvalidFullName">Invalid Full Name</string>
<string name="userInvalidUserName">Invalid Username</string>
<string name="userInvalidEmail">Invalid Email</string>
<string name="userCreatedText">New user added successfully</string>
<string name="userExistsError">User already exists</string>
<!-- create user -->
<!-- edit issue -->
<string name="editIssueNavHeader">Edit Issue #%1$s</string>
<string name="editIssueSuccessMessage">Issue updated</string>
<!-- edit issue -->
<!-- release -->
<string name="createRelease">New Release</string>
<string name="releaseTagNameText">Tag Name</string>
<string name="releaseTitleText">Title</string>
<string name="releaseContentText">Content</string>
<string name="releaseTypeText">Mark as Pre-Release</string>
<string name="releaseBranchText">Select Branch</string>
<string name="releaseDraftText">Draft</string>
<string name="tagNameErrorEmpty">Tag name is empty</string>
<string name="titleErrorEmpty">Title is empty</string>
<string name="releaseCreatedText">New release created</string>
<!-- release -->
<string name="loginOTPTypeError">OTP code should be numbers</string>
<string name="loginOTP">OTP Code (Optional)</string>
<string name="otpMessage">Enter otp code if 2FA is enabled</string>
<string name="openWebRepo">Open in Browser</string>
<string name="repoStargazersInMenu">Stargazers</string>
<string name="repoWatchersInMenu">Watchers</string>
<string name="noDataWebsite">No website found</string>
<string name="noDataDescription">No description found</string>
<string name="noDataLocation">No location found</string>
<string name="starMember">Star</string>
<string name="watcherMember">Watcher</string>
<string name="zipArchiveDownloadReleasesTab">Source code (ZIP)</string>
<string name="tarArchiveDownloadReleasesTab">Source code (TAR.GZ)</string>
<!-- new file -->
<string name="newFileNameTintCopy">File Name</string>
<string name="newFileBranchTintCopy">New Branch Name</string>
<string name="newFileContentTintCopy">File Content</string>
<string name="newFileButtonCopy">Create New File</string>
<string name="newFileNameHintMessage">with folder: app/</string>
<string name="newFileMessageTintCopy">Commit Message</string>
<string name="newFileInvalidBranchName">Invalid branch name, may only contain &#8211;, a&#8211;z, 0&#8211;9</string>
<string name="newFileCommitMessageError">Commit message is too long</string>
<string name="newFileSuccessMessage">New file created</string>
<string name="newFileBranches">Select or create a branch</string>
<string name="newFileRequiredFields">Fields like filename, content and commit message are required</string>
<string name="newFileEmptyBranchMessage">Leave blank to push to the default branch</string>
<string name="newFileRequiredFieldNewBranchName">New branch name cannot be empty if current branch is not selected</string>
<string name="strFilter">Filter</string>
<string name="strSwitchBranches">Branches</string>
<string name="strMarkdown">Markdown</string>
<string name="copyIssueUrl">Copy Issue URL</string>
<string name="copyIssueUrlToastMsg">URL copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="copyIssueCommentToastMsg">Comment copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="milestoneCompletion">%1$d\uFF05 completed</string>
<!-- files -->
<string name="noDataFilesTab">No files found</string>
<string name="filesGenericError">Sorry this file cannot be viewed as API returned an error</string>
<string name="fileTypeCannotBeEdited">Files of this type cannot be edited</string>
<string name="notSupported">Not supported</string>
<!-- generic copy -->
<string name="okButton">OK</string>
<string name="doneButton">Done</string>
<string name="cancelButton">Cancel</string>
<string name="genericError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="apiNotFound">This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.</string>
<string name="noDataFound">No data found</string>
<string name="addButton">Add</string>
<string name="removeButton">Remove</string>
<string name="authorizeError">You are not authorized to perform this action.</string>
<string name="menuContentDesc">Menu</string>
<string name="menuEditText">Edit</string>
<string name="menuDeleteText">Delete</string>
<string name="menuCopyText">Copy</string>
<string name="menuQuoteText">Quote and Reply</string>
<string name="modifiedText">edited</string>
<string name="saveButton">Save</string>
<string name="websiteText">Website</string>
<string name="locationText">Location</string>
<string name="characters255Limit">Max 255 characters</string>
<string name="emptyFields">All fields are required</string>
<string name="textContinue">Continue</string>
<string name="copyToken">Token</string>
<string name="viewInBrowser">View in Browser</string>
<string name="isOpen">Open</string>
<string name="isClosed">Closed</string>
<string name="genericServerResponseError">We cannot reach the server at the moment, please check your server status and try again</string>
<string name="genericCopyUrl">Copy URL</string>
<string name="genericWaitFor">Hold on ☕</string>
<!-- generic copy -->
<string name="exploreUsers">Explore users</string>
<string name="exploreIssues">Explore issues</string>
<string name="exploreTextBoxHint">Explore repositories</string>
<string name="starRepository">Star Repository</string>
<string name="unStarRepository">Unstar Repository</string>
<string name="starRepositorySuccess">Repository added to starred list</string>
<string name="unStarRepositorySuccess">Repository removed from starred list</string>
<string name="watchRepository">Watch Repository</string>
<string name="unWatchRepository">Unwatch Repository</string>
<string name="watchRepositorySuccess">Repository added to watch list</string>
<string name="unWatchRepositorySuccess">Repository removed from watch list</string>
<string name="titleDrafts">Drafts</string>
<string name="versionUnsupportedOld">Unsupported old version(%1$s) of Gitea detected. Please update to latest stable version. If you continue, some features may not work.</string>
<string name="versionUnsupportedNew">New Gitea version detected! Please UPDATE GitNex!</string>
<string name="versionUnknown">No Gitea detected!</string>
<string name="versionAlertDialogHeader">Unsupported Version of Gitea</string>
<string name="loginViaPassword">Username / Password</string>
<string name="loginMethodText">Choose your preferred login method to access your account. Token is more secure!</string>
<string name="unauthorizedApiError">Instance has returned an error - Unauthorized. Check your credentials and try again</string>
<string name="loginTokenError">Token is required</string>
<string name="prDeletedFork">Deleted Fork</string>
<string name="noDataPullRequests">No pull requests found</string>
<string name="editPrText">Edit Pull Request</string>
<string name="copyPrUrlText">Copy Pull Request URL</string>
<string name="editPrNavHeader">Edit Pull Request #%1$s</string>
<string name="editPrSuccessMessage">Pull Request updated</string>
<string name="fileDiffViewHeader">%1$s Files Changed</string>
<string name="fileDiffViewHeaderSingle">%1$s File Changed</string>
<string name="updatePullRequestText">Update Pull Request</string>
<string name="openFileDiffText">Show Changed Files</string>
<string name="mergePullRequestText">Merge Pull Request</string>
<string name="deletePrHeadBranch">Delete head branch</string>
<string name="deleteBranchSuccess">Branch deleted successfully</string>
<string name="deleteBranchError">Could not delete branch</string>
<string name="deleteBranchErrorNotFound">Branch does not exist</string>
<string name="mergePullRequestButtonText">Merge</string>
<string name="deleteBranchAfterMerge">Delete branch after merge</string>
<string name="mergeNoteText">Merge may fail if you are not authorized to merge this Pull Request.</string>
<string name="mergeInfoDisabledMessage">Disabled Merge button means that there are conflicts OR other things to fix before Merge</string>
<string name="deleteBranchForkInfo">This branch belong to a forked repository</string>
<string name="mergeCommentText">Merge comment</string>
<string name="mergePRSuccessMsg">Pull Request was merged successfully</string>
<string name="mergePR404ErrorMsg">Pull Request is not available for merge</string>
<string name="mergeOptionMerge">プルリクエストをマージ</string>
<string name="mergeOptionRebase">リベースしてマージ</string>
<string name="mergeOptionRebaseCommit">リベースしてマージ (&#45;&#45;no-ff)</string>
<string name="mergeOptionSquash">スカッシュしてマージ</string>
<string name="mergeStrategy">Merge Strategy</string>
<string name="selectMergeStrategy">Select merge strategy</string>
<string name="mergeNotAllowed">Not allowed to merge [Reason: Does not have enough approvals]</string>
<string name="downloadFile">Download This File</string>
<string name="waitLoadingDownloadFile">Please wait for the file to load to memory</string>
<string name="downloadFileSaved">File saved successfully</string>
<string name="excludeFilesInFileViewer">This file type/size is not supported in file viewer. You can download it from the menu.</string>
<string name="deleteFile">Delete This File</string>
<string name="editFile">Edit This File</string>
<string name="deleteFileText">Delete %1$s</string>
<string name="deleteFileMessage">File is set for deletion by branch %1$s</string>
<string name="editFileText">Edit %1$s</string>
<string name="editFileMessage">File is modified by branch %1$s</string>
<string name="sizeCopy">Size</string>
<string name="shareIssue">Share Issue</string>
<string name="sharePr">Share Pull Request</string>
<string name="shareRepository">Share Repository</string>
<string name="createRepository">Create Repository</string>
<string name="commitTitle">Commits</string>
<string name="commitAuthoredByAndCommittedByWhen"><![CDATA[<b>%s</b> authored and <b>%s</b> committed %s]]></string>
<string name="commitCommittedByWhen"><![CDATA[<b>%s</b> committed %s]]></string>
<string name="viewCommits">View Commits</string>
<!-- Memorizing Trust Manager -->
<string name="mtmNotification">Certificate Verification</string>
<string name="mtmAcceptCert">Accept Unknown Certificate?</string>
<string name="mtmTrustAnchor">The server certificate is not signed by a known Certificate Authority</string>
<string name="mtmCertExpired">The server certificate is expired.</string>
<string name="mtmAcceptServerName">Accept Mismatching Server Name?</string>
<string name="mtmHostnameMismatch">Server could not authenticate as \&quot;%s\&quot;. The certificate is only valid for:</string>
<string name="mtmConnectAnyway">Do you want to connect anyway?</string>
<string name="mtmCertDetails">Certificate details:</string>
<string name="mtmDecisionAlways">Trust</string>
<string name="mtmDecisionAbort">Abort</string>
<string name="subscribedSuccessfully">Subscribed successfully</string>
<string name="alreadySubscribed">You have already subscribed</string>
<string name="subscriptionError">Subscription failed</string>
<string name="unsubscribedSuccessfully">Unsubscribed successfully</string>
<string name="alreadyUnsubscribed">You have already Unsubscribed</string>
<string name="unSubscriptionError">Un-Subscription failed</string>
<string name="closeMilestone">Close Milestone</string>
<string name="openMilestone">Open Milestone</string>
<string name="milestoneStatusUpdate">Milestone status updated successfully</string>
<string name="errorOnLogin">We cannot reach the server, please check your server status</string>
<string name="reportViewerHeader">Crash Reports</string>
<string name="settingsEnableReportsText">Enable Crash Reports</string>
<string name="crashTitle">GitNex has stopped :(</string>
<string name="setCrashReports">Crash reports</string>
<string name="crashMessage">It is encouraged to open an issue at the project repository with how to reproduce this bug. It is easier to debug and fix the problem that way.\n\nTap the OK button to send the crash report by email instead. Additional content could be added in the email.\nThank you!</string>
<string name="forceLogoutDialogHeader">Please sign in again</string>
<string name="forceLogoutDialogDescription">Due to some major changes regarding the internal functioning of the app, we require you to login again. These changes allow us to make the app more flexible in the future.\n\nThank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.</string>
<string name="deleteAllDrafts">Delete All Drafts</string>
<string name="draftsListEmpty">No drafts found</string>
<string name="draftsDeleteSuccess">Drafts deleted successfully</string>
<string name="draftsSingleDeleteSuccess">Draft deleted successfully</string>
<string name="deleteAllDraftsDialogMessage">This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?</string>
<string name="draftSaved">Draft was saved automatically.</string>
<string name="appearanceHintText">Themes, fonts, badges</string>
<string name="securityHintText">Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache</string>
<string name="languagesHintText">Languages</string>
<string name="reportsHintText">Crash reports</string>
<string name="rateAppHintText">If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up</string>
<string name="aboutAppHintText">App version, build, user gitea version</string>
<string name="archivedRepository">Archived</string>
<string name="archivedRepositoryMessage">This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.</string>
<string name="accountDeletedMessage">Account deleted successfully</string>
<string name="removeAccountPopupTitle">Remove Account</string>
<string name="removeAccountPopupMessage">Are you sure you want to remove this account from the app?\n\nThis will remove all the data related to this account on the app only.</string>
<string name="addNewAccount">New Account</string>
<string name="addNewAccountText">Add New Account</string>
<string name="accountAlreadyExistsError">Account already exists in the app</string>
<string name="accountAddedMessage">Account added successfully</string>
<string name="switchAccountSuccess">Switched to account : %1$s@%2$s</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<string name="pageTitleNotifications">Notifications</string>
<string name="noDataNotifications">All caught up 🚀</string>
<string name="notificationsPollingHeaderText">Notifications Polling Delay</string>
<string name="pollingDelaySelectedText">%d Minutes</string>
<string name="pollingDelayDialogHeaderText">Select Polling Delay</string>
<string name="pollingDelayDialogDescriptionText">Choose a minutely delay in which GitNex tries to poll new notifications</string>
<string name="markAsRead">Mark as Read</string>
<string name="markAsUnread">Mark as Unread</string>
<string name="pinNotification">Pin Notification</string>
<string name="markedNotificationsAsRead">Successfully marked all notifications as read</string>
<string name="notificationsHintText">Polling delay, light, vibration</string>
<string name="enableNotificationsHeaderText">Enable Notifications</string>
<string name="enableLightsHeaderText">Enable Light</string>
<string name="enableVibrationHeaderText">Enable Vibration</string>
<string name="chooseColorSelectorHeader">Choose Color</string>
<string name="newMessages">New messages for %s</string>
<string name="youHaveGotNewNotifications">You\'ve got %d new notifications.</string>
<string name="mainNotificationChannelName">Notifications</string>
<string name="mainNotificationChannelDescription">This is the main notification channel of GitNex.</string>
<string name="isRead">Read</string>
<string name="isUnread">Unread</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTitle">Repository Settings</string>
<string name="repoSettingsEditProperties">Edit Properties</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDelete">Delete Repository</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDeleteHint">Be careful, this operation CANNOT be undone!</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesTemplate">Set as Template</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableIssues">Enable Issues</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesExternalIssuesUrl">External Issue Tracker Url</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableWiki">Enable Wiki</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesExternalWikiUrl">External Wiki Url</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnablePr">Enable Pull Requests</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableTimeTracker">Enable Time Tracker</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableMergeCommits">Enable Merge Commits</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableRebase">Enable Rebase</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableSquash">Enable Squash and Merge</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableForceMerge">Enable Rebase with Merge Commits (&#8212;&#8212;no-ff)</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesSaveSuccess">Repository properties updated successfully</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDeleteDescription">Things to know before deletion:\n\n- This operation CANNOT be undone.\n- This operation will permanently delete the repository including code, issues, comments, wiki data and collaborator settings.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDeleteError">Repository name does not match</string>
<string name="repoDeletionSuccess">Repository deleted successfully</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTransferOwnership">Transfer Ownership</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTransferOwnershipHint">Transfer this repository to a user or to an organization for which you have administrator rights</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTransferOwnershipDescription">Things to know before transfer:\n\n- You will lose access to the repository if you transfer it to an individual user.\n- You will keep access to the repository if you transfer it to an organization that you (co-)own.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation</string>
<string name="repoTransferText">Perform Transfer</string>
<string name="repoTransferOwnerText">New Owner</string>
<string name="repoTransferSuccess">Repository transferred successfully</string>
<string name="repoTransferOwnerError">New owner is required</string>
<string name="repoTransferError">There is a problem with the owner name. Make sure that the new owner exists</string>
<string name="exploreFilterDialogTitle">Filter Repositories</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeTopic">Search ONLY in Topic</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeDesc">Search in Description</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeArchive">Only Archived Repositories</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludePrivate">Only Private Repositories</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeTemplateRepos">Search in Template Repositories</string>
<string name="mergeIntoBranch">Merge Into</string>
<string name="pullFromBranch">Pull From</string>
<string name="sameBranchesError">These branches are equal. There is no need to create a pull request</string>
<string name="mergeIntoError">Merge into branch is required</string>
<string name="pullFromError">Pull from branch is required</string>
<string name="titleError">Title is required</string>
<string name="prCreateSuccess">Pull Request created successfully</string>
<string name="prAlreadyExists">A pull request between these branches already exists</string>
<string name="accountDoesNotExist">It seems that account for URI %1$s does not exists in the app. You can add one by tapping on the Add New Account button.</string>
<string name="launchApp">Go to App</string>
<string name="noActionText">GitNex cannot handle the requested resource, you can open an issue at the project repository as an improvement with providing details of the work. Just launch a default screen for now from the buttons below, it can be changed from settings.</string>
<string name="biometricAuthTitle">Biometric Authentication</string>
<string name="biometricAuthSubTitle">Unlock using your biometric credentials</string>
<string name="biometricNotSupported">No biometric features available on this device</string>
<string name="biometricNotAvailable">Biometric features are currently unavailable</string>
<string name="enrollBiometric">Enroll biometric from phone settings</string>
<string name="copyLoginIdToClipBoard">Login ID \'%s\' copied to clipboard</string>
<!-- file viewer activity -->
<string name="fileViewerNotificationTitleStarted">Download in progress</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationDescriptionStarted">Downloading %s</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationTitleFinished">Download successful</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationDescriptionFinished">Downloaded %s</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationTitleFailed">Download failed</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationDescriptionFailed">Couldn\'t download %s</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationChannelName">Download manager</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationChannelDescription">Indicates the progress of ongoing downloads</string>
<string name="lastUpdatedAt">Updated %s</string>
<string name="joined">Joined</string>
<string name="userFollow">Follow</string>
<string name="unfollowUser">Unfollow</string>
<string name="unfollowedUser">Unfollowed @%s</string>
<string name="nowFollowUser">You now follow @%s</string>
<string name="unfollowingFailed">Couldn\'t unfollow user</string>
<string name="followingFailed">Couldn\'t follow user</string>
<string name="updatePrConflict">The pull request conflicts with the base branch. Please resolve the conflicts and try again.</string>
<string name="updatePrSuccess">Pull Request updated successfully</string>
<string name="updateStrategyMerge">Merge</string>
<string name="updateStrategyRebase">Rebase</string>
<string name="selectUpdateStrategy">Select Update Strategy</string>
<string name="closePr">Close Pull Request</string>
<string name="reopenPr">Reopen Pull Request</string>
<string name="userAvatar">Avatar</string>
<string name="tags">Tags</string>
<string name="releasesTags">Releases/Tags</string>
<string name="create_tag">Create Tag Only</string>
<string name="tagCreated">Tag created</string>
<string name="asRef">Use as reference</string>
<string name="deleteTagConfirmation">Do you really want to delete this tag?</string>
<string name="deleteTagTitle">Delete tag %s</string>
<string name="tagDeleted">Tag deleted</string>
<string name="useCustomTabs">Use Custom Tabs</string>
<string name="browserOpenFailed">No application found to open this link. SSH URLs and URLs with another prefix the http:// or https:// are not supported by most browser</string>

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectedHeaderDefault">Angielski</string>
<string name="settingsAppearanceHeader">Wygląd</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeHeaderDefault">Piękny</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeNormal">Normal</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeNormal">Normalny</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectorDialogTitle">Wybierz język</string>
<string name="settingsLightThemeTimeSelectorHeader">Light Theme Switch Time</string>
<string name="settingsDarkThemeTimeSelectorHeader">Dark Theme Switch Time</string>
@ -220,13 +220,13 @@
<string name="teamShowAll">pokaż wszystkie</string>
<string name="orgMember">Członkowie organizacji</string>
<string name="orgTeamMembers">Członkowie zespołu organizacji</string>
<string name="removeTeamMember">Remove %s</string>
<string name="addTeamMember">Add %s</string>
<string name="removeTeamMember">Usuń %s</string>
<string name="addTeamMember">Dodaj %s</string>
<string name="addTeamMemberMessage">Czy chcesz dodać tego użytkownika do zespołu?</string>
<string name="removeTeamMemberMessage">Czy chcesz usunąć tego użytkownika z zespołu?</string>
<string name="memberAddedMessage">Użytkownik został pomyślnie dodany do zespołu</string>
<string name="memberRemovedMessage">Użytkownik został pomyślnie usunięty z zespołu</string>
<string name="repoAddedMessage">Repository added to the team successfully</string>
<string name="repoAddedMessage">Repozytorium zostało pomyślnie dodane do zespołu</string>
<string name="repoRemovedMessage">Repository removed from the team successfully</string>
<string name="repoAddToTeamMessage">Add repository %1$s to organization %2$s team %3$s</string>
<string name="repoRemoveTeamMessage">Remove repository %1$s from team %2$s</string>
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
<!-- add collaborator -->
<string name="addCollaboratorSearchHint">Szukaj użytkowników</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorViewUserDesc">Nazwa użytkownika</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorDialogTitle">Remove %s?</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorDialogTitle">Usunąć %s?</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorMessage">Czy chcesz usunąć tego użytkownika z repozytorium?</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorToastText">Użytkownik usunięty z repozytorium.</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorToastText">Użytkownik dodany do repozytorium.</string>
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
<string name="profileCreateNewEmailAddress">Dodaj adres e-mail</string>
<string name="profileEmailTitle">Adres e-mail</string>
<string name="emailAddedText">Nowy e-mail został dodany</string>
<string name="emailErrorEmpty">Email address is empty</string>
<string name="emailErrorEmpty">Adres e-mail jest pusty</string>
<string name="emailErrorInvalid">Adres e-mail jest nieprawidłowy</string>
<string name="emailErrorInUse">Adres e-mail jest już używany</string>
<string name="emailTypeText">Podstawowy</string>
@ -288,13 +288,13 @@
<!-- single issue section -->
<string name="repoMetaData">Meta repozytorium</string>
<!-- admin -->
<string name="adminCreateNewUser">New User</string>
<string name="adminUsers">System Users</string>
<string name="adminCreateNewUser">Nowy użytkownik</string>
<string name="adminUsers">Użytkownicy systemowi</string>
<string name="userRoleAdmin">Administrator</string>
<string name="adminCron">Cron Tasks</string>
<string name="adminCronScheduleHeader">Schedule</string>
<string name="adminCronNextRunHeader">Next Run</string>
<string name="adminCronLastRunHeader">Last Run</string>
<string name="adminCron">Zadania cron</string>
<string name="adminCronScheduleHeader">Harmonogram</string>
<string name="adminCronNextRunHeader">Następne uruchomienie</string>
<string name="adminCronLastRunHeader">Ostatnie uruchomienie</string>
<string name="adminCronExecutionHeader">Executions</string>
<string name="adminCronTaskSuccessMsg">Task %1$s is initiated successfully</string>
<!-- admin -->
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
<string name="repository">Repozytorium</string>
<string name="team">Zespół</string>
<string name="organization">Organizacja</string>
<string name="addRemove">Add / Remove</string>
<string name="addRemove">Dodaj / Usuń</string>
<string name="download">Download</string>
<string name="reopen">Reopen</string>
<string name="openInBrowser">Open in Browser</string>
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
<string name="addNewAccount">Nowe Konto</string>
<string name="addNewAccountText">Dodaj Nowe Konto</string>
<string name="accountAlreadyExistsError">Account already exists in the app</string>
<string name="accountAddedMessage">Account added successfully</string>
<string name="accountAddedMessage">Pomyślnie dodano konto</string>
<string name="switchAccountSuccess">Switched to account : %1$s@%2$s</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<string name="pageTitleNotifications">Powiadomienia</string>

View File

@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- menu items -->
<string name="navMyRepos">My Repositories</string>
<string name="navStarredRepos">Starred Repositories</string>
<string name="navRepos">Repositories</string>
<string name="navProfile">Profile</string>
<string name="navSettings">Settings</string>
<string name="navOrg">Organizations</string>
<string name="navAbout">About</string>
<string name="navRate">Rate GitNex</string>
<string name="navLogout">Logout</string>
<string name="navAdministration">Administration</string>
<!-- menu items -->
<!-- page titles -->
<string name="pageTitleNewRepo">New Repository</string>
<string name="pageTitleIssues">Issues</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateOrganization">New Organization</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateMilestone">New Milestone</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateNewIssue">New Issue</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateLabel">New Label</string>
<string name="pageTitleCredits">Credits</string>
<string name="pageTitleChooseBranch">Select Branch</string>
<string name="pageTitleLabelUpdate">Update Label</string>
<string name="pageTitleStarredRepos">Starred Repositories</string>
<string name="pageTitleCreateTeam">New Team</string>
<string name="pageTitleAddEmail">Add Email Address</string>
<string name="pageTitleNewFile">New File</string>
<string name="pageTitleExplore">Explore</string>
<string name="pageTitleAdministration">Gitea Administration</string>
<string name="pageTitleNewPullRequest">New Pull Request</string>
<string name="pageTitleUsers">Users</string>
<!-- page titles -->
<string name="repoName">Demo repo</string>
<string name="repoDescription">Demo description</string>
<string name="noData">No repositories found</string>
<string name="orgName">Demo organization</string>
<string name="noDataOrg">No organizations found</string>
<string name="newCreateButtonCopy">Create</string>
<string name="newUpdateButtonCopy">Update</string>
<string name="newRepoTintCopy">Repository Name</string>
<string name="newRepoDescTintCopy">Repository Description</string>
<string name="newRepoPrivateCopy">Private</string>
<string name="newRepoOwner">Owner</string>
<string name="newOrgTintCopy">Organization Name</string>
<string name="newOrgDescTintCopy">Organization Description</string>
<string name="userName">Username</string>
<string name="passWord">Password</string>
<string name="btnLogin">LOGIN</string>
<string name="instanceUrl">Instance URL</string>
<string name="navigationDrawerOpen">Open Navigation Drawer</string>
<string name="navigationDrawerClose">Close Navigation Drawer</string>
<string name="logo">Login to Gitea</string>
<string name="protocol">Protocol</string>
<string name="urlInfoTooltip">1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter Gitea url e.g: \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.</string>
<string name="malformedUrl">Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors</string>
<string name="protocolError">It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network</string>
<string name="malformedJson">Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful</string>
<string name="emptyFieldURL">Instance URL is required</string>
<string name="emptyFieldUsername">Username is required</string>
<string name="emptyFieldPassword">Password is required</string>
<string name="protocolEmptyError">Protocol is required</string>
<string name="checkNetConnection">Cannot access network, please check your Internet connection</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorEmpty">Repository name is empty</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorInvalid">Repository name is not valid. [a&#8211;z A&#8211;Z 0&#8211;9 &#8211; _]</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorReservedName">Repository name is reserved</string>
<string name="repoNameErrorReservedPatterns">Repository name contains reserved keywords</string>
<string name="repoDescError">Repository description exceeds the max 255 characters limit</string>
<string name="repoCreated">Repository created successfully</string>
<string name="repoCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="repoExistsError">Repository of this name already exists under selected Owner</string>
<string name="repoOwnerError">Select owner for the repository</string>
<string name="orgNameErrorEmpty">Organization name is empty</string>
<string name="orgNameErrorInvalid">Organization name is not valid, [a&#8211;z A&#8211;Z 0&#8211;9 &#8211; _]</string>
<string name="orgDescError">Organization description exceeds the max 255 characters limit</string>
<string name="orgCreated">Organization created successfully</string>
<string name="orgCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="orgExistsError">Organization already exists</string>
<string name="diffStatistics">%s addition(s) and %s deletion(s)</string>
<string name="processingText">Processing</string>
<string name="search">Search</string>
<string name="close">Close</string>
<string name="addNewContent">Add</string>
<string name="orgContentAvatar">Org</string>
<string name="repoContentAvatar">Repo</string>
<string name="privateAvatar">Pri</string>
<string name="removeContent">Remove</string>
<string name="genericApiStatusError">Instance has returned an error. Code\u0020</string>
<string name="tabTextInfo">Details</string>
<string name="tabTextFiles">Files</string>
<string name="tabTextMl">Milestones</string>
<string name="tabTextReleases">Releases</string>
<string name="tabTextBranches">Branches</string>
<string name="tabTextLabels">Labels</string>
<string name="tabTextCollaborators">Collaborators</string>
<string name="tabPullRequests">Pull Requests</string>
<string name="noDataIssueTab">No issues found</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoSize">Size</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoDefaultBranch">Default Branch</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoSshUrl">SSH URL</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoCloneUrl">Clone URL</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoRepoUrl">Repo URL</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoForksCount">Forks</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoCreatedAt">Created</string>
<string name="infoTabRepoUpdatedAt">Last Updated</string>
<string name="infoShowMoreInformation">Show More Information</string>
<string name="infoMoreInformation">More Information</string>
<string name="timeAtText">at</string>
<string name="createdText">Opened\u0020</string>
<string name="issueCreator">Creator :\u0020</string>
<string name="issueCommenter">Commenter:\u0020</string>
<string name="issueMilestone">Milestone %1$s</string>
<string name="dueDate">Due on %1$s</string>
<string name="assignedTo">Assigned to: %1$s</string>
<string name="commentButtonText">Comment</string>
<string name="commentEmptyError">Please write your comment</string>
<string name="commentSuccess">Comment posted</string>
<string name="commentError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="featureDeprecated">This function will be removed in the future</string>
<string name="generalImgContentText">Image</string>
<string name="noDataMilestonesTab">No milestones found</string>
<string name="commitAuthor">Commit author: %1$s</string>
<string name="releaseDownloadText">Downloads</string>
<string name="noDataReleasesTab">No releases found</string>
<string name="releasePublishedBy">Published by @%1$s</string>
<string name="noReleaseBodyContent">Release notes are not provided by the publisher.</string>
<string name="noDataCollaboratorTab">No collaborators found</string>
<string name="newMilestoneTitle">Title</string>
<string name="newMilestoneDescription">Description</string>
<string name="newMilestoneDueDate">Due Date</string>
<string name="milestoneNameErrorEmpty">Milestone title is empty</string>
<string name="milestoneDescError">Milestone description exceeds the max 255 characters limit</string>
<string name="milestoneCreated">Milestone created successfully</string>
<string name="milestoneCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="milestoneDateEmpty">Please choose due date</string>
<string name="milestoneNoDueDate">No due date</string>
<string name="milestoneNoDescription">No description</string>
<string name="milestoneIssueStatusOpen">%1$d Open</string>
<string name="milestoneIssueStatusClosed">%1$d Closed</string>
<string name="selectMilestone">Select Milestone</string>
<string name="newIssueSelectAssigneesListTitle">Select Assignees</string>
<string name="newIssueSelectLabelsListTitle">Select Labels</string>
<string name="newIssueTitle">Title</string>
<string name="newIssueAssigneesListTitle">Assignees</string>
<string name="newIssueDescriptionTitle">Description</string>
<string name="newIssueDueDateTitle">Due Date</string>
<string name="newIssueMilestoneTitle">Milestone</string>
<string name="newIssueLabelsTitle">Labels</string>
<string name="issueTitleEmpty">Issue title is empty</string>
<string name="issueDescriptionEmpty">Issue description is empty</string>
<string name="issueCreated">New issue created successfully</string>
<string name="issueCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="issueCreatedNoMilestone">No milestone</string>
<string name="noAssigneesFound">No assignees found</string>
<string name="noLabelsFound">No labels found</string>
<!-- settings -->
<string name="settingsLanguageHeaderText">Translation</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSystem">System</string>
<string name="settingsSecurityHeader">Security</string>
<string name="settingsCertsSelectorHeader">Delete Trusted Certificates</string>
<string name="settingsCertsPopupTitle">Delete Trusted Certificates?</string>
<string name="settingsCertsPopupMessage">Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeHeaderText">Date &amp; Time</string>
<string name="settingsSave">Settings saved</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectorHeader">Language</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectedHeaderDefault">English</string>
<string name="settingsAppearanceHeader">Appearance</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeHeaderDefault">Pretty</string>
<string name="settingsDateTimeNormal">Normal</string>
<string name="settingsLanguageSelectorDialogTitle">Choose Language</string>
<string name="settingsLightThemeTimeSelectorHeader">Light Theme Switch Time</string>
<string name="settingsDarkThemeTimeSelectorHeader">Dark Theme Switch Time</string>
<string name="settingsTimeSelectorDialogTitle">Choose Time Format</string>
<string name="settingsHelpTranslateText">Translate GitNex via Crowdin</string>
<string name="codeBlockHeaderText">Code Block Color</string>
<string name="settingsCodeBlockSelectorDialogTitle">Code Block Color Selector</string>
<string name="settingsHomeScreenHeaderText">Home Screen</string>
<string name="settingsHomeScreenSelectedText">My Repositories</string>
<string name="settingsHomeScreenSelectorDialogTitle">Select Home Screen</string>
<string name="settingsCustomFontHeaderText">Font</string>
<string name="settingsCustomFontSelectorDialogTitle">Choose Font</string>
<string name="themeSelectorDialogTitle">Select App Theme</string>
<string name="themeSelectionHeaderText">Theme</string>
<string name="settingsCounterBadges">Counter Badges</string>
<string name="settingsFileViewerSourceCodeHeaderText">Source Code Theme</string>
<string name="cacheSizeDataDialogHeader">Data Cache Size</string>
<string name="cacheSizeDataSelectionHeaderText">Data Cache Size</string>
<string name="cacheSizeImagesDialogHeader">Images Cache Size</string>
<string name="cacheSizeImagesSelectionHeaderText">Images Cache Size</string>
<string name="clearCacheSelectionHeaderText">Clear Cache</string>
<string name="clearCacheDialogHeader">Clear Cache?</string>
<string name="clearCacheDialogMessage">This will delete all the cache data including files and images.\n\nProceed with deletion?</string>
<string name="draftsHeader">Drafts</string>
<string name="draftsHintText">Comments draft</string>
<string name="settingsEnableCommentsDeletionText">Enable Drafts Deletion</string>
<string name="settingsEnableCommentsDeletionHintText">Delete comment draft when comment is posted</string>
<string name="settingsGeneralHeader">General</string>
<string name="generalHintText">Home screen, default link handler</string>
<string name="generalDeepLinkDefaultScreen">Default Link Handler</string>
<string name="generalDeepLinkDefaultScreenHintText">Choose what screen should be loaded if the app cannot handle external links. It will redirect you automatically.</string>
<string name="generalDeepLinkSelectedText">N/A</string>
<string name="linkSelectorDialogTitle">Select Default Link Handler Screen</string>
<string name="settingsBiometricHeader">Biometric Support</string>
<!-- settings -->
<string name="noMoreData">No more data available</string>
<string name="createLabel">New Label</string>
<string name="menuTitleText">Repo Menu</string>
<string name="labelName">Label Name</string>
<string name="labelColor">Label Color</string>
<string name="labelEmptyError">Label name is empty</string>
<string name="labelNameError">Label name is not valid</string>
<string name="labelCreated">Label created.</string>
<string name="labelGeneralError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="labelUpdated">Label updated.</string>
<string name="noDataLabelsTab">No labels found</string>
<string name="labelMenuContentDesc">Desc</string>
<string name="labelDeleteText">Label deleted</string>
<string name="labelDeleteErrorText">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="noDataBranchesTab">No branches found</string>
<string name="selectBranchError">Select a branch for release</string>
<string name="alertDialogTokenRevokedTitle">Authorization Error</string>
<string name="alertDialogTokenRevokedMessage">It seems that the Access Token is revoked OR your are not allowed to see these contents.\n\nIn case of revoked Token, please logout and login again</string>
<string name="labelDeleteTitle">Delete %s</string>
<string name="labelDeleteMessage">Do you really want to delete this label?</string>
<!-- org tabbed layout str -->
<string name="orgTabRepos">Repositories</string>
<string name="orgTabTeams">Teams</string>
<string name="orgTabMembers">Members</string>
<string name="orgCreateTeam">New Team</string>
<string name="noDataTeams">No teams found</string>
<string name="teamTitle">Team name</string>
<string name="teamDescription">Team desc</string>
<string name="teamPermissions">Permissions</string>
<string name="teamPermissionNone">• Members of this team do not have any permissions.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionRead">• Members of this team can view team repositories.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionWrite">• Members of this team can view and push to team repositories.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionAdmin">• Members of this team can push to and from team repositories and add collaborators.</string>
<string name="teamPermissionOwner">• Members of this team have owner permissions.</string>
<string name="teamShowAll">show all</string>
<string name="noDataMembers">No members found</string>
<string name="orgMember">Org members</string>
<string name="orgTeamMembers">Organization team members</string>
<string name="addNewMember">Add / Remove New Member</string>
<string name="removeTeamMemberTitle">Remove\u0020</string>
<string name="addTeamMemberTitle">Add\u0020</string>
<string name="addTeamMemberMessage">Do you want to add this user to the team?</string>
<string name="removeTeamMemberMessage">Do you want to remove this user from the team?</string>
<string name="memberAddedMessage">Member added to the team successfully</string>
<string name="memberRemovedMessage">Member removed from the team successfully</string>
<!-- org tabbed layout str -->
<!-- create team -->
<string name="newTeamTitle">Team Name</string>
<string name="newTeamDesc">Description</string>
<string name="newTeamPermission">Permission</string>
<string name="newTeamAccessControls">Access Controls</string>
<string name="newTeamPermissionRead">Members can view and clone team repositories</string>
<string name="newTeamPermissionWrite">Members can read and push to team repositories</string>
<string name="newTeamPermissionAdmin">Members can pull and push to team repositories and add collaborators to them</string>
<string name="teamNameEmpty">Please enter team name</string>
<string name="teamNameError">Team name should contain only alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore (_) and dot (.) characters</string>
<string name="teamPermissionEmpty">Please select permission</string>
<string name="teamDescError">Team description have illegal characters</string>
<string name="teamDescLimit">Team description have more than 100 characters</string>
<string name="teamCreated">Team created successfully</string>
<string name="teamCreatedError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<!-- create team -->
<!-- issue comments -->
<string name="editCommentTitle">Edit Comment</string>
<string name="editCommentUpdatedText">Comment updated</string>
<string name="issueCommentShare">Share Comment</string>
<string name="deleteCommentSuccess">Comment deleted successfully</string>
<string name="copyCommentText">Copy Comment</string>
<!-- issue comments -->
<!-- add collaborator -->
<string name="addCollaboratorTitle">Add / Remove Collaborator</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorSearchHint">Search users</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorViewUserDesc">Username</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorDialogTitle">Remove %s?</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorMessage">Do you want to remove this user from the repository?</string>
<string name="removeCollaboratorToastText">User removed from the repository.</string>
<string name="addCollaboratorToastText">User added to the repository.</string>
<!-- add collaborator -->
<!-- profile section -->
<string name="profileTabFollowers">Followers</string>
<string name="profileTabFollowing">Following</string>
<string name="profileCreateNewEmailAddress">Add Email Address</string>
<string name="profileEmailTitle">Email Address</string>
<string name="emailAddedText">New email added successfully</string>
<string name="emailErrorEmpty">Email address is empty</string>
<string name="emailErrorInvalid">Email address is not valid</string>
<string name="emailErrorInUse">Email address is already in use</string>
<string name="emailTypeText">Primary</string>
<string name="profileTabEmails">Emails</string>
<!-- profile section -->
<!-- single issue section -->
<string name="singleIssueEditLabels">Add / Remove Labels</string>
<string name="labelsUpdated">Labels updated</string>
<string name="closeIssue">Close Issue</string>
<string name="editIssue">Edit Issue</string>
<string name="reOpenIssue">Reopen Issue</string>
<string name="issueStateClosed">Issue closed</string>
<string name="issueStateReopened">Issue reopened</string>
<string name="addRemoveAssignees">Add / Remove Assignees</string>
<string name="assigneesUpdated">Assignees updated</string>
<string name="singleIssueSubscribe">Subscribe</string>
<string name="singleIssueUnSubscribe">Unsubscribe</string>
<!-- single issue section -->
<string name="repoMetaData">Repository Meta</string>
<!-- admin -->
<string name="adminCreateNewUser">Add New User</string>
<string name="adminUsers">System Users</string>
<string name="userRoleAdmin">Admin</string>
<string name="adminCron">Cron Tasks</string>
<string name="adminCronScheduleHeader">Schedule</string>
<string name="adminCronNextRunHeader">Next Run</string>
<string name="adminCronLastRunHeader">Last Run</string>
<string name="adminCronExecutionHeader">Executions</string>
<string name="adminCronTaskSuccessMsg">Task %1$s is initiated successfully</string>
<!-- admin -->
<!-- create user -->
<string name="userFullNameText">Full Name</string>
<string name="userEmail">Email</string>
<string name="userUserName">Username</string>
<string name="userPassword">Password</string>
<string name="userInvalidFullName">Invalid Full Name</string>
<string name="userInvalidUserName">Invalid Username</string>
<string name="userInvalidEmail">Invalid Email</string>
<string name="userCreatedText">New user added successfully</string>
<string name="userExistsError">User already exists</string>
<!-- create user -->
<!-- edit issue -->
<string name="editIssueNavHeader">Edit Issue #%1$s</string>
<string name="editIssueSuccessMessage">Issue updated</string>
<!-- edit issue -->
<!-- release -->
<string name="createRelease">New Release</string>
<string name="releaseTagNameText">Tag Name</string>
<string name="releaseTitleText">Title</string>
<string name="releaseContentText">Content</string>
<string name="releaseTypeText">Mark as Pre-Release</string>
<string name="releaseBranchText">Select Branch</string>
<string name="releaseDraftText">Draft</string>
<string name="tagNameErrorEmpty">Tag name is empty</string>
<string name="titleErrorEmpty">Title is empty</string>
<string name="releaseCreatedText">New release created</string>
<!-- release -->
<string name="loginOTPTypeError">OTP code should be numbers</string>
<string name="loginOTP">OTP Code (Optional)</string>
<string name="otpMessage">Enter otp code if 2FA is enabled</string>
<string name="openWebRepo">Open in Browser</string>
<string name="repoStargazersInMenu">Stargazers</string>
<string name="repoWatchersInMenu">Watchers</string>
<string name="noDataWebsite">No website found</string>
<string name="noDataDescription">No description found</string>
<string name="noDataLocation">No location found</string>
<string name="starMember">Star</string>
<string name="watcherMember">Watcher</string>
<string name="zipArchiveDownloadReleasesTab">Source code (ZIP)</string>
<string name="tarArchiveDownloadReleasesTab">Source code (TAR.GZ)</string>
<!-- new file -->
<string name="newFileNameTintCopy">File Name</string>
<string name="newFileBranchTintCopy">New Branch Name</string>
<string name="newFileContentTintCopy">File Content</string>
<string name="newFileButtonCopy">Create New File</string>
<string name="newFileNameHintMessage">with folder: app/</string>
<string name="newFileMessageTintCopy">Commit Message</string>
<string name="newFileInvalidBranchName">Invalid branch name, may only contain &#8211;, a&#8211;z, 0&#8211;9</string>
<string name="newFileCommitMessageError">Commit message is too long</string>
<string name="newFileSuccessMessage">New file created</string>
<string name="newFileBranches">Select or create a branch</string>
<string name="newFileRequiredFields">Fields like filename, content and commit message are required</string>
<string name="newFileEmptyBranchMessage">Leave blank to push to the default branch</string>
<string name="newFileRequiredFieldNewBranchName">New branch name cannot be empty if current branch is not selected</string>
<string name="strFilter">Filter</string>
<string name="strSwitchBranches">Branches</string>
<string name="strMarkdown">Markdown</string>
<string name="copyIssueUrl">Copy Issue URL</string>
<string name="copyIssueUrlToastMsg">URL copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="copyIssueCommentToastMsg">Comment copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="milestoneCompletion">%1$d\uFF05 completed</string>
<!-- files -->
<string name="noDataFilesTab">No files found</string>
<string name="filesGenericError">Sorry this file cannot be viewed as API returned an error</string>
<string name="fileTypeCannotBeEdited">Files of this type cannot be edited</string>
<string name="notSupported">Not supported</string>
<!-- generic copy -->
<string name="okButton">OK</string>
<string name="doneButton">Done</string>
<string name="cancelButton">Cancel</string>
<string name="genericError">Something went wrong, please try again</string>
<string name="apiNotFound">This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.</string>
<string name="noDataFound">No data found</string>
<string name="addButton">Add</string>
<string name="removeButton">Remove</string>
<string name="authorizeError">You are not authorized to perform this action.</string>
<string name="menuContentDesc">Menu</string>
<string name="menuEditText">Edit</string>
<string name="menuDeleteText">Delete</string>
<string name="menuCopyText">Copy</string>
<string name="menuQuoteText">Quote and Reply</string>
<string name="modifiedText">edited</string>
<string name="saveButton">Save</string>
<string name="websiteText">Website</string>
<string name="locationText">Location</string>
<string name="characters255Limit">Max 255 characters</string>
<string name="emptyFields">All fields are required</string>
<string name="textContinue">Continue</string>
<string name="copyToken">Token</string>
<string name="viewInBrowser">View in Browser</string>
<string name="isOpen">Open</string>
<string name="isClosed">Closed</string>
<string name="genericServerResponseError">We cannot reach the server at the moment, please check your server status and try again</string>
<string name="genericCopyUrl">Copy URL</string>
<string name="genericWaitFor">Hold on ☕</string>
<!-- generic copy -->
<string name="exploreUsers">Explore users</string>
<string name="exploreIssues">Explore issues</string>
<string name="exploreTextBoxHint">Explore repositories</string>
<string name="starRepository">Star Repository</string>
<string name="unStarRepository">Unstar Repository</string>
<string name="starRepositorySuccess">Repository added to starred list</string>
<string name="unStarRepositorySuccess">Repository removed from starred list</string>
<string name="watchRepository">Watch Repository</string>
<string name="unWatchRepository">Unwatch Repository</string>
<string name="watchRepositorySuccess">Repository added to watch list</string>
<string name="unWatchRepositorySuccess">Repository removed from watch list</string>
<string name="titleDrafts">Drafts</string>
<string name="versionUnsupportedOld">Unsupported old version(%1$s) of Gitea detected. Please update to latest stable version. If you continue, some features may not work.</string>
<string name="versionUnsupportedNew">New Gitea version detected! Please UPDATE GitNex!</string>
<string name="versionUnknown">No Gitea detected!</string>
<string name="versionAlertDialogHeader">Unsupported Version of Gitea</string>
<string name="loginViaPassword">Username / Password</string>
<string name="loginMethodText">Choose your preferred login method to access your account. Token is more secure!</string>
<string name="unauthorizedApiError">Instance has returned an error - Unauthorized. Check your credentials and try again</string>
<string name="loginTokenError">Token is required</string>
<string name="prDeletedFork">Deleted Fork</string>
<string name="noDataPullRequests">No pull requests found</string>
<string name="editPrText">Edit Pull Request</string>
<string name="copyPrUrlText">Copy Pull Request URL</string>
<string name="editPrNavHeader">Edit Pull Request #%1$s</string>
<string name="editPrSuccessMessage">Pull Request updated</string>
<string name="fileDiffViewHeader">%1$s Files Changed</string>
<string name="fileDiffViewHeaderSingle">%1$s File Changed</string>
<string name="updatePullRequestText">Update Pull Request</string>
<string name="openFileDiffText">Show Changed Files</string>
<string name="mergePullRequestText">Merge Pull Request</string>
<string name="deletePrHeadBranch">Delete head branch</string>
<string name="deleteBranchSuccess">Branch deleted successfully</string>
<string name="deleteBranchError">Could not delete branch</string>
<string name="deleteBranchErrorNotFound">Branch does not exist</string>
<string name="mergePullRequestButtonText">Merge</string>
<string name="deleteBranchAfterMerge">Delete branch after merge</string>
<string name="mergeNoteText">Merge may fail if you are not authorized to merge this Pull Request.</string>
<string name="mergeInfoDisabledMessage">Disabled Merge button means that there are conflicts OR other things to fix before Merge</string>
<string name="deleteBranchForkInfo">This branch belong to a forked repository</string>
<string name="mergeCommentText">Merge comment</string>
<string name="mergePRSuccessMsg">Pull Request was merged successfully</string>
<string name="mergePR404ErrorMsg">Pull Request is not available for merge</string>
<string name="mergeOptionMerge">Merge Pull Request</string>
<string name="mergeOptionRebase">Rebase and Merge</string>
<string name="mergeOptionRebaseCommit">Rebase and Merge (&#45;&#45;no-ff)</string>
<string name="mergeOptionSquash">Squash and Merge</string>
<string name="mergeStrategy">Merge Strategy</string>
<string name="selectMergeStrategy">Select merge strategy</string>
<string name="mergeNotAllowed">Not allowed to merge [Reason: Does not have enough approvals]</string>
<string name="downloadFile">Download This File</string>
<string name="waitLoadingDownloadFile">Please wait for the file to load to memory</string>
<string name="downloadFileSaved">File saved successfully</string>
<string name="excludeFilesInFileViewer">This file type/size is not supported in file viewer. You can download it from the menu.</string>
<string name="deleteFile">Delete This File</string>
<string name="editFile">Edit This File</string>
<string name="deleteFileText">Delete %1$s</string>
<string name="deleteFileMessage">File is set for deletion by branch %1$s</string>
<string name="editFileText">Edit %1$s</string>
<string name="editFileMessage">File is modified by branch %1$s</string>
<string name="sizeCopy">Size</string>
<string name="shareIssue">Share Issue</string>
<string name="sharePr">Share Pull Request</string>
<string name="shareRepository">Share Repository</string>
<string name="createRepository">Create Repository</string>
<string name="commitTitle">Commits</string>
<string name="commitAuthoredByAndCommittedByWhen"><![CDATA[<b>%s</b> authored and <b>%s</b> committed %s]]></string>
<string name="commitCommittedByWhen"><![CDATA[<b>%s</b> committed %s]]></string>
<string name="viewCommits">View Commits</string>
<!-- Memorizing Trust Manager -->
<string name="mtmNotification">Certificate Verification</string>
<string name="mtmAcceptCert">Accept Unknown Certificate?</string>
<string name="mtmTrustAnchor">The server certificate is not signed by a known Certificate Authority</string>
<string name="mtmCertExpired">The server certificate is expired.</string>
<string name="mtmAcceptServerName">Accept Mismatching Server Name?</string>
<string name="mtmHostnameMismatch">Server could not authenticate as \&quot;%s\&quot;. The certificate is only valid for:</string>
<string name="mtmConnectAnyway">Do you want to connect anyway?</string>
<string name="mtmCertDetails">Certificate details:</string>
<string name="mtmDecisionAlways">Trust</string>
<string name="mtmDecisionAbort">Abort</string>
<string name="subscribedSuccessfully">Subscribed successfully</string>
<string name="alreadySubscribed">You have already subscribed</string>
<string name="subscriptionError">Subscription failed</string>
<string name="unsubscribedSuccessfully">Unsubscribed successfully</string>
<string name="alreadyUnsubscribed">You have already Unsubscribed</string>
<string name="unSubscriptionError">Un-Subscription failed</string>
<string name="closeMilestone">Close Milestone</string>
<string name="openMilestone">Open Milestone</string>
<string name="milestoneStatusUpdate">Milestone status updated successfully</string>
<string name="errorOnLogin">We cannot reach the server, please check your server status</string>
<string name="reportViewerHeader">Crash Reports</string>
<string name="settingsEnableReportsText">Enable Crash Reports</string>
<string name="crashTitle">GitNex has stopped :(</string>
<string name="setCrashReports">Crash reports</string>
<string name="crashMessage">It is encouraged to open an issue at the project repository with how to reproduce this bug. It is easier to debug and fix the problem that way.\n\nTap the OK button to send the crash report by email instead. Additional content could be added in the email.\nThank you!</string>
<string name="forceLogoutDialogHeader">Please sign in again</string>
<string name="forceLogoutDialogDescription">Due to some major changes regarding the internal functioning of the app, we require you to login again. These changes allow us to make the app more flexible in the future.\n\nThank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.</string>
<string name="deleteAllDrafts">Delete All Drafts</string>
<string name="draftsListEmpty">No drafts found</string>
<string name="draftsDeleteSuccess">Drafts deleted successfully</string>
<string name="draftsSingleDeleteSuccess">Draft deleted successfully</string>
<string name="deleteAllDraftsDialogMessage">This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?</string>
<string name="draftSaved">Draft was saved automatically.</string>
<string name="appearanceHintText">Themes, fonts, badges</string>
<string name="securityHintText">Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache</string>
<string name="languagesHintText">Languages</string>
<string name="reportsHintText">Crash reports</string>
<string name="rateAppHintText">If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up</string>
<string name="aboutAppHintText">App version, build, user gitea version</string>
<string name="archivedRepository">Archived</string>
<string name="archivedRepositoryMessage">This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.</string>
<string name="accountDeletedMessage">Account deleted successfully</string>
<string name="removeAccountPopupTitle">Remove Account</string>
<string name="removeAccountPopupMessage">Are you sure you want to remove this account from the app?\n\nThis will remove all the data related to this account on the app only.</string>
<string name="addNewAccount">New Account</string>
<string name="addNewAccountText">Add New Account</string>
<string name="accountAlreadyExistsError">Account already exists in the app</string>
<string name="accountAddedMessage">Account added successfully</string>
<string name="switchAccountSuccess">Switched to account : %1$s@%2$s</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<string name="pageTitleNotifications">Notifications</string>
<string name="noDataNotifications">All caught up 🚀</string>
<string name="notificationsPollingHeaderText">Notifications Polling Delay</string>
<string name="pollingDelaySelectedText">%d Minutes</string>
<string name="pollingDelayDialogHeaderText">Select Polling Delay</string>
<string name="pollingDelayDialogDescriptionText">Choose a minutely delay in which GitNex tries to poll new notifications</string>
<string name="markAsRead">Mark as Read</string>
<string name="markAsUnread">Mark as Unread</string>
<string name="pinNotification">Pin Notification</string>
<string name="markedNotificationsAsRead">Successfully marked all notifications as read</string>
<string name="notificationsHintText">Polling delay, light, vibration</string>
<string name="enableNotificationsHeaderText">Enable Notifications</string>
<string name="enableLightsHeaderText">Enable Light</string>
<string name="enableVibrationHeaderText">Enable Vibration</string>
<string name="chooseColorSelectorHeader">Choose Color</string>
<string name="newMessages">New messages for %s</string>
<string name="youHaveGotNewNotifications">You\'ve got %d new notifications.</string>
<string name="mainNotificationChannelName">Notifications</string>
<string name="mainNotificationChannelDescription">This is the main notification channel of GitNex.</string>
<string name="isRead">Read</string>
<string name="isUnread">Unread</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTitle">Repository Settings</string>
<string name="repoSettingsEditProperties">Edit Properties</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDelete">Delete Repository</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDeleteHint">Be careful, this operation CANNOT be undone!</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesTemplate">Set as Template</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableIssues">Enable Issues</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesExternalIssuesUrl">External Issue Tracker Url</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableWiki">Enable Wiki</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesExternalWikiUrl">External Wiki Url</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnablePr">Enable Pull Requests</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableTimeTracker">Enable Time Tracker</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableMergeCommits">Enable Merge Commits</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableRebase">Enable Rebase</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableSquash">Enable Squash and Merge</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesEnableForceMerge">Enable Rebase with Merge Commits (&#8212;&#8212;no-ff)</string>
<string name="repoPropertiesSaveSuccess">Repository properties updated successfully</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDeleteDescription">Things to know before deletion:\n\n- This operation CANNOT be undone.\n- This operation will permanently delete the repository including code, issues, comments, wiki data and collaborator settings.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation</string>
<string name="repoSettingsDeleteError">Repository name does not match</string>
<string name="repoDeletionSuccess">Repository deleted successfully</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTransferOwnership">Transfer Ownership</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTransferOwnershipHint">Transfer this repository to a user or to an organization for which you have administrator rights</string>
<string name="repoSettingsTransferOwnershipDescription">Things to know before transfer:\n\n- You will lose access to the repository if you transfer it to an individual user.\n- You will keep access to the repository if you transfer it to an organization that you (co-)own.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation</string>
<string name="repoTransferText">Perform Transfer</string>
<string name="repoTransferOwnerText">New Owner</string>
<string name="repoTransferSuccess">Repository transferred successfully</string>
<string name="repoTransferOwnerError">New owner is required</string>
<string name="repoTransferError">There is a problem with the owner name. Make sure that the new owner exists</string>
<string name="exploreFilterDialogTitle">Filter Repositories</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeTopic">Search ONLY in Topic</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeDesc">Search in Description</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeArchive">Only Archived Repositories</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludePrivate">Only Private Repositories</string>
<string name="exploreFilterIncludeTemplateRepos">Search in Template Repositories</string>
<string name="mergeIntoBranch">Merge Into</string>
<string name="pullFromBranch">Pull From</string>
<string name="sameBranchesError">These branches are equal. There is no need to create a pull request</string>
<string name="mergeIntoError">Merge into branch is required</string>
<string name="pullFromError">Pull from branch is required</string>
<string name="titleError">Title is required</string>
<string name="prCreateSuccess">Pull Request created successfully</string>
<string name="prAlreadyExists">A pull request between these branches already exists</string>
<string name="accountDoesNotExist">It seems that account for URI %1$s does not exists in the app. You can add one by tapping on the Add New Account button.</string>
<string name="launchApp">Go to App</string>
<string name="noActionText">GitNex cannot handle the requested resource, you can open an issue at the project repository as an improvement with providing details of the work. Just launch a default screen for now from the buttons below, it can be changed from settings.</string>
<string name="biometricAuthTitle">Biometric Authentication</string>
<string name="biometricAuthSubTitle">Unlock using your biometric credentials</string>
<string name="biometricNotSupported">No biometric features available on this device</string>
<string name="biometricNotAvailable">Biometric features are currently unavailable</string>
<string name="enrollBiometric">Enroll biometric from phone settings</string>
<string name="copyLoginIdToClipBoard">Login ID \'%s\' copied to clipboard</string>
<!-- file viewer activity -->
<string name="fileViewerNotificationTitleStarted">Download in progress</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationDescriptionStarted">Downloading %s</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationTitleFinished">Download successful</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationDescriptionFinished">Downloaded %s</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationTitleFailed">Download failed</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationDescriptionFailed">Couldn\'t download %s</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationChannelName">Download manager</string>
<string name="fileViewerNotificationChannelDescription">Indicates the progress of ongoing downloads</string>
<string name="lastUpdatedAt">Updated %s</string>
<string name="joined">Joined</string>
<string name="userFollow">Follow</string>
<string name="unfollowUser">Unfollow</string>
<string name="unfollowedUser">Unfollowed @%s</string>
<string name="nowFollowUser">You now follow @%s</string>
<string name="unfollowingFailed">Couldn\'t unfollow user</string>
<string name="followingFailed">Couldn\'t follow user</string>
<string name="updatePrConflict">The pull request conflicts with the base branch. Please resolve the conflicts and try again.</string>
<string name="updatePrSuccess">Pull Request updated successfully</string>
<string name="updateStrategyMerge">Merge</string>
<string name="updateStrategyRebase">Rebase</string>
<string name="selectUpdateStrategy">Select Update Strategy</string>
<string name="closePr">Close Pull Request</string>
<string name="reopenPr">Reopen Pull Request</string>
<string name="userAvatar">Avatar</string>
<string name="tags">Tags</string>
<string name="releasesTags">Releases/Tags</string>
<string name="create_tag">Create Tag Only</string>
<string name="tagCreated">Tag created</string>
<string name="asRef">Use as reference</string>
<string name="deleteTagConfirmation">Do you really want to delete this tag?</string>
<string name="deleteTagTitle">Delete tag %s</string>
<string name="tagDeleted">Tag deleted</string>
<string name="useCustomTabs">Use Custom Tabs</string>
<string name="browserOpenFailed">No application found to open this link. SSH URLs and URLs with another prefix the http:// or https:// are not supported by most browser</string>

View File

@ -3,8 +3,24 @@
"base_path" : ""
"preserve_hierarchy": false
files: [
"source" : "app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml",
"translation" : "app/src/main/res/values-%two_letters_code%/strings.xml",
"source" : "app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml",
"translation" : "app/src/main/res/values-%two_letters_code%/strings.xml",
"source": "fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/short_description.txt",
"translation": "fastlane/metadata/android/%locale%/short_description.txt",
"source": "fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/full_description.txt",
"translation": "fastlane/metadata/android/%locale%/full_description.txt",
"source": "fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/title.txt",
"translation": "fastlane/metadata/android/%locale%/title.txt",
"source": "fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/*",
"translation": "fastlane/metadata/android/%locale%/changelogs/%original_file_name%",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* New: Added meta data and changelog for F-droid
* New: Highlight usernames in issues and comments
* Bugfix: Default label creation bug
* Bugfix: Infinite loop of settings screen on some devices
* New: Create label with color picker
* Bugfix: Fix label flag in creating new issue
* Bugfix: Fix pretty date on new app launch
* Enhanced: Moved create milestone and issue into bottom sheet
* Enhanced: Clean up issue and comments ui
* Enhanced: Enhance milestone open/close status
* Enhanced: Enhance milestone due date color and font size

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
- Fixed icons on some devices
- My Repositories
- Repositories list
- Organizations list
- Create new repository
- Create new organization
- Search/filter repositories and organizations
- Profile view
- Repository stars, watchers, issues count
- Issues list
- Issue comments
- Comment on issues
- Search issues in issues list
- Create new issue with multiple assignees, labels and add milestone, due date to it
- Create label
- Edit / delete labels
- Repository information
- Milestones list
- Create new milestone
- Branches list
- Releases with source download
- Collaborators view for repository
- Markdown support
- Emoji support
- Settings : Pretty and Normal time format, language change
- Option to access local non-https installs
- Login/Logout

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
- New: Redesign the whole app experience in terms of fonts, colors, ux adjustments and ui fixes
- New: New font
- New: Issues counter badge. Can be enabled/disabled from settings
- New: Redesigned settings screen
- New: Create a team in Organization
- New: List organization members
- New: List organization teams
- New: List team members in organization by tapping on the team name
- New: Repository list for the organization. Tap on organization.
- New: Show the repositories list starred by the logged in user
- Enhancement: Login api calls for http status code 500
- Enhancement: Font sizes, color schemes
- Enhancement: Labels, user avatars, menus
- Enhancement: Added names to collaborators grid in repository view instead of tap
- Enhancement: Refactored and redesigned About screen
- Enhancement: Reply to issue button is now at the nav header
- Fixed: Collaborators avatar layout grid
- Fixed: Malformed json in logins

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- New: Add collaborator to repository
- New: User can now edit his/her own comments
- New: See who are your followers
- New: See who you are following
- Enhancement: Redesign Profile screen
- Enhancement: Added edited status for single issue and comments
Release notes:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- New: Add an email address to your account
- New: Add collaborator to the repository
- New: Users can now edit his / her own comments
- New: See who are your followers
- New: See who you are following
- Enhancement: Redesign Profile screen
- Enhancement: Added edited status for single issue and comments
And many more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
This release focuses to enhance the UI through out the app with few new features and fix the bugs you guys reported so far.
Detailed release notes will be published with the stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- New: Add/remove labels from an issue
- New: README is added to repo information tab
- New: Basic HTTP authentication support. Use USERNAME@YOUR-DOMAIN.COM in URL field
- New: Create a new user - Admin privilege required
- Enhancement: Refactor multi dialogs to match the current app design
- Enhancement: Update markdown library for better md support
- Enhancement: New nav background image
Release Notes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- New: Notifications
- New: Delete comments
- New: New file downloader (no permission required)
- New: Drafts for comments
- New: New icons set
- New: Switch branches in File Browser
- New: Close/open filter Milestones
- New: New settings screen
- New: New diff view for PR files
- New: Cite code in PR diff and comment on it by long press
- New: Clear cache, configure cache size (settings)
- New: Delete branch after merge
Many more...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1st RC of 3.1.0 which brings features like Multi Account support, forks list etc.
Detailed release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
3.1.0 RC2 release brings enhanced multi accounts, delete and edit files, new progress indicators etc.
Detailed release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
New: Multiple accounts support
New: New Retro theme
New: Delete OR Edit a file
New: Repository forks
New: Markdown support in file viewer
New: New Progress indicators
New: Copy repo / org / issue comment url to clipboard
New: Create drafts per edit and improve it's UI
New: Enhance App UI across all screens
Release Notes:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
3.2.0 RC1 release brings create pr, repository settings for admins and many more new features.
Detailed release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- New: Edit issue
- New: Tabs for open and closed issues
- Enhancement: German translation
- Fixed: Layout fixes across the app
And many more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
New: Create pull request
New: Edit repository properties (Admins only)
New: Delete repository (Admins only)
New: Transfer repository ownership (Admins only)
New: Notification badge in navigation menu
New: Search issues across all repositories
New: Show issues/pr states in single view mode
New: Explore repositories filters
New: Android 11 support
New: Commits under Files branches
Release Notes:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
3.3.0 rc1 release brings new input design, new popups, open links from email and including other features with improvements and bug fixes.
Detail release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
A lot of bugs are squashed in this release including many UI improvements.
Detail release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Last release candidate(rc) before 3.3.0 stable release, includes bug fixes, ui improvements and issue/pr emoji reactions.
Detail release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- New: Add/remove labels from an issue
- New: Repo README in information tab
- New: Basic HTTP authentication support
- New: Create a new user
- New: Edit issue
- New: Closed issues in new tab
- Enhancement: German translation
- Enhancement: Redesign multi select dialogs
- Enhancement: New nav background image
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
New: New labels/assignees popups
New: Transition to new input design
New: New commenting screen
New: Handle popular instances links (open from email etc)
New: Syntax highlighting in code blocks
New: Organization labels in issue labels
New: Group notifications, settings screen to enable/disable, change delay, light color
New: Issue/PR and comments emoji reactions
Release Notes:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- New: Organization overview
- New: Code block colors - change in settings
- New: Home screen of your choice - change in settings
- New: Close and reopen an issue
- New: Create new release
- Enhancement: Updated release tab layout
- Enhancement: Added release tag in releases
- Enhancement: German and Russian translation updates
- Fixed: Crash when issues and info tabs are frequently switched
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
New: Render emoji in issue/pr titles, commit message and markdown files
New: Cron tasks (Admin only)
New: Biometric support to unlock the app
New: Switch to saved instance when coming from email/links
New: Copy user login id to clipboard
New: Progress notification for downloading files
New: Rewrite file viewer in native code to move away from traditional js to load files faster
Release Notes:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- New: Organization overview
- New: Code block colors - change in settings
- New: Home screen of your choice - change in settings
- New: Close and reopen an issue
- New: Create new release
- New: Mention collaborators in issues, comments
- New: 2FA OTP feature. Check the Troubleshoot wiki page for usage
- Enhancement: Updated release tab layout
- Enhancement: Added release tag in releases
- Enhancement: German and Russian translation updates
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
New: Revamped UI across the whole app
New: Explore public organizations
New: Users profile view with details, repositories, starred repositories, organizations, followers, following
New: Notifications for all accounts
New: New dialog popup for About App
New: Delete head branch after PR is merged
New: Time selection for changing dark theme
Release Notes:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
New: Follow/unfollow a user
New: Explore users
New: Update pull request (merge, rebase)
New: Filter issues by milestone
Improvement: Scroll to release tag via link handler
Improvement: Search issue/pr by Id
Improvement: Hide profile picture when scrolling
Improvement: Render markdown in repository and organization descriptions
Release Notes:
Release Video:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- New: Add/remove assignees
- New: Users list - Admin only
- New: Search users - filter by name, username and email
- Enhancement: Rate me link to play store
- Enhancement: Enhance About screen
- Enhancement: 4 cols in users gridview - collaborators
- Fixed: Crash when issue badge is disabled
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
New: Create/delete/list tags
New: Hide repository actions for non admins
New: New files diff viewer
New: Show users who reacted to issue/pr/comment
New: Redesigned organization Teams
Improvement: Enhance account manager
⚠️ Notice: GitNex 4.3.0 will drop support for Android 5. Going forward 5.0.0 will drop for Android 6 ⚠️
Release Notes:
Release Video:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- New: Add or update milestone of an issue
- New: Field for OTP on the login screen
- Enhancement: Better handling of buttons on API calls
- Fixed: Crash when empty password with OTP is used
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
- New: Create new files
- New: Open repository in browser from bottomsheet, @6543
- New: List of repository stargazers
- New: List of repository watchers
- New: Open repository in browser from listview
- Enhancement: Repo website linking
- Enhancement: Reduce large text to small for links
- Enhancement: Translations for french, german
- Fixed: Crash on tapping search icon
- Fixed: Crash when tabs are moved quickly
- Fixed: Commit hash url in branches tab
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
- New: Font - roboto
- New: Milestone progress bar @6543
- New: Redesign issues list
- New: Copy issue URL to clipboard @6543
- New: Redesign milestones list
- New: Added repository avatars
- Improvement: Repo info tab enhancements
- Improvement: Bold font for labels
- Improvement: Change search icon and text to filter
- Improvement: Refactor markdown code to load images
- Improvement: UI improvements for avatars and alignments
- Improvement: Enable/disable create issue based on repo settings
- Bugfix: Open issues tab color scheme
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Bugfix: crash when repo avatar in not present in api nodes. old Gitea instances
Bugfix: Milestone progress bar fix
Bugfix: Create new issue enable/disable fix
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Bugfix: crash when my repo, starred repos are accessed without repo avatar. old Gitea instances
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Bugfix: another old Gitea instances API issue
- New: Font - Roboto
- New: Milestone progress bar @6543
- New: Redesign issues list
- New: Copy issue URL to clipboard @6543
- New: Redesign milestones list
- New: Added repository avatars
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- New: Explore repositories
- New: Files and directory browser (Require Gitea 1.9)
- New: Basic file viewer
- New: Filter files/directories
- New: Star/unstar a repository
- New: Watch/unwatch a repository
- Improvement: Added Corwdin for translation
- Improvement: Bottomsheet scroll and line dividers
- Improvement: New languages support
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
New: Login via token
New: Images support in file viewer
New: Source code highlight in file viewer
New: Offline mode(cache)
New: Pull Requests list(open)
New: Merge pull request
New: Diff view of PR files for public repositories
New: Turkish, Ukrainian and Portuguese/Brazilian language support
Improvement: Check Gitea for unsupported version at login
Improvement: Refreshed color scheme
Improvement: Refactor credits and sponsors screens
Bugfix: Multiple token creation from upstream API (logout and login is required)
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
New: Light theme (choose from settings)
New: Download files in Fileviewer (need write permissions)
New: Custom fonts (choose from settings)
New: PDF support in Fileviewer
New: Night mode in PDF (Fileviewer)
New: Default list of repositories in Explore screen
New: Latvian language support
Improvement: Support more files in file viewer syntax highlighter
Improvement: Exclude BIN files rendering in diff viewer
Improvement: Exclude specific files in file viewer like doc, xls etc
Improvement: Single issue id and support copy title and description to clipborad
Improvement: Translation updates
Bugfix: Don't refresh repositories without action
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
GitNex is a free/paid, open-source Android client for Git repository management tool Gitea. Gitea is a community managed fork of Gogs, lightweight code hosting solution written in Go.
# Features
- Multiple accounts support
- File and directory browser
- File viewer
- Create files
- Login via Token
- Merge pull request
- Offline mode(cache)
- Explore repositories
- Diff view of PR files for public repositories
- Repositories list
- Organizations list
- Create new repository / organization
- Search/filter repositories / organizations / issues etc
- Profile view
- Issues list
- Issue comments
- Comment on issues
- Create new issue with multiple assignee, labels and add milestone, due date to it
- Create labels
- Edit / delete labels
- Milestones list
- Create new milestone
- Branches list
- Releases with source download
- Collaborators view for repository
- Markdown support
- Emoji support
- Extensive Settings
- Option to access local non-https installs
- 2FA OTP support
- Notifications
- Drafts
- Switch branches in File browser
- Repository commits
- Self signed cert support
- Theme auto switcher
- Delete comments
- Configure app cache from settings
More features -
Source code:

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Native client for Gitea

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
GitNex for Gitea

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* New: Added meta data and changelog for F-droid
* New: Highlight usernames in issues and comments
* Bugfix: Default label creation bug
* Bugfix: Infinite loop of settings screen on some devices
* New: Create label with color picker
* Bugfix: Fix label flag in creating new issue
* Bugfix: Fix pretty date on new app launch
* Enhanced: Moved create milestone and issue into bottom sheet
* Enhanced: Clean up issue and comments ui
* Enhanced: Enhance milestone open/close status
* Enhanced: Enhance milestone due date color and font size

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
- Fixed icons on some devices
- My Repositories
- Repositories list
- Organizations list
- Create new repository
- Create new organization
- Search/filter repositories and organizations
- Profile view
- Repository stars, watchers, issues count
- Issues list
- Issue comments
- Comment on issues
- Search issues in issues list
- Create new issue with multiple assignees, labels and add milestone, due date to it
- Create label
- Edit / delete labels
- Repository information
- Milestones list
- Create new milestone
- Branches list
- Releases with source download
- Collaborators view for repository
- Markdown support
- Emoji support
- Settings : Pretty and Normal time format, language change
- Option to access local non-https installs
- Login/Logout

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
- New: Redesign the whole app experience in terms of fonts, colors, ux adjustments and ui fixes
- New: New font
- New: Issues counter badge. Can be enabled/disabled from settings
- New: Redesigned settings screen
- New: Create a team in Organization
- New: List organization members
- New: List organization teams
- New: List team members in organization by tapping on the team name
- New: Repository list for the organization. Tap on organization.
- New: Show the repositories list starred by the logged in user
- Enhancement: Login api calls for http status code 500
- Enhancement: Font sizes, color schemes
- Enhancement: Labels, user avatars, menus
- Enhancement: Added names to collaborators grid in repository view instead of tap
- Enhancement: Refactored and redesigned About screen
- Enhancement: Reply to issue button is now at the nav header
- Fixed: Collaborators avatar layout grid
- Fixed: Malformed json in logins

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- New: Add collaborator to repository
- New: User can now edit his/her own comments
- New: See who are your followers
- New: See who you are following
- Enhancement: Redesign Profile screen
- Enhancement: Added edited status for single issue and comments
Release notes:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- New: Add an email address to your account
- New: Add collaborator to the repository
- New: Users can now edit his / her own comments
- New: See who are your followers
- New: See who you are following
- Enhancement: Redesign Profile screen
- Enhancement: Added edited status for single issue and comments
And many more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
This release focuses to enhance the UI through out the app with few new features and fix the bugs you guys reported so far.
Detailed release notes will be published with the stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- New: Add/remove labels from an issue
- New: README is added to repo information tab
- New: Basic HTTP authentication support. Use USERNAME@YOUR-DOMAIN.COM in URL field
- New: Create a new user - Admin privilege required
- Enhancement: Refactor multi dialogs to match the current app design
- Enhancement: Update markdown library for better md support
- Enhancement: New nav background image
Release Notes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- New: Notifications
- New: Delete comments
- New: New file downloader (no permission required)
- New: Drafts for comments
- New: New icons set
- New: Switch branches in File Browser
- New: Close/open filter Milestones
- New: New settings screen
- New: New diff view for PR files
- New: Cite code in PR diff and comment on it by long press
- New: Clear cache, configure cache size (settings)
- New: Delete branch after merge
Many more...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1st RC of 3.1.0 which brings features like Multi Account support, forks list etc.
Detailed release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
3.1.0 RC2 release brings enhanced multi accounts, delete and edit files, new progress indicators etc.
Detailed release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
New: Multiple accounts support
New: New Retro theme
New: Delete OR Edit a file
New: Repository forks
New: Markdown support in file viewer
New: New Progress indicators
New: Copy repo / org / issue comment url to clipboard
New: Create drafts per edit and improve it's UI
New: Enhance App UI across all screens
Release Notes:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
3.2.0 RC1 release brings create pr, repository settings for admins and many more new features.
Detailed release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- New: Edit issue
- New: Tabs for open and closed issues
- Enhancement: German translation
- Fixed: Layout fixes across the app
And many more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
New: Create pull request
New: Edit repository properties (Admins only)
New: Delete repository (Admins only)
New: Transfer repository ownership (Admins only)
New: Notification badge in navigation menu
New: Search issues across all repositories
New: Show issues/pr states in single view mode
New: Explore repositories filters
New: Android 11 support
New: Commits under Files branches
Release Notes:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
3.3.0 rc1 release brings new input design, new popups, open links from email and including other features with improvements and bug fixes.
Detail release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
A lot of bugs are squashed in this release including many UI improvements.
Detail release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Last release candidate(rc) before 3.3.0 stable release, includes bug fixes, ui improvements and issue/pr emoji reactions.
Detail release notes will be published with stable release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- New: Add/remove labels from an issue
- New: Repo README in information tab
- New: Basic HTTP authentication support
- New: Create a new user
- New: Edit issue
- New: Closed issues in new tab
- Enhancement: German translation
- Enhancement: Redesign multi select dialogs
- Enhancement: New nav background image
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
New: New labels/assignees popups
New: Transition to new input design
New: New commenting screen
New: Handle popular instances links (open from email etc)
New: Syntax highlighting in code blocks
New: Organization labels in issue labels
New: Group notifications, settings screen to enable/disable, change delay, light color
New: Issue/PR and comments emoji reactions
Release Notes:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- New: Organization overview
- New: Code block colors - change in settings
- New: Home screen of your choice - change in settings
- New: Close and reopen an issue
- New: Create new release
- Enhancement: Updated release tab layout
- Enhancement: Added release tag in releases
- Enhancement: German and Russian translation updates
- Fixed: Crash when issues and info tabs are frequently switched
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
New: Render emoji in issue/pr titles, commit message and markdown files
New: Cron tasks (Admin only)
New: Biometric support to unlock the app
New: Switch to saved instance when coming from email/links
New: Copy user login id to clipboard
New: Progress notification for downloading files
New: Rewrite file viewer in native code to move away from traditional js to load files faster
Release Notes:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- New: Organization overview
- New: Code block colors - change in settings
- New: Home screen of your choice - change in settings
- New: Close and reopen an issue
- New: Create new release
- New: Mention collaborators in issues, comments
- New: 2FA OTP feature. Check the Troubleshoot wiki page for usage
- Enhancement: Updated release tab layout
- Enhancement: Added release tag in releases
- Enhancement: German and Russian translation updates
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
New: Revamped UI across the whole app
New: Explore public organizations
New: Users profile view with details, repositories, starred repositories, organizations, followers, following
New: Notifications for all accounts
New: New dialog popup for About App
New: Delete head branch after PR is merged
New: Time selection for changing dark theme
Release Notes:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
New: Follow/unfollow a user
New: Explore users
New: Update pull request (merge, rebase)
New: Filter issues by milestone
Improvement: Scroll to release tag via link handler
Improvement: Search issue/pr by Id
Improvement: Hide profile picture when scrolling
Improvement: Render markdown in repository and organization descriptions
Release Notes:
Release Video:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- New: Add/remove assignees
- New: Users list - Admin only
- New: Search users - filter by name, username and email
- Enhancement: Rate me link to play store
- Enhancement: Enhance About screen
- Enhancement: 4 cols in users gridview - collaborators
- Fixed: Crash when issue badge is disabled
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
New: Create/delete/list tags
New: Hide repository actions for non admins
New: New files diff viewer
New: Show users who reacted to issue/pr/comment
New: Redesigned organization Teams
Improvement: Enhance account manager
⚠️ Notice: GitNex 4.3.0 will drop support for Android 5. Going forward 5.0.0 will drop for Android 6 ⚠️
Release Notes:
Release Video:
Release Blog:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- New: Add or update milestone of an issue
- New: Field for OTP on the login screen
- Enhancement: Better handling of buttons on API calls
- Fixed: Crash when empty password with OTP is used
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
- New: Create new files
- New: Open repository in browser from bottomsheet, @6543
- New: List of repository stargazers
- New: List of repository watchers
- New: Open repository in browser from listview
- Enhancement: Repo website linking
- Enhancement: Reduce large text to small for links
- Enhancement: Translations for french, german
- Fixed: Crash on tapping search icon
- Fixed: Crash when tabs are moved quickly
- Fixed: Commit hash url in branches tab
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
- New: Font - roboto
- New: Milestone progress bar @6543
- New: Redesign issues list
- New: Copy issue URL to clipboard @6543
- New: Redesign milestones list
- New: Added repository avatars
- Improvement: Repo info tab enhancements
- Improvement: Bold font for labels
- Improvement: Change search icon and text to filter
- Improvement: Refactor markdown code to load images
- Improvement: UI improvements for avatars and alignments
- Improvement: Enable/disable create issue based on repo settings
- Bugfix: Open issues tab color scheme
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Bugfix: crash when repo avatar in not present in api nodes. old Gitea instances
Bugfix: Milestone progress bar fix
Bugfix: Create new issue enable/disable fix
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Bugfix: crash when my repo, starred repos are accessed without repo avatar. old Gitea instances
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Bugfix: another old Gitea instances API issue
- New: Font - Roboto
- New: Milestone progress bar @6543
- New: Redesign issues list
- New: Copy issue URL to clipboard @6543
- New: Redesign milestones list
- New: Added repository avatars
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- New: Explore repositories
- New: Files and directory browser (Require Gitea 1.9)
- New: Basic file viewer
- New: Filter files/directories
- New: Star/unstar a repository
- New: Watch/unwatch a repository
- Improvement: Added Corwdin for translation
- Improvement: Bottomsheet scroll and line dividers
- Improvement: New languages support
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
New: Login via token
New: Images support in file viewer
New: Source code highlight in file viewer
New: Offline mode(cache)
New: Pull Requests list(open)
New: Merge pull request
New: Diff view of PR files for public repositories
New: Turkish, Ukrainian and Portuguese/Brazilian language support
Improvement: Check Gitea for unsupported version at login
Improvement: Refreshed color scheme
Improvement: Refactor credits and sponsors screens
Bugfix: Multiple token creation from upstream API (logout and login is required)
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
New: Light theme (choose from settings)
New: Download files in Fileviewer (need write permissions)
New: Custom fonts (choose from settings)
New: PDF support in Fileviewer
New: Night mode in PDF (Fileviewer)
New: Default list of repositories in Explore screen
New: Latvian language support
Improvement: Support more files in file viewer syntax highlighter
Improvement: Exclude BIN files rendering in diff viewer
Improvement: Exclude specific files in file viewer like doc, xls etc
Improvement: Single issue id and support copy title and description to clipborad
Improvement: Translation updates
Bugfix: Don't refresh repositories without action
For more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
GitNex is a free/paid, open-source Android client for Git repository management tool Gitea. Gitea is a community managed fork of Gogs, lightweight code hosting solution written in Go.
# Features
- Multiple accounts support
- File and directory browser
- File viewer
- Create files
- Login via Token
- Merge pull request
- Offline mode(cache)
- Explore repositories
- Diff view of PR files for public repositories
- Repositories list
- Organizations list
- Create new repository / organization
- Search/filter repositories / organizations / issues etc
- Profile view
- Issues list
- Issue comments
- Comment on issues
- Create new issue with multiple assignee, labels and add milestone, due date to it
- Create labels
- Edit / delete labels
- Milestones list
- Create new milestone
- Branches list
- Releases with source download
- Collaborators view for repository
- Markdown support
- Emoji support
- Extensive Settings
- Option to access local non-https installs
- 2FA OTP support
- Notifications
- Drafts
- Switch branches in File browser
- Repository commits
- Self signed cert support
- Theme auto switcher
- Delete comments
- Configure app cache from settings
More features -
Source code:

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Native client for Gitea

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
GitNex for Gitea

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* New: Added meta data and changelog for F-droid
* New: Highlight usernames in issues and comments
* Bugfix: Default label creation bug
* Bugfix: Infinite loop of settings screen on some devices
* New: Create label with color picker
* Bugfix: Fix label flag in creating new issue
* Bugfix: Fix pretty date on new app launch
* Enhanced: Moved create milestone and issue into bottom sheet
* Enhanced: Clean up issue and comments ui
* Enhanced: Enhance milestone open/close status
* Enhanced: Enhance milestone due date color and font size

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
- Fixed icons on some devices
- My Repositories
- Repositories list
- Organizations list
- Create new repository
- Create new organization
- Search/filter repositories and organizations
- Profile view
- Repository stars, watchers, issues count
- Issues list
- Issue comments
- Comment on issues
- Search issues in issues list
- Create new issue with multiple assignees, labels and add milestone, due date to it
- Create label
- Edit / delete labels
- Repository information
- Milestones list
- Create new milestone
- Branches list
- Releases with source download
- Collaborators view for repository
- Markdown support
- Emoji support
- Settings : Pretty and Normal time format, language change
- Option to access local non-https installs
- Login/Logout

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
- Neu: Angepasstes App-Design der gesamten App der Farben, UX- und UI-Verbesserungen
- Neu: Neue Schriftart
- Neu: Issue-Zähler. Kann in den Einstellungen aktiviert/deaktiviert werden
- New: Redesigned settings screen
- New: Create a team in Organization
- New: List organization members
- New: List organization teams
- New: List team members in organization by tapping on the team name
- New: Repository list for the organization. Tap on organization.
- New: Show the repositories list starred by the logged in user
- Enhancement: Login api calls for http status code 500
- Enhancement: Font sizes, color schemes
- Enhancement: Labels, user avatars, menus
- Enhancement: Added names to collaborators grid in repository view instead of tap
- Enhancement: Refactored and redesigned About screen
- Enhancement: Reply to issue button is now at the nav header
- Fixed: Collaborators avatar layout grid
- Fixed: Malformed json in logins

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- New: Add collaborator to repository
- New: User can now edit his/her own comments
- New: See who are your followers
- New: See who you are following
- Enhancement: Redesign Profile screen
- Enhancement: Added edited status for single issue and comments
Release notes:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- New: Add an email address to your account
- New: Add collaborator to the repository
- New: Users can now edit his / her own comments
- New: See who are your followers
- New: See who you are following
- Enhancement: Redesign Profile screen
- Enhancement: Added edited status for single issue and comments
And many more, check the release notes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Release notes will be published with the stable release.
In the mean time check the milestone for pull requests and issues that are merged/closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
This release focuses to enhance the UI through out the app with few new features and fix the bugs you guys reported so far.
Detailed release notes will be published with the stable release.

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More