diff --git a/app/build.gradle b/app/build.gradle
index 95eaa707..ac11d7a3 100644
--- a/app/build.gradle
+++ b/app/build.gradle
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ android {
applicationId "org.mian.gitnex"
minSdkVersion 23
targetSdkVersion 33
- versionCode 495
- versionName "5.0.0-dev"
+ versionCode 500
+ versionName "5.0.0"
multiDexEnabled true
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml
index bcd8c7e6..5a9bfe0b 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml
@@ -4,33 +4,35 @@
المستودعات المفضلة
- الملف التعريفي
+ المِلف التعريفي
عن التطبيق
GitNex معدل
- الخروج
- Administration
- My Issues
+ تسجيل الخروج
+ Instance Administration
+ قضاياي
+ المستودعات الأكثر زيارة
+ الملاحظات
مستودع جديد
- مسائل
+ قضايا
منظمة جديدة
- New Milestone
- New Issue
- New Label
- Credits
- اختر فرعًا
- Update Label
+ مرحلة جديدة
+ مُشكلة جديدة
+ وسم جديد
+ المساهمون في العمل
+ اِختر فرعاً
+ تحديث الوسم
المستودعات المفضلة
فريق جديد
إضافة عنوان بريد الكتروني
- ملف جديد
+ مِلف جديد
- Gitea Administration
- New Pull Request
- Users
+ Administration
+ طلب دمج جديد
+ المُستخدمون
Demo repo
مثال عن الوصف
@@ -40,605 +42,604 @@
اسم المستودع
وصف المستودَع
- مالك
+ المالك
اسم المنظمة
وصف المنظمة
اسم المستخدم
- الكلمة السرية
+ كلمة المرور
عنوان مثيل الخادم
- Open Navigation Drawer
- Close Navigation Drawer
- لِج إلى Gitea
- Protocol
- 1. پروتکل درست را انتخاب کنید (http یا https)
-2. نشانی Gitea را وارد کنید. مثلا: try.gitea.io
-3. اگر احراز هویت دو مرحلهای را برای حساب خود فعال کردهاید، رمز را در کادر OTP وارد کنید.
-4. برای احراز هویت عادی HTTP از USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM در نشانی استفاده کنید.
- Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors
- It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network
- Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
- Instance URL is required
- اسم المستخدم لازم
- الكلمة السرية لازمة
- Protocol is required
- Cannot access network, please check your Internet connection
+ فتح درج التنقل
+ إغلاق درج التنقل
+ برتوكول
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
+ لا يمكن الاتصال بالخادم. رجاءً تحقق رابطك أو منفذك لأي أخطاء
+ لا يُنصح باستخدام بروتوكول HTTP إلا إذا كنت تجرب في شبكة محلية
+ أُستلم JSON غير صحيح. لم تكن استجابة الخادم ناجحة
+ عنوان URL للمثيل مطلوب
+ اسم المستخدم مطلوب
+ كلمة المرور مطلوبة
+ البروتوكول مطلوب
+ لا يمكن الوصول إلى الشبكة، رجاءً تحقق اتصالك بالإنترنت
اسم المستودع فارغ
- Repository name is not valid. [a–z A–Z 0–9 – _]
- Repository name is reserved
- Repository name contains reserved keywords
- Repository description exceeds the max 255 characters limit
- Repository created successfully
- Repository of this name already exists under selected Owner
- Select owner for the repository
- Organization name is empty
- Organization name is not valid, [a–z A–Z 0–9 – _]
- Organization description exceeds the max 255 characters limit
- Organization created successfully
- Organization already exists
- %1$s addition(s) and %2$s deletion(s)
- Processing
+ اسم المستودع غير صالح. [a–z A–Z 0–9 – _]
+ اسم المستودع محجوز
+ اسم المستودع يحوي كلمات محجوزة
+ تجاوز وصف المستودع عدد الحروف الأقصى 255 حرفاً
+ أُنشئ المستودع بنجاح
+ يوجد مستودع بهذا الاسم للمالك المحدد فعلًا
+ اِختر مالك المستودع
+ اسم المنظمة فارغ
+ اسم المنظمة غير صالح. [a–z A–Z 0–9 – _]
+ تجاوز وصف المنظمة عدد الحروف الأقصى 255 حرفاً
+ أُنشئت المنظمة بنجاح
+ المنظمة موجودة مسبقاً
+ %1$s إضافة (إضافات) و %2$s حذف (محذوفات)
+ جارٍ المعالجة
- أغلق
+ إغلاق
- Instance has returned an error. Code %d
+ أرجع المثيل خطأ. الرمز %d
- الملفات
- Milestones
+ المِلفات
+ المراحل
- Pull Requests
- Pull Request
+ طلبات الدمج
+ طلب دمج
- الفرع المبدئيّ
+ الفرع الافتراضي
عنوان SSH
- انسخ العنوان
+ نسخ عنوان URL
عنوان المستودع
- Created
- Last Updated
- Show More Information
- More Information
+ أُنشئ
+ آخر تحديث
+ إظهار المزيد من المعلومات
+ المزيد من المعلومات
- Milestone %1$s
- Due on %1$s
- Assigned to: %1$s
- Assigned to Me
+ المرحلة %1$s
+ سُلِّم في %1$s
+ موكلة على: %1$s
+ موكلة علي
- Please write your comment
- Comment posted
- This function will be removed in the future
- Image
- Commit author: %1$s
+ رجاءً أكتب تعليقك
+ نُشِر التعليق
+ ستُزال هذه الوظيفة في المستقبل
+ صورة
+ صاحب الإيداع: %1$s
- Published by @%1$s
- Release notes are not provided by the publisher.
+ نُشِر بواسطة @%1$s
+ لم توفر ملاحظات الإصدار من قبل الناشر.
- Due Date
- Milestone title is empty
- Milestone description exceeds the max 255 characters limit
- Milestone created successfully
- Please choose due date
- No due date
- No description
- %1$d Open
- %1$d Closed
- Select Milestone
- Select Assignees
- Select Labels
+ تاريخ الإكمال
+ اسم المرحلة فارغ
+ تجاوز وصف المرحلة عدد الحروف الأقصى 255 حرفاً
+ أُنشئت المرحلة بنجاح
+ يرجى اختيار تاريخ الإكمال
+ لا يوجد تاريخ إكمال
+ لا يوجد وصف
+ %1$d مفتوحة
+ %1$d مغلقة
+ اِختر المرحلة
+ اِختر الموكل عليهم
+ اِختر الأوسمة
- Assignees
+ الموكل عليهم
- Due Date
- Milestone
- Labels
- Issue title is empty
- Issue description is empty
- New issue created successfully
- No milestone
- No assignees found
+ تاريخ الإكمال
+ المرحلة
+ الأوسمة
+ اسم القضية فارغ
+ وصف القضية فارغ
+ أُنشئت القضية الجديدة بنجاح
+ لا يوجد مراحل
+ لا يوجد أشخاص موكلين
- System
- Security
- Delete Trusted Certificates
- Delete Trusted Certificates?
- Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
- التاريخ والوقت
+ اِستعمال لغة النظام
+ الأمان
+ حذف الشهادات الموثوقة
+ أتريد حذف الشهادات الموثوقة؟
+ أمتأكد من حذف أي شهادة أو اسم مضيف موثق يدوياً؟\n\n سيُسجل خروجك أيضاً.
تم حفظ الإعدادات
- العربية
+ الإنجليزية
- جميل
- Normal
- اختر اللغة
- Light Theme Switch Time
- Dark Theme Switch Time
- اختر تنسيقًا للوقت
- Translate GitNex via Crowdin
- Code Block Color
- Code Block Color Selector
- الشاشة الرئيسية
+ اِختر اللغة
+ موعد التحويل للوضع الفاتح
+ موعد التحويل للوضع الغامق
+ اِختر تنسيق الوقت
+ ترجم GitNex بواسطة كراودين
+ لون كتل التعليمات البرمجية
+ اختيار لون كتل التعليمات البرمجية
+ الشاشة الرئيسة
- Select Home Screen
+ اِختر الشاشة الرئيسة
- اختر الخط
- اختر سمة التطبيق
- الحُلّة
- Counter Badges
- Source Code Theme
- Data Cache Size
- Data Cache Size
- Images Cache Size
- Images Cache Size
- Clear Cache
- Clear Cache?
- This will delete all the cache data including files and images.\n\nProceed with deletion?
- Drafts
- Comments draft
- Enable Drafts Deletion
- Delete comment draft when comment is posted
- General
- Home screen, default link handler
- Default Link Handler
- Choose what screen should be loaded if the app cannot handle external links. It will redirect you automatically.
- N/A
- Select Default Link Handler Screen
- Biometric Support
- Labels With Text Support
- Enabling this will show labels with text in issues and pr lists, default are color dots
+ اِختر الخط
+ اِختر سمة التطبيق
+ السمة
+ شارات التعداد
+ سمة الشفرة المصدرية
+ حجم البيانات المؤقتة
+ حجم الذاكرة المؤقتة
+ حجم الذاكرة المؤقتة للصور
+ حجم التخزين المؤقت للصور
+ مسح التخزين المؤقت
+ مسح التخزين المؤقت؟
+ سيحذف هذا كل البيانات المؤقتة متضمنةً الملفات والصور.\n\n هل تريد إكمال الحذف؟
+ المسودات
+ مسودة التعليقات
+ تمكين حذف المسودات
+ حذف مسودة التعليق عندما يُنشر
+ الإعدادات العامّة
+ الصفحة الرئيسة، معالج الرابط الافتراضي
+ معالج الرابط الافتراضي
+ اختر الشاشة التي يجب عرضها إذا لم يستطع التطبيق التعامل مع الروابط الخارجية سيعيد توجيهك تلقائيًا إليها.
+ غير متاح
+ اِختر صفحة معالج الرابط الافتراضية
+ دعم القُفْل الحيوي
+ أوسمة مع دعم النصوص
+ سيؤدي تمكين هذا إلى إظهار الأوسمة التي تحوي نصاً في المشكلات وطلبات الدمج، بشكل افتراضي ستعرض نُقَطٌ ملونة
- No more data available
- New Label
+ لا يوجد المزيد من البيانات المتاحة
+ وسم جديد
قائمة المستودع
- Label Name
- Label Color
- Label name is empty
- Label name is not valid
- Label created
- Label updated
+ اسم الوسم
+ لون الوسم
+ اسم الوسم فارغ
+ اسم الوسم غير صالح
+ أُنشئ الوسم
+ حُدِّث الوسم
- Label deleted
- Select a branch for release
- Authorization Error
- It seems that the Access Token is revoked OR your are not allowed to see these contents.\n\nIn case of revoked Token, please logout and login again
- Do you really want to delete this label?
+ حُذف الوسم
+ اختر فرعاً للإصدار
+ خطأ في المصادقة
+ يبدو أن رمز الوصول قد أُبطل أو أنه غير مسموح لك برؤية هذا المحتوى.\n\nإذا كنت قد أبطلت الرمز، يرجى تسجيل الخروج وتسجيل الدخول مرة أخرى
+ هل تريد حقاً حذف هذا الوسم؟
اسم الفريق
وصف الفريق
- Permissions
- • Members of this team do not have any permissions.
- • Members of this team can view team repositories.
- • Members of this team can view and push to team repositories.
- • Members of this team can push to and from team repositories and add collaborators.
- • Members of this team have owner permissions.
- show all
+ الصلاحيات
+ •أعضاء هذا الفريق لا يملكون أي صلاحيات.
+ •أعضاء هذا الفريق يستطيعون رؤية مستودعات الفريق.
+ •أعضاء هذا الفريق يستطيعون رؤية ودفع التحديثات لمستودعات الفريق.
+ أعضاء هذا الفريق يستطيعون الدفع من وإلى مستودعات الفريق وإضافة المتعاونين.
+ أعضاء هذا الفريق يملكون صلاحيات المالك.
+ إظهار الكل
أعضاء المنظمة
- Organization team members
- Remove %s
- Add %s
- Do you want to add this user to the team?
- Do you want to remove this user from the team?
- Member added to the team successfully
- Member removed from the team successfully
- Repository added to the team successfully
- Repository removed from the team successfully
- Add repository %1$s to organization %2$s team %3$s
- Remove repository %1$s from team %2$s
+ أعضاء فريق المنظمة
+ حذف %s
+ إضافة %s
+ هل تريد إضافة هذا المستخدم للفريق؟
+ هل تريد إزالة هذا المستخدم من الفريق؟
+ أُضيف المستخدم للفريق بنجاح
+ أُزيل المستخدم من الفريق بنجاح
+ أُضيف المستودع للفريق بنجاح
+ أُزيل المستودع من الفريق بنجاح
+ إضافة المستودع %1$s لمنظمة %2$s فريق %3$s
+ إزالة المستودع %1$s من الفريق %2$s
اسم الفريق
- Permission
- Access Controls
- Members can view and clone team repositories
- Members can read and push to team repositories
- Members can pull and push to team repositories and add collaborators to them
+ الصلاحيّة
+ صلاحيات الوصول
+ الأعضاء يستطيعون رؤية ونسخ مستودعات الفريق
+ الأعضاء يستطيعون القراءة والدفع لمستودعات الفريق
+ الأعضاء يستطيعون السحب والدفع لمستودعات الفريق وإضافة متعاونين لها
يرجى إدخال إسم للفريق
- Team name should contain only alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore (_) and dot (.) characters
- Please select permission
- Team description have illegal characters
- Team description have more than 100 characters
- Team created successfully
+ اسم الفريق يجب أن يحوي فقط أحرفاً وأرقاماً، شرطة عرضية (-)، شرطة سفلية (_) ونقطة (.)
+ رجاءً اِختر صلاحيّة
+ وصف الفريق يحوي حروفاً غير مسموح بها
+ وصف الفريق يحوي أكثر من 100 حرفاً
+ أُنشئ الفريق بنجاح
تعديل التعليق
- Comment updated
- Share Comment
- Comment deleted successfully
- Copy Comment
+ حُدِّث التعليق
+ مشاركة التعليق
+ حُذف التعليق بنجاح
+ نسخ التعليق
البحث عن مستخدمين
اسم المستخدم
- Remove %s?
- Do you want to remove this user from the repository?
- User removed from the repository.
- User added to the repository.
+ حذف %s؟
+ أتريد أزالة هذا المستخدم من المستودع؟
+ أُزيل المستخدم من المستودع.
+ أُضيف المستخدم للمستودع.
- يتابع
+ المتابَعون
إضافة عنوان بريد إلكتروني
عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
- New email added successfully
- Email address is empty
+ أُضيف البريد الإلكتروني الجديد بنجاح
+ عنوان البريد الإلكتروني فارغ
عنوان البريد الإلكتروني غير صالح
عنوان البريد الإلكتروني مستخدم مسبقاً
العناوين البريدية
- Add / Remove Labels
- Labels updated
- Close Issue
- Edit Issue
- Reopen Issue
- Issue closed
- Issue reopened
- Add / Remove Assignees
- Assignees updated
- Subscribe
- Unsubscribe
+ إضافة / حذف الأوسمة
+ حُدِّثت الأوسمة
+ إغلاق القضية
+ تعديل القضية
+ إعادة فتح القضية
+ أُغلقت القضية
+ أُعيد فتح القضية
+ إضافة / حذف الموكل عليهم
+ حُدِّث الموكل عليهم
+ اِشتراك
+ إلغاء الاشتراك
- Repository Meta
+ معلومات المستودع
- New User
- System Users
+ مستخدم جديد
+ مُستخدمو النظام
- Cron Tasks
- Schedule
- Next Run
- Last Run
- Executions
- Task %1$s is initiated successfully
+ جدولة المهام
+ الجدولة
+ التشغيل التالي
+ آخر تشغيل
+ التنفيذ
+ العملية %1$s بدأت بنجاح
الاسم الكامل
البريد الإلكتروني
اسم المستخدم
- الكلمة السرية
+ كلمة المرور
الاسم الكامل غير صالح
اسم المستخدم غير صحيح
البريد الالكتروني غير صحيح
- تمت إضافة مستخدم جديد بنجاح
+ أُضيف المستخدم الجديد بنجاح
المستخدم موجود مسبقاً
- Edit Issue #%1$s
- Issue updated
+ تعديل القضية #%1$s
+ حُدِّثت القضية
- New Release
- Tag Name
+ إصدار جديد
+ اسم العلامة
- Mark as Pre-Release
- اختر فرعًا
+ الوسم كإصدار أولي
+ اِختر فرعًا
- Tag name is empty
+ اسم العلامة فارغ
العنوان فارغ
- New release created
- Do you really want to delete this release?
- Release deleted
+ أُنشئ الإصدار الجديد
+ هل تريد حقاً حذف هذا الإصدار؟
+ حُذف الإصدار
- OTP code should be numbers
- OTP Code (Optional)
- Enter otp code if 2FA is enabled
+ رمز OTP يجب أن يحوي أرقاماً فقط
+ رمز OTP (اختياري)
+ أدخل رمز OTP إذا كان التحقق بخطوتين مفعلاً
افتح في المتصفح
- No website found
- No description found
- No location found
- Star
+ لم يعثر على موقع
+ لم يعثر على وصف
+ لم يعثر على موقع جغرافي
+ إعجاب
- Source code (ZIP)
- Source code (TAR.GZ)
+ الشفرة المصدرية (ZIP)
+ الشفرة المصدرية (TAR.GZ)
- اسم الملف
- اسم فرع جديد
- محتوى الملف
- أنشئ ملفا جديدا
- with folder: app/test.md
- Commit Message
- Invalid branch name, may only contain –, a–z, 0–9
- Commit message is too long
- أنشئ ملف جديد
- Select or create a branch
- Fields like filename, content and commit message are required
- Leave blank to push to the default branch
- New branch name cannot be empty if current branch is not selected
- Filter
- Branches
- Markdown
- انسخ عنوان المشكلة
- URL copied to clipboard
- Comment copied to clipboard
- SHA copied to clipboard
- %1$d\uFF05 completed
+ اسم المِلف
+ اسم الفرع الجديد
+ محتوى المِلف
+ أنشاء مِلف جديد
+ مع المجلد: app/test.md
+ رسالة الإيداع
+ اسم فرع غير صالح. يجب أن يحوي فقط –، a–z، 0–9
+ رسالة الإيداع طويلة جدا
+ أُنشئ مِلف جديد
+ اِختر أو أنشئ فرعاً
+ الحقول كأسماء الملفات والمحتوى ورسالة الإيداع مطلوبة
+ دعه فارغاً للدفع للفرع الافتراضي
+ اسم الفرع الجديد لا يمكن أن يكون فارغاً إذا لم يُختر الفرع الحالي
+ التصفية
+ الفروع
+ ماركداون
+ نسخ رابط القضية
+ نُسخ عنوان URL إلى الحافظة
+ نُسخ الإيداع إلى الحافظة
+ نُسخ SHA إلى الحافظة
+ %1$d\uFF05 إكتمل
- Sorry this file cannot be viewed as API returned an error
- Files of this type cannot be edited
- Not supported
+ عذراً، لا يمكن عرض هذا المِلف لأن واجهة برمجة التطبيقات أعادت خطأً
+ لا يمكن تعديل هذا النوع من المِلفات
+ غير مدعوم
- Something went wrong, please try again
- This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.
- 🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
+ حدث خطأ ما، رجاءً حاول مجدداً
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
+ 🌟لا شيء هنا 🌟
- You are not authorized to perform this action.
+ لا تملك صلاحيّة لتقوم بهذا الإجراء.
- احذف
- Copy
- Quote Reply
- تم تحريره
- احفظ
- موقع الويب
- المكان
+ حذف
+ نسخ
+ اقتباس الرد
+ عُدِّل
+ حفظ
+ موقع الإنترنت
+ الموقع الجغرافي
الحد الأقصى 255 حرفًا
- كافة الحقول لازمة
+ جميع الحقول مطلوبة
- Token
- View in Browser
- Open
- Closed
- We cannot reach the server at the moment, please check your server status and try again
- Copy URL
- Hold on ☕
- File
- Issue
- Label
- Release
- Pull Request
- Collaborator
- Unstar
- Watch
- Unwatch
- Share
- Repository
- Team
- Organization
- Add / Remove
- Download
- Reopen
- Open in Browser
- Delete %s
+ الرمز
+ عرض في المتصفح
+ مفتوح
+ مغلق
+ لا يمكننا الوصول إلى الخادم في الوقت الحالي، يرجى التحقق من حالة الخادم والمحاولة مرة أخرى
+ نسخ عنوان URL
+ اِنتظر ☕
+ مِلف
+ قضية
+ وسم
+ إصدار
+ طلب دمج
+ متعاون
+ أزِل الإعجاب
+ راقب
+ لا تراقب
+ مشاركة
+ مستودع
+ فريق
+ منظمة
+ إضافة / حذف
+ تحميل
+ إعادة فتح
+ فتح في المتصفح
+ حذف %s
+ إعادة تعيين
- Explore users
- Explore issues
- Explore repositories
- تمت إضافة المستودع إلى قائمة المفضلة
- تمت إزالة المستودع مِن قائمة المفضلة
- تمت إضافة المستودع إلى قائمة المراقبة
- تمت إزالة المستودع مِن قائمة المراقبة
- Drafts
- Unsupported old version(%1$s) of Gitea detected. Please update to latest stable version. If you continue, some features may not work.
- New Gitea version detected! Please UPDATE GitNex!
- No Gitea detected!
- Unsupported Version of Gitea
- اسم المستخدم / الكلمة السرية
- Choose your preferred login method to access your account. Token is more secure!
- Instance has returned an error - Unauthorized. Check your credentials and try again
- Token is required
- Deleted Fork
- Edit Pull Request #%1$s
- Pull Request updated
- %1$s Files Changed
- %1$s File Changed
- Update Pull Request
- Show Changed Files
- Merge Pull Request
- Branch deleted successfully
- Could not delete branch
- Branch does not exist
+ استكشاف المستخدمين
+ استكشاف القضايا
+ استكشاف المستودعات
+ أُضيف المستودع إلى قائمة المفضلة
+ أُزيل المستودع من قائمة المفضلة
+ أُضيف المستودع لقائمة المراقبة
+ أُزيل المستودع من قائمة المراقبة
+ المسودات
+ أُكتشف إصدار قديم غير مدعوم (%1$s) من Gitea. رجاءً حدث إلى أحدث إصدار مستقر. إذا تابعت فقد لا تعمل بعض الميزات.
+ أُكتشف إصدار جديد من Gitea! يرجى تحديث GitNex!
+ لم يُكتشف Gitea!
+ إصدار غير مدعوم من Gitea
+ اسم المستخدم / كلمة المرور
+ اِختر طريقتك المفضلة لتسجيل الدخول للوصول لحسابك. الرمز أكثر أماناً!
+ أرجع المثيل خطأ - غير مصرح به. تحقق من بيانات تسجيل دخولك وحاول مرة أخرى
+ الرمز مطلوب
+ اشتقاق محذوف
+ تعديل طلب الدمج #%1$s
+ حُدِّث طلب الدمج
+ %1$s مِلفاً تغير
+ تغير مِلف %1$s
+ تحديث طلب الدمج
+ إظهار الملفات المعدّلة
+ دمج طلب الدمج
+ حُذف الفرع بنجاح
+ تعذّر حذف الفرع
+ الفرع غير موجود
- Delete branch after merge
- Merge may fail if you are not authorized to merge this Pull Request.
- Disabled Merge button means that there are conflicts OR other things to fix before Merge
- This branch belong to a forked repository
- Merge comment
- Pull Request was merged successfully
- Pull Request is not available for merge
- Merge Pull Request
- Rebase and Merge
- Rebase and Merge (--no-ff)
- Squash and Merge
- Merge Strategy
- Select merge strategy
- Not allowed to merge [Reason: Does not have enough approvals]
- Delete Branch
- Please wait for the file to load to memory
- File saved successfully
- This file type/size is not supported in file viewer. You can download it from the menu.
- Delete This File
- Edit This File
- File is set for deletion by branch %1$s
- Edit %1$s
- File is modified by branch %1$s
- Size
- Share Issue
- Share Repository
- Create Repository
- Commits
- %1$s authored and %2$s committed %3$s]]>
- %1$s committed %2$s]]>
- View Commits
+ حذف الفرع بعد الدمج
+ يمكن للدمج أن يفشل إن لم يكن مصرحاً لك لدمج طلب الدمج هذا.
+ زر الدمج المعطّل يعني بأن هناك تعارضاً أو أموراً أخرى لإصلاحها قبل الدمج
+ هذا الفرع يعود لمستودع مشتق
+ تعليق الدمج
+ دُمج طلب الدمج بنجاح
+ طلب الدمج غير متوفرٍ للدمج
+ دمج طلب الدمج
+ إعادة التأسيس والدمج
+ إعادة التأسيس والدمج (--no-ff)
+ سكوتش ودمج
+ استراتيجية الدمج
+ اِختر استراتيجية الدمج
+ غير مسموح بالدمج [السبب: لا يملك ما يكفي من الموافقات]
+ حذف الفرع
+ رجاءً اِنتظر حتى يحمّل الملف للذاكرة
+ حُفِظ المِلف بنجاح
+ نوع/حجم المِلف غير مدعوم في عارض المِلفات.
+يمكنك تحميله من القائمة.
+ حذف هذا المِلف
+ تعديل هذا المِلف
+ وضع المِلف ليحذف بواسطة الفرع %1$s
+ تعديل %1$s
+ عُدِّل المِلف من الفرع %1$s
+ الحجم
+ مشاركة القضية
+ مشاركة المستودع
+ إنشاء مستودع
+ الإيداعات
+ %1$s مصرح به و %2$s أودع %3$s]]>
+ %1$s أودع %2$s]]>
+ عرض الإيداعات
- Certificate Verification
- Accept Unknown Certificate?
- The server certificate is not signed by a known Certificate Authority
- The server certificate is expired.
- Accept Mismatching Server Name?
- Server could not authenticate as \"%s\". The certificate is only valid for:
- Do you want to connect anyway?
- Certificate details:
- Trust
- Abort
- Subscribed successfully
- You have already subscribed
- Subscription failed
- Unsubscribed successfully
- You have already Unsubscribed
- Un-Subscription failed
- Close Milestone
- Open Milestone
- Milestone status updated successfully
- Crash Reports
- Enable Crash Reports
- GitNex has stopped :(
- Crash reports
- It is encouraged to open an issue at the project repository with how to reproduce this bug. It is easier to debug and fix the problem that way.\n\nTap the OK button to send the crash report by email instead. Additional content could be added in the email.\nThank you!
- Please sign in again
- Due to some major changes regarding the internal functioning of the app, we require you to login again. These changes allow us to make the app more flexible in the future.\n\nThank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
- Delete All Drafts
- No drafts found
- Drafts deleted successfully
- Draft deleted successfully
- This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
- Draft was saved automatically.
- Themes, fonts, badges
- Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
- Languages
- Crash reports
- If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
- Archived
- This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
- Account deleted successfully
- Remove Account
- Are you sure you want to remove this account from the app?\n\nThis will remove all the data related to this account on the app only.
- New Account
- Add New Account
- Account already exists in the app
- Account added successfully
- Switched to account : %1$s@%2$s
+ التحقق من الشهادة
+ هل تريد قَبُول الشهادة المجهولة؟
+ لم يتم توقيع شهادة الخادم بواسطة مرجع مصدق معروف
+ انتهت صلاحيّة شهادة الخادم.
+ قَبُول عدم تطابق اسم الخادم؟
+ تعذر على الخادم المصادقة كـ \"%s\". الشهادة صالحة فقط لـ:
+ هل تريد الاتصال على أية حال؟
+ تفاصيل الشهادة:
+ الوثوق
+ إلغاء
+ أُشترك بنجاح
+ أنت مشترك مسبقاً
+ فشل الاشتراك
+ أُلغي الاشتراك بنجاح
+ أنت غير مشترك مسبقاً
+ فشل إلغاء الاشتراك
+ إغلاق المرحلة
+ فتح مرحلة
+ حُدِّثت حالة المرحلة بنجاح
+ تقارير الأعطال
+ تفعيل تقارير الأعطال
+ توقف GitNex
+ تقارير الأعطال
+ نشجع على فتح مشكلة في مستودع المشروع حول كيفية إعادة إنتاج هذا الخطأ. من الأسهل تصحيح الأخطاء وإصلاحها بهذه الطريقة.\n\n انقر فوق الزر \"موافق\" لإرسال تقرير التعطل بالبريد الإلكتروني بدلاً من ذلك. يمكن إضافة محتوى إضافي في البريد الإلكتروني.\nشكرًا لك!
+ رجاءً سجل الدخول مرة أخرى
+ نظرًا لبعض التغييرات الجذرية المتعلقة بالأداء الداخلي للتطبيق، نطلب منك تسجيل الدخول مرة أخرى. تسمح لنا هذه التغييرات بجعل التطبيق أكثر مرونة في المستقبل.\n\n نشكرك على صبرك ونأسف للإزعاج.
+ حذف جميع المسودات
+ لم يُعثر على مسودات
+ حُذفت المسودات بنجاح
+ حُذفت المسودة بنجاح
+ سيحذف هذا جميع مسودات هذا الحساب.\n\nالإكمال مع الحذف؟
+ حُفظت المسودة تلقائياً.
+ أُعيد تعيين العداد بنجاح
+ أتريد إعادة تعيين عداد المستودع %s؟
+ سيعيد هذا تعيين جميع العدادات لمستودعات هذا الحساب.
+ السمات، الخطوط، الشارات
+ المصادقة الحيوية، شهادات SSL، التخزين المؤقت
+ اللغات
+ تقارير الأعطال
+ إذا أحببت GitNex يمكنك الإعجاب به
+ App version, build, user instance version
+ مؤرشف
+ المستودع مؤرشف. يمكنك رؤية الملفات لكن لا يمكنك الدفع أو فتح قضية/طلب دمج.
+ حُذف الحساب بنجاح
+ حذف الحساب
+ أمتأكد أنك تريد إزالة هذا الحساب من التطبيق؟\n\nسيحذف هذا جميع البيانات المتعلقة بهذا الحساب من التطبيق فقط.
+ حساب جديد
+ إضافة حساب جديد
+ الحساب موجود في التطبيق فعلًا
+ أُضيف الحساب بنجاح
+ حُوُّلَ للحساب: %1$s@%2$s
- Notifications
- All caught up 🚀
- Notifications Polling Delay
- %d Minutes
- Select Polling Delay
- Choose a minutely delay in which GitNex tries to poll new notifications
- Mark Read
- Mark Unread
- Pin
- Successfully marked all notifications as read
- Polling delay, light, vibration
- Enable Notifications
- Enable Light
- Enable Vibration
- Choose Color
- New messages for %s
- You\'ve got %d new notifications.
- Notifications
- This is the main notification channel of GitNex.
+ الإشعارات
+ إطَّلعت على جميعها 🚀
+ تأخير تحديث الإشعارات
+ %d دقائق
+ اِختر تأخير التحديث
+ اِختر تأخيراً بالدقائق ليحاول GitNex جلب إشعارات جديدة
+ الوسم كمقروء
+ الوسم كغير مقروء
+ تثبيت
+ وُسِمت جميع الإشعارات كمقروءة بنجاح
+ تأخير الطلبات، الإضاءة، الاهتزاز
+ تمكين الإشعارات
+ تمكين الإضاءة
+ تمكين الاهتزاز
+ اِختر اللون
+ رسالة جديدة ل %s
+ لديك %d إشعار / إشعارات جديدة.
+ الإشعارات
+ هذه هي قناة الإشعارات الرئيسة ل GitNex.
- - You have %s new notifications
- - You have %s new notification
- - You have %s new notifications
- - You have %s new notifications
+ - ليس لديك أي إشعارات جديدة
+ - لديك إشعار جديد
+ - لديك إشعاران جديدان
+ - لديك %s إشعارات جديدة
- You have %s new notifications
- You have %s new notifications
- Read
- Unread
- Repository Settings
- Edit Properties
- Delete Repository
- Be careful, this operation CANNOT be undone!
- Set as Template
- Enable Issues
- External Issue Tracker Url
- Enable Wiki
- External Wiki Url
- Enable Pull Requests
- Enable Time Tracker
- Enable Merge Commits
- Enable Rebase
- Enable Squash and Merge
- Enable Rebase with Merge Commits (——no-ff)
- Repository properties updated successfully
- Things to know before deletion:\n\n- This operation CANNOT be undone.\n- This operation will permanently delete the repository including code, issues, comments, wiki data and collaborator settings.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation
- Repository name does not match
- Repository deleted successfully
- Transfer Ownership
- Transfer this repository to a user or to an organization for which you have administrator rights
- Things to know before transfer:\n\n- You will lose access to the repository if you transfer it to an individual user.\n- You will keep access to the repository if you transfer it to an organization that you (co-)own.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation
- Perform Transfer
- New Owner
- Repository transferred successfully
- New owner is required
- There is a problem with the owner name. Make sure that the new owner exists
- Filter Repositories
- Search ONLY in Topic
- Search in Description
- Only Archived Repositories
- Only Private Repositories
- Search in Template Repositories
- Merge Into
- Pull From
- These branches are equal. There is no need to create a pull request
- Merge into branch is required
- Pull from branch is required
- Title is required
- Pull Request created successfully
- A pull request between these branches already exists
- Pull Request closed
- Pull Request reopened
- Pull Request Info
- It seems that account for URI %1$s does not exists in the app. You can add one by tapping on the Add New Account button.
- Go to App
- GitNex cannot handle the requested resource, you can open an issue at the project repository as an improvement with providing details of the work. Just launch a default screen for now from the buttons below, it can be changed from settings.
- Biometric Authentication
- Unlock using your biometric credentials
- No biometric features available on this device
- Biometric features are currently unavailable
- Enroll biometric from phone settings
- Login ID \'%s\' copied to clipboard
+ مقروء
+ غير مقروء
+ إعدادات المستودع
+ تعديل الخصائص
+ حذف المستودع
+ كن حذراً، لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه العملية!
+ تعيين كقالب
+ تمكين القضايا
+ رابط متابع القضايا الخارجي
+ تمكين الويكي
+ رابط الويكي الخارجية
+ تمكين طلبات الدمج
+ تمكين متتبع الوقت
+ تمكين إيداعات الدمج
+ تمكين إعادة التأسيس
+ تمكين السكواش والدمج
+ تمكين إعادة التأسيس ودمج الإيداعات (——no-ff)
+ حُدِّثت خصائص المستودع بنجاح
+ أشياء يجب معرفتها قبل الحذف: \n\n- لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه العملية.\n- ستؤدي هذه العملية إلى حذف المستودع نهائيًا بما في ذلك التعليمات البرمجية والمشكلات والتعليقات وبيانات الويكي وإعدادات المتعاون.\n\n أدخل اسم المستودع كتأكيد
+ اسم المستودع غير مطابق
+ حُذف المستودع بنجاح
+ نقل الملكية
+ نقل هذا المستودع لمستخدم آخر أو لمنظمة لديك صلاحيات المسؤول بها
+ أشياء يجب معرفتها قبل النقل: \n\n- ستفقد إمكانية الوصول إلى المستودع إذا نقلته إلى مستخدم فردي.\n- ستظل قادرًا على الوصول إلى المستودع إذا نقلته إلى منظمة تملكها أو تشارك فيها.\n\nأدخل اسم المستودع كتأكيد
+ تنفيذ عملية النقل
+ المالك الجديد
+ نقلت ملكية المستودع بنجاح
+ المالك الجديد مطلوب
+ هناك خطأٌ في اسم المالك. تحقق أن المالك الجديد موجود
+ تصفية المستودعات
+ البحث فقط في موضوع
+ البحث في الوصف
+ فقط المستودعات المؤرشفة
+ فقط المستودعات الخاصة
+ البحث في مستودعات القوالب
+ الدمج مع
+ الدمج من
+ هذان الفرعان متطابقان. لا حاجة لإنشاء طلب دمج
+ الفرع المدمج إليه مطلوب
+ الفرع المدمج منه مطلوب
+ العنوان مطلوب
+ أُنشئ طلب الدمج بنجاح
+ يوجد طلب دمج بين هذين الفرعين مسبقاً
+ أُغلق طلب الدمج
+ أُعيد فتح طلب الدمج
+ معلومات طلب الدمج
+ يبدو أن الحساب للرابط %1$s غير موجود في التطبيق. يمكنك إضافة حساب بالنقر على زر إضافة حساب جديد.
+ انتقل إلى التطبيق
+ لا يستطيع GitNex التعامل مع الموارد المطلوبة، يمكنك فتح مشكلة في مستودع المشروع كتحسين مع توفير تفاصيل العمل. ما عليك سوى تشغيل الشاشة الافتراضية الآن من الأزرار أدناه، ويمكن تغييرها من الإعدادات.
+ المصادقة الحيوية
+ فتح القُفْل باستخدام المصادقة الحيوية
+ لا يوجد ميزات مصادقة حيوية متوفرة في هذا الجهاز
+ ميزات المصادقة الحيوية غير متوفرة حالياً
+ سجّل البصمات الحيوية من إعدادات الهاتف
+ معرف الدخول \'%s\' نُسخ إلى الحافظة
- Download in progress
- Downloading %s
- Download successful
- Downloaded %s
- Download failed
- Couldn\'t download %s
- Download manager
- Indicates the progress of ongoing downloads
- Updated %s
- Joined
- Follow
- Unfollow
- Unfollowed @%s
- You now follow @%s
- Couldn\'t unfollow user
- Couldn\'t follow user
- The pull request conflicts with the base branch. Please resolve the conflicts and try again.
- Pull Request updated successfully
- Merge
- Rebase
- Select Update Strategy
- Avatar
- Tags
- Releases/Tags
- Create Tag Only
- Tag created
- Use as reference
- Do you really want to delete this tag?
- Tag deleted
- A tag attached to a release cannot be deleted directly
+ جارٍ التنزيل
+ جارٍ التحميل %s
+ نجح التحميل
+ حُمِّل %s
+ فشل التحميل
+ تعذر تحميل %s
+ مدير التحميل
+ يشير إلى تقدم التنزيلات الجارية
+ حُدِّث %s
+ إنضمّ
+ متابعة
+ ألغِ المتابعة
+ أُلغيت متابعة @%s
+ أنت تتابع الآن @%s
+ لا يمكن إلغاء متابعة المستخدم
+ لا يمكن متابعة المستخدم
+ طلب الدمج يتعارض مع الفرع الرئيس.
+رجاءً حُل التعارض وحاول مجدداً.
+ حُدِّث طلب الدمج بنجاح
+ دمج
+ إعادة تأسيس
+ اِختر استراتيجية التحديث
+ الصورة الرمزية
+ العلامات
+ الإصدارات/العلامات
+ إنشاء علامة فقط
+ أُنشئت العلامة
+ الاستعمال كمرجع
+ أتريد حقاً حذف هذه العلامة؟
+ حُذفت العلامة
+ لا يمكن حذف العلامة المرفقة بإصدار مباشرة
Use Custom Tabs
No application found to open this link. SSH URLs and URLs with another prefix the http:// or https:// are not supported by most browser
Log in again
@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -661,4 +662,65 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s أزال وسم | %2$s
+ %1$s ألغوا توكيلهم %2$s
+ %1$s أُلغي توكيله من قبل %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s وكل نفسه بهذا %2$s
+ %1$s وُكِّل بواسطة %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s أضاف إلى مرحلة %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s أزال من مرحلة %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s أغلق قضية %2$s
+ %1$s أعاد فتح قضية %2$s
+ %1$s أعاد فتح طلب الدمج %2$s
+ %1$s أغلق طلب الدمج %2$s
+ %1$s دمج طلب الدمج %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s طلب من %2$s مراجعة %3$s
+ %1$s عدّل العنوان من %2$s إلى %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s ألغى قفل هذه المحادثة %2$s
+ %1$s أضاف تبعية جديدة #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s أزال تبعية #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s أضاف هذا لمشروع %2$s
+ %1$s حذف هذا من مشروع %2$s
+ %1$s أضاف تاريخ الإكمال %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s عدّل تاريخ الإكمال من %2$s إلى %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s حذف تاريخ الإكمال %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s عدّل الفرع المستهدف من %2$s إلى %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s حذف فرع %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s بدأ يعمل على %2$s
+ %1$s أوقف متابعة %2$s
+ %1$s ألغى متابعة %2$s
+ %1$s أضاف الوقت الممضي %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s حذف الوقت الممضي %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s أضاف مرجعاً %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s أشار إلى هذه القضية في #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s أشار إلى طلب الدمج هذا في #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ الحالات
+ هذه الحالة ليس لها عنوان URL مستهدف مرتبط.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml
index ddaf7c72..33b393f2 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-cs/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
O aplikaci
Ohodnotit GitNex
Odhlásit se
- Administrace
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Nový repozitář
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
Přidat e-mailovou adresu
Nový soubor
- Administrace Gitea
+ Administration
Nová žádost o přijetí změn
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
URL instance
Otevřít navigační menu
Zavřít navigační menu
- Přihlásit se do Gitea
- 1- Vyberte správný protokol (https nebo http). \n2- zadejte URL Gitea např.: try.gitea.io. \n3- Pokud jste pro svůj účet povolili 2FA, zadejte kód do pole OTP kód. \n4- Pro základní ověření HTTP použijte USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM v poli URL.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Nelze se připojit k serveru. Zkontrolujte prosím URL nebo port pro případné chyby
Není doporučeno používat HTTP protokol, pokud netestujete na místní síti
Byl přijat chybný JSON. Odpověď od serveru nebyla úspěšná
@@ -146,14 +147,11 @@
Odstranit důvěryhodné certifikáty
Smazat důvěryhodné certifikáty?
- Opravdu chcete odstranit jakýkoli ručně důvěryhodný certifikát nebo název hostitele? \n\nBudete také odhlášeni.
- Datum & čas
+ Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
Nastavení uloženo
- Pěkný
- Normální
Zvolte jazyk
Přepnout Světlý Motiv dle času
Přepnout Tmavý Motiv dle času
@@ -184,7 +182,7 @@
Výchozí zpracovatel odkazů, domovská obrazovka
Výchozí zpracovatel odkazů
- Zvolte která obrazovka bude použita pokud aplikace nebude schopna zpracovat externí odkaz. Budete zde přesměrování automaticky.
+ Choose what screen should be loaded if the app cannot handle external links. It will redirect you automatically.
Není k dispozici
Zvolte výchozí obrazovku zpracování odkazů
Biometrické odemknutí
@@ -204,7 +202,7 @@
Štítek byl smazán
Zvolte větev k vydání
Chyba ověření
- Zdá se, že Přístupový token byl zneplatněn nebo nemáte oprávnění přístupu k těmto datům.\n\nV případě zneplatněného tokenu se prosím odhlaste a znovu přihlašte
+ It seems that the Access Token is revoked OR your are not allowed to see these contents.\n\nIn case of revoked Token, please logout and login again
Opravdu chcete smazat tento štítek?
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Something went wrong, please try again
- This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -506,12 +505,15 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Crash reports
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account deleted successfully
@@ -644,7 +646,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -656,4 +658,63 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e40f60f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+ Τα αποθετήριά μου
+ Αγαπημένα αποθετήρια
+ Αποθετήρια
+ Προφίλ
+ Ρυθμίσεις
+ Οργανισμοί
+ Σχετικά με
+ Βαθμολογήστε το GitNex
+ Αποσύνδεση
+ Instance Administration
+ Τα ζητήματά μου
+ Συχνά επισκεπτόμενα αποθετήρια
+ Σημειώσεις
+ Νέο αποθετήριο
+ Ζητήματα
+ Νέος Οργανισμός
+ Νέο ορόσημο
+ Νέο ζήτημα
+ Νέα ετικέτα
+ Συντελεστές
+ Επιλογή κλάδου
+ Ενημέρωση Ετικέτας
+ Αγαπημένα αποθετήρια
+ Νέα ομάδα
+ Προσθήκη διεύθυνσης email
+ Νέο αρχείο
+ Εξερεύνηση
+ Administration
+ Νέο Pull Request
+ Χρήστες
+ Demo Αποθετήριο
+ Demo περιγραφή
+ Demo οργανισμός
+ Δημιουργία
+ Ενημέρωση
+ Όνομα αποθετηρίου
+ Περιγραφή αποθετηρίου
+ Ιδιωτικό
+ Ιδιοκτήτης
+ Όνομα Οργανισμού
+ Περιγραφή Οργανισμού
+ Username
+ Κωδικόs πρόσβασης
+ Διεύθυνση URL διακομιστή
+ Άνοιγμα μενού περιήγησης
+ Κλείσιμο μενού πλοήγησης
+ Πρωτόκολλο
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
+ Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors
+ It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network
+ Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
+ Instance URL is required
+ Username is required
+ Password is required
+ Protocol is required
+ Cannot access network, please check your Internet connection
+ Repository name is empty
+ Repository name is not valid. [a–z A–Z 0–9 – _]
+ Repository name is reserved
+ Repository name contains reserved keywords
+ Repository description exceeds the max 255 characters limit
+ Repository created successfully
+ Repository of this name already exists under selected Owner
+ Select owner for the repository
+ Organization name is empty
+ Organization name is not valid, [a–z A–Z 0–9 – _]
+ Organization description exceeds the max 255 characters limit
+ Organization created successfully
+ Organization already exists
+ %1$s addition(s) and %2$s deletion(s)
+ Processing
+ Search
+ Close
+ Add
+ Org
+ Repo
+ Pri
+ Remove
+ Instance has returned an error. Code %d
+ Details
+ Files
+ Milestones
+ Releases
+ Branches
+ Collaborators
+ Pull Requests
+ Pull Request
+ Size
+ Default Branch
+ Clone URL
+ Repo URL
+ Forks
+ Created
+ Last Updated
+ Show More Information
+ More Information
+ at
+ Ορόσημο %1$s
+ Προθεσμία στις %1$s
+ Ανατέθηκε σε: %1$s
+ Ανατέθηκε σε εμένα
+ Σχόλιο
+ Παρακαλούμε γράψτε το σχόλιό σας
+ Το σχόλιο καταχωρήθηκε
+ Αυτή η δυνατότητα θα εφαρμοστεί στο μέλλον
+ Εικόνα
+ Συγγραφέας υποβολής: %1$s
+ Λήψεις
+ Δημοσιεύθηκε από %1$s
+ Οι σημειώσεις έκδοσης δεν δόθηκαν από τον εκδότη.
+ Τίτλος
+ Περιγραφή
+ Ημερομηνία λήξης
+ Ο τίτλος του ορόσημου είναι κενός
+ Η περιγραφή του ορόσημου ξεπερνά το όριο των 255 χαρακτήρων
+ Το ορόσημο δημιουργήθηκε επιτυχώς
+ Επιλέξτε μια ημερομηνία
+ Χωρίς προθεσμία
+ Χωρίς περιγραφή
+ %1$d Ανοικτά
+ %1$d Έκλεισαν
+ Επιλογή ορόσημου
+ Επιλογή Υπευθύνων
+ Επιλογή ετικετών
+ Τίτλος
+ Υπεύθυνοι
+ Περιγραφή
+ Ημερομηνία λήξης
+ Ορόσημο
+ Ετικέτες
+ Ο τίτλος του ζητήματος είναι κενός
+ Η περιγραφή είναι άδεια
+ Η δημιουργία νέου ζητήματος έγινε με επιτυχία
+ Κανένα ορόσημο
+ Δε βρέθηκαν υπεύθυνοι
+ Μετάφραση
+ Σύστημα
+ Ασφάλεια
+ Διαγραφή έμπιστων πιστοποιητικών
+ Διαγραφή έμπιστων πιστοποιητικών;
+ Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε κάθε έμπιστο πιστοποιητικό ή hostname; \n\nΘα αποσυνδεθείτε, επίσης.
+ Οι ρυθμίσεις αποθηκεύτηκαν
+ Γλώσσα
+ Αγγλικά
+ Εμφάνιση
+ Επιλογή Γλώσσας
+ Φωτεινό Θέμα Αλλαγή Ώρας
+ Dark Theme Switch Time
+ Choose Time Format
+ Translate GitNex via Crowdin
+ Code Block Color
+ Code Block Color Selector
+ Home Screen
+ My Repositories
+ Select Home Screen
+ Font
+ Choose Font
+ Select App Theme
+ Theme
+ Counter Badges
+ Source Code Theme
+ Data Cache Size
+ Data Cache Size
+ Images Cache Size
+ Images Cache Size
+ Clear Cache
+ Clear Cache?
+ This will delete all the cache data including files and images.\n\nProceed with deletion?
+ Drafts
+ Comments draft
+ Enable Drafts Deletion
+ Delete comment draft when comment is posted
+ General
+ Home screen, default link handler
+ Default Link Handler
+ Choose what screen should be loaded if the app cannot handle external links. It will redirect you automatically.
+ N/A
+ Select Default Link Handler Screen
+ Biometric Support
+ Labels With Text Support
+ Enabling this will show labels with text in issues and pr lists, default are color dots
+ No more data available
+ New Label
+ Repo Menu
+ Label Name
+ Label Color
+ Label name is empty
+ Label name is not valid
+ Label created
+ Label updated
+ Desc
+ Label deleted
+ Select a branch for release
+ Authorization Error
+ It seems that the Access Token is revoked OR your are not allowed to see these contents.\n\nIn case of revoked Token, please logout and login again
+ Do you really want to delete this label?
+ Teams
+ Μέλη
+ Όνομα Ομάδας
+ Περιγραφή Ομάδας
+ Δικαιώματα
+ Τα μέλη αυτής της ομάδας δεν έχουν κανένα δικαίωμα.
+ Τα μέλη αυτής της ομάδας μπορούν να βλέπουν ομαδικά αποθετήρια.
+ Τα μέλη αυτής της ομάδας μπορούν να βλέπουν και να συγχρονίζουν αλλαγές σε ομαδικά αποθετήρια.
+ Τα μέλη αυτής της ομάδας μπορούν να συγχρονίζουν αλλαγές από και σε ομαδικά αποθετήρια και να προσθέτουν συνεργάτες.
+ Τα μέλη αυτής της ομάδας έχουν δικαιώματα ιδιοκτήτη.
+ εμφάνιση όλων
+ Μέλη Οργανισμού
+ Ρόλοι οργανισμού
+ Αφαίρεση %s
+ Προσθήκη %s
+ Θα θέλατε να προσθέσετε αυτό τον χρήστη στην ομάδα;
+ Θα θέλατε να προσθέσετε αυτό τον χρήστη από την ομάδα;
+ Το μέλος προστέθηκε επιτυχώς στην ομάδα
+ Το μέλος καταργήθηκε επιτυχώς από την ομάδα
+ Το αποθετήριο προστέθηκε επιτυχώς στην ομάδα
+ Το αποθετήριο καταργήθηκε επιτυχώς από την ομάδα
+ Προσθήκη αποθετηρίου %1$s στον οργανισμό %2$s στην ομάδα %3$s
+ Κατάργηση αποθετηρίου %1$s από την ομάδα %2$s
+ Όνομα Ομάδας
+ Περιγραφή
+ Δικαιώματα
+ Έλεγχος Πρόσβασης
+ Τα μέλη μπορούν να βλέπουν και να κλονοποιούν ομαδικά αποθετήρια
+ Τα μέλη μπορούν να βλέπουν και να συγχρονίζουν αλλαγές σε ομαδικά αποθετήρια
+ Τα μέλη μπορούν να βλέπουν και να συγχρονίζουν αλλαγές pull, push σε ομαδικά αποθετήρια και να προσθέτουν συνεργάτες
+ Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το όνομα της ομάδας
+ Το όνομα της ομάδας πρέπει να περιέχει μόνο αλφαριθμητικούς χαρακτήρες, παύλα (-), κάτω παύλα (_) και τελεία (.)
+ Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα δικαίωμα
+ Η περιγραφή της ομάδας περιέχει μη έγκυρους χαρακτήρες
+ Η περιγραφή της ομάδας περιέχει παραπάνω από 100 χαρακτήρες
+ Η ομάδα δημιουργήθηκε επιτυχώς
+ Επεξεργασία Σχολίου
+ Το σχόλιο ενημερώθηκε
+ Μοιραστείτε το σχόλιο
+ Το σχόλιο διαγράφηκε με επιτυχία
+ Αντιγραφή Σχολίου
+ Αναζήτηση χρηστών
+ Username
+ Αφαίρεση %s;
+ Θα θέλατε να αφαιρέσετε αυτό τον χρήστη από την ομάδα;
+ Ο χρήστης αφαιρέθηκε από το αποθετήριο.
+ Ο χρήστης προστέθηκε στο αποθετήριο.
+ Ακόλουθοι
+ Ακολουθείτε
+ Προσθήκη διεύθυνσης email
+ Διεύθυνση Email
+ New email added successfully
+ Email address is empty
+ Email address is not valid
+ Email address is already in use
+ Primary
+ Emails
+ Add / Remove Labels
+ Labels updated
+ Close Issue
+ Edit Issue
+ Reopen Issue
+ Issue closed
+ Issue reopened
+ Add / Remove Assignees
+ Assignees updated
+ Subscribe
+ Unsubscribe
+ Repository Meta
+ New User
+ System Users
+ Admin
+ Cron Tasks
+ Schedule
+ Next Run
+ Last Run
+ Executions
+ Task %1$s is initiated successfully
+ Full Name
+ Email
+ Username
+ Password
+ Invalid Full Name
+ Invalid Username
+ Invalid Email
+ New user added successfully
+ User already exists
+ Edit Issue #%1$s
+ Issue updated
+ New Release
+ Tag Name
+ Title
+ Content
+ Mark as Pre-Release
+ Select Branch
+ Draft
+ Tag name is empty
+ Title is empty
+ New release created
+ Do you really want to delete this release?
+ Release deleted
+ Ο κωδικός OTP θα πρέπει να αποτελείται από αριθμούς
+ Κωδικός OTP (Προαιρετικό)
+ Εισαγωγή otp κωδικού αν το 2FA είναι ενεργοποιημένο
+ Άνοιγμα σε Πρόγραμμα περιήγησης
+ Stargazers
+ Θεατές
+ Δεν βρέθηκε τέτοια ιστοσελίδα
+ Δεν βρέθηκε περιγραφή
+ Δεν βρέθηκε τοποθεσία
+ Προσθήκη στα Αγαπημένα
+ Θεατής
+ Πηγαίος κώδικας (ZIP)
+ Πηγαίος κώδικας (TAR.GZ)
+ Όνομα Αρχείου
+ Όνομα νέου κλάδου
+ Περιεχόμενο Αρχείου
+ Δημιουργία νέου αρχείου
+ με φάκελο: app/test.md
+ Υποβολή μηνύματος (commit)
+ Μη έγκυρο όνομα κλάδου, μπορεί να περιέχει μόνο –, a–z, 0–9
+ Το μήνυμα commit είναι πολύ μεγάλο
+ Δημιουργήθηκε νέο αρχείο
+ Επιλέξτε ή δημιουργήστε νέο κλάδο
+ Πεδία όπως όνομα αρχείου, περιεχόμενο και commit μήνυμα απαιτούνται
+ Αφήστε κενό για push στο προεπιλεγμένο branch
+ Το νέο όνομα κλάδου δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό να ο παρόν κλάδος δεν είναι επιλεγμένος
+ Φίλτρο
+ Κλάδοι
+ Markdown
+ Αντιγραφή URL ζητήματος
+ Η διεύθυνση URL αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ Το σχόλιο αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ Το SHA αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ %1$d\uFF05 ολοκληρώθηκε
+ Αυτό το αρχείο δεν μπορεί να προβληθεί, καθώς το API επέστρεψε σφάλμα
+ Αυτός ο τύπος αρχείων δεν μπορεί να τεθεί σε επεξεργασία
+ Δεν υποστηρίζεται
+ ΟΚ
+ Ολοκληρώθηκε
+ Ακύρωση
+ Κάτι πήγε στραβά, παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
+ 🌟 Τίποτα εδώ 🌟
+ Προσθήκη
+ Αφαίρεση
+ Δεν επιτρέπεται η εκτέλεση αυτής της ενέργειας.
+ Μενού
+ Επεξεργασία
+ Διαγραφή
+ Αντιγραφή
+ Quote Reply
+ edited
+ Save
+ Website
+ Location
+ Max 255 characters
+ All fields are required
+ Continue
+ Token
+ View in Browser
+ Open
+ Closed
+ We cannot reach the server at the moment, please check your server status and try again
+ Copy URL
+ Hold on ☕
+ File
+ Issue
+ Label
+ Release
+ Pull Request
+ Collaborator
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+ Watch
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+ Repository
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+ Organization
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+ Download
+ Reopen
+ Open in Browser
+ Delete %s
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+ Explore users
+ Explore issues
+ Explore repositories
+ Repository added to starred list
+ Repository removed from starred list
+ Repository added to watch list
+ Repository removed from watch list
+ Drafts
+ Unsupported old version(%1$s) of Gitea detected. Please update to latest stable version. If you continue, some features may not work.
+ New Gitea version detected! Please UPDATE GitNex!
+ No Gitea detected!
+ Unsupported Version of Gitea
+ Username / Password
+ Choose your preferred login method to access your account. Token is more secure!
+ Instance has returned an error - Unauthorized. Check your credentials and try again
+ Το Token είναι υποχρεωτικό
+ Διαγραφή Fork
+ Επεξεργασία Pull Request #%1$s
+ Το Pull Request ενημερώθηκε
+ %1$s αρχεία άλλαξαν
+ %1$s αρχείο άλλαξε
+ Ενημέρωση Pull Request
+ Προβολή Αλλαγμένων αρχείων
+ Συγχώνευση Pull Request
+ Ο κλάδος διαγράφηκε με επιτυχία
+ Αδυναμία διαγραφής κλάδου
+ Ο κλάδος δεν υπάρχει
+ Συγχώνευση
+ Διαγραφή κλάδου μετά από συγχώνευση
+ Η συγχώνευση μπορεί να αποτύχει αν δεν είστε εξουσιοδοτημένος να συγχωνεύσετε αυτό το Pull Request.
+ Το απενεργοποιμένο κουμπί συγχώνευσης δηλώνει ότι υπάρχουν conflicts ή άλλα πράγματα για επιδιόρθωση πριν την Συγχώνευση
+ Αυτός ο κλάδος ανήκει σε ένα fork αποθετήριο
+ Σχόλιο συγχώνευσης
+ Το Pull Request δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία
+ Το Pull Request δεν είναι διαθέσιμο για συγχώνευση
+ Συγχώνευση Pull Request
+ Αναδημιουργία (rebase) και συγχώνευση
+ Αναδημιουργία (rebase) και συγχώνευση --no-ff)
+ Συμπίεση και συγχώνευση
+ Στρατηγική συγχώνευσης
+ Επιλογή στρατηγικής συγχώνευσης
+ Δεν επιτρέπεται συγχώνευση [Λόγος: Δεν υπάρχουν αρκετές εγκρίσεις]
+ Διαγραφή κλάδου
+ Παρακαλώ περιμένετε για το αρχείο να φορτώσει στην μνήμη
+ Το αρχείο αποθηκεύτηκε επιτυχώς
+ Ο τύπος/μέγεθος του αρχείου δεν υποστηρίζεται στον προβολέα αρχείων. Μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε από το μενού.
+ Διαγράψτε αυτό το αρχείο
+ Επεξεργαστείτε αυτό το αρχείο
+ Αυτό το αρχείο είναι έτοιμο για διαγραφή από τον κλάδο %1$s
+ Επεξεργασία %1$s
+ Το αρχείο έχει τροποποιηθεί από τον κλάδο %1$s
+ Μέγεθος
+ Ζήτημα Κοινοποίησης
+ Κοινοποίηση αποθετηρίου
+ Δημιουργία Αποθετηρίου
+ Commits
+ %1$s authored και %2$s committed %3$s]]>
+ %1$s committed %2$s]]>
+ Προβολή commits
+ Επιβεβαίωση πιστοποιητικού
+ Αποδοχή άγνωστου πιστοποιητικού;
+ Το πιστοποιητικό του διακομιστή δεν είναι υπογεγραμμένο από κάποια γνωστή Αρχή Έκδοσης Πιστοποιητικών (CA)
+ Το πιστοποιητικό διακομιστή έληξε.
+ Αποδοχή μη αντιστοιχούντος ονόματος διακομιστή;
+ Ο διακομιστής δεν μπορεί να πραγματοποιήσει έλεγχο ταυτότητας ως \"%s\". Το πιστοποιητικό ισχύει μόνο για:
+ Do you want to connect anyway?
+ Certificate details:
+ Trust
+ Abort
+ Subscribed successfully
+ You have already subscribed
+ Subscription failed
+ Unsubscribed successfully
+ You have already Unsubscribed
+ Un-Subscription failed
+ Close Milestone
+ Open Milestone
+ Milestone status updated successfully
+ Crash Reports
+ Enable Crash Reports
+ GitNex has stopped :(
+ Crash reports
+ It is encouraged to open an issue at the project repository with how to reproduce this bug. It is easier to debug and fix the problem that way.\n\nTap the OK button to send the crash report by email instead. Additional content could be added in the email.\nThank you!
+ Please sign in again
+ Due to some major changes regarding the internal functioning of the app, we require you to login again. These changes allow us to make the app more flexible in the future.\n\nThank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
+ Delete All Drafts
+ No drafts found
+ Drafts deleted successfully
+ Draft deleted successfully
+ This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
+ Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
+ Themes, fonts, badges
+ Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
+ Languages
+ Crash reports
+ If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
+ App version, build, user instance version
+ Archived
+ This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
+ Account deleted successfully
+ Remove Account
+ Are you sure you want to remove this account from the app?\n\nThis will remove all the data related to this account on the app only.
+ New Account
+ Add New Account
+ Account already exists in the app
+ Account added successfully
+ Switched to account : %1$s@%2$s
+ Notifications
+ All caught up 🚀
+ Notifications Polling Delay
+ %d Minutes
+ Select Polling Delay
+ Επιλέξτε μια ελάχιστη καθυστέρηση κατά την οποία το GitNex προσπαθεί να μετρήσει νέες ειδοποιήσεις
+ Σήμανση ως αναγνωσμένο
+ Σήμανση ως μη αναγνωσμένα
+ Καρφίτσωμα
+ Επιτυχής επισήμανση όλων των ειδοποιήσεων ως αναγνωσμένες
+ Καθυστέρηση ψηφοφορίας, φωτισμός άκρων, δόνηση
+ Ενεργοποίηση Ειδοποιήσεων
+ Ενεργοποίηση Φωτισμού Άκρων
+ Ενεργοποίηση δόνησης
+ Επιλογή Χρώματος
+ Νέο μήνυμα για: %s
+ Έχετε %d νέες ειδοποιήσεις.
+ Ειδοποιήσεις
+ Αυτό είναι το κύριο κανάλι ειδοποιήσεων του GitNex.
+ - Έχετε μία %s νέα ειδοποίηση
+ - Έχετε %s νέες ειδοποιήσεις
+ Διαβασμένα
+ Μη αναγνωσμένα
+ Ρυθμίσεις Αποθετηρίου
+ Επεξεργασία ιδιοτήτων
+ Διαγραφή Αποθετηρίου
+ Προσοχή, αυτή η λειτουργία ΔΕΝ μπορεί να αναιρεθεί!
+ Χρήση σαν Πρότυπο
+ Ενεργοποίηση Ζητημάτων
+ External Issue Tracker Url
+ Ενεργοποίηση Wiki
+ Εξωτερικό Wiki Url
+ Ενεργοποίηση Pull Requests
+ Enable Time Tracker
+ Enable Merge Commits
+ Enable Rebase
+ Enable Squash and Merge
+ Enable Rebase with Merge Commits (——no-ff)
+ Repository properties updated successfully
+ Things to know before deletion:\n\n- This operation CANNOT be undone.\n- This operation will permanently delete the repository including code, issues, comments, wiki data and collaborator settings.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation
+ Repository name does not match
+ Repository deleted successfully
+ Transfer Ownership
+ Transfer this repository to a user or to an organization for which you have administrator rights
+ Things to know before transfer:\n\n- You will lose access to the repository if you transfer it to an individual user.\n- You will keep access to the repository if you transfer it to an organization that you (co-)own.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation
+ Perform Transfer
+ New Owner
+ Repository transferred successfully
+ New owner is required
+ There is a problem with the owner name. Make sure that the new owner exists
+ Filter Repositories
+ Search ONLY in Topic
+ Search in Description
+ Only Archived Repositories
+ Only Private Repositories
+ Search in Template Repositories
+ Merge Into
+ Pull From
+ These branches are equal. There is no need to create a pull request
+ Merge into branch is required
+ Pull from branch is required
+ Title is required
+ Pull Request created successfully
+ A pull request between these branches already exists
+ Pull Request closed
+ Pull Request reopened
+ Pull Request Info
+ It seems that account for URI %1$s does not exists in the app. You can add one by tapping on the Add New Account button.
+ Go to App
+ GitNex cannot handle the requested resource, you can open an issue at the project repository as an improvement with providing details of the work. Just launch a default screen for now from the buttons below, it can be changed from settings.
+ Biometric Authentication
+ Unlock using your biometric credentials
+ No biometric features available on this device
+ Biometric features are currently unavailable
+ Enroll biometric from phone settings
+ Login ID \'%s\' copied to clipboard
+ Download in progress
+ Downloading %s
+ Download successful
+ Downloaded %s
+ Download failed
+ Couldn\'t download %s
+ Download manager
+ Indicates the progress of ongoing downloads
+ Updated %s
+ Joined
+ Follow
+ Unfollow
+ Unfollowed @%s
+ You now follow @%s
+ Couldn\'t unfollow user
+ Couldn\'t follow user
+ The pull request conflicts with the base branch. Please resolve the conflicts and try again.
+ Pull Request updated successfully
+ Merge
+ Rebase
+ Select Update Strategy
+ Avatar
+ Tags
+ Releases/Tags
+ Create Tag Only
+ Tag created
+ Use as reference
+ Do you really want to delete this tag?
+ Tag deleted
+ A tag attached to a release cannot be deleted directly
+ Use Custom Tabs
+ No application found to open this link. SSH URLs and URLs with another prefix the http:// or https:// are not supported by most browser
+ Log in again
+ %s \u25CF not logged in
+ Follow system (Light/Dark)
+ Follow system (Light/Pitch Black)
+ Fork of: %s
+ Adopt
+ Adopted repository %s
+ Unadopted Repositories
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ Commits
+ Wiki
+ %1$s updated %2$s]]>
+ Do you really want to delete %s?
+ Wiki page deleted successfully
+ Page name and page content can\'t be empty
+ Create Wiki Page
+ Wiki page updated successfully
+ Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
index 748ef1bb..0197b391 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
Acerca de
Valorar GitNex
Cerrar sesión
- Administración
+ Instance Administration
Mis incidencias
Repositorios más visitados
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
Añadir dirección de email
Nuevo archivo
- Administración de Gitea
+ Administration
Nuevo pull request
@@ -51,9 +51,8 @@
URL de instancia
Abrir cajón de navegación
Cerrar cajón de navegación
- Iniciar sesión en Gitea
- 1- Elige el protocolo correcto (HTTPS o HTTP).\n2- Introduce la URL de Gitea p.e: try.gitea.io.\n3- Si has activado 2FA, introduce el código OTP.\n4- Para autenticación HTTP básica usa USUARIO@DOMAIN.COM en la URL.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
No se ha podido conectar con el host. Por favor, compruebe su URL o puerto para ver si hay algún error
No se recomienda usar el protocolo HTTP si no estás en tu red local
El JSON recibido es inválido. La respuesta del servidor no tuvo éxito
@@ -370,7 +369,7 @@
Algo salió mal, por favor, inténtalo de nuevo
- Esta solicitud necesita una versión de Gitea más alta de la que está instalada. Por favor, actualiza tu instancia de Gitea a la versión más actual.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Aquí no hay nada 🌟
@@ -514,7 +513,7 @@
Reportes de errores
Si te gusta GitNex, ¡deja una valoración positiva!
- Versión de la aplicación, build, versión de Gitea
+ App version, build, user instance version
Este repositorio está archivado. Puedes ver los archivos, pero no puedes hacer push, abrir incidencias o pull requests.
Cuenta eliminada con éxito
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml
index eee3ae4b..705f4e9c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
درباره ما
به GitNex امتیاز دهید
خروج از حساب کاربری
- مدیریت
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
ایجاد مخزن جدید
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
افزدون پست الکترونیکی
فایل جدید
- مدیریت Gitea
+ Administration
ایجاد درخواست ادغام جدید
@@ -49,12 +51,8 @@
URL نمونه
بار کردن کشوی ناوبری
بستن کشوی ناوبری
- ورود به Gitea
- 1. پروتوکل صحیح را انتخاب کنید (http یا https)
-2. URL گیتی را وارد کنید. مثلا: try.gitea.io
-3. اگر احراز هویت دو مرحلهای را برای حساب خود فعال کردهاید، کد را در کادر OTP وارد کنید.
-4. برای احراز هویت عادی HTTP از نامکاربری@دامنه در کادر URL استفاده کنید.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors
استفاده از پروتکل HTTP توصیه نمیشود مگر اینکه در حال آزمایش در شبکه محلی باشید
Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
@@ -150,13 +148,10 @@
Delete Trusted Certificates
Delete Trusted Certificates?
Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
- تاریخ و زمان
تنظیمات ذخیره شد
- زیبا
- Normal
انتخاب زبان
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -374,7 +369,7 @@
انجام شد
Something went wrong, please try again
- This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -400,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -416,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -509,12 +505,15 @@
پیش نویس با موفقیت حذف شد
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
پیش نویس خودکار ذخیره شد.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
پوستهها، فونتها، نشانگرها
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
گزارشهای خرابی
اگر GitNex را میپسندید میتوانید به آن امتیاز دهید
- نگارش برنامه، ساختن، نگارش gitea کاربر
+ App version, build, user instance version
بایگانی شده
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
حساب کاربری با موفقیت حذف شد
@@ -645,7 +644,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -657,4 +656,61 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml
index f27a2540..b1c10ade 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
Anna palautetta
Kirjaudu ulos
- Administration
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Uusi Repo
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
Lisää sähköpostiosoite
Uusi tiedosto
- Gitea Administration
+ Administration
New Pull Request
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
Instance URL
Open Navigation Drawer
Close Navigation Drawer
- Login to Gitea
- 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter Gitea url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors
It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network
Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
@@ -147,13 +148,10 @@
Delete Trusted Certificates
Delete Trusted Certificates?
Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
- Date & Time
Settings saved
- Pretty
- Normal
Choose Language
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Something went wrong, please try again
- This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -506,12 +505,15 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Crash reports
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account deleted successfully
@@ -642,7 +644,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -654,4 +656,61 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index d666ba25..99e8851c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
À propos
Noter GitNex
Se déconnecter
- Administration
+ Administration de l’instance
Mes tickets
Dépôts les plus visités
+ Notes
Nouveau dépôt
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@
Ajouter une adresse courriel
Nouveau fichier
- Administration de Gitea
+ Administration
Nouvelle demande d’ajout
@@ -50,9 +51,8 @@
URL de l’instance
Ouvrir le volet de navigation
Fermer le volet de navigation
- Se connecter à Gitea
- 1. Choisissez le protocole adéquat (HTTPS ou HTTP)\n2. Entrez l’URL de votre instance Gitea (ex : try.gitea.io)\n3. Si l’authentification à deux facteurs est activée pour votre compte, saisissez le code OTP\n4. Pour une authentification basique avec HTTP, utilisez NOMDUTILISATEUR@DOMAINE.COM dans le champ URL Gitea.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Connexion impossible. Veuillez vérifier l’URL et le port
Le protocole HTTP est déconseillé en dehors de tests sur un réseau local
JSON mal formé. Le serveur ne répond pas.
@@ -148,13 +148,10 @@
Supprimer les certificats
Supprimer les certificats ?
Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer tout certificat et nom de domaine ajouté manuellement ?\n\nVous devrez vous reconnecter.
- Date et heure
Réglages enregistrés
- Relatif
- Normale
Heure de passage au thème clair
Heure de passage au thème sombre
@@ -372,7 +369,7 @@
Une erreur s’est produite, veuillez réessayer
- Cette requête nécessite une version plus récente de Gitea. Veuillez mettre à jour votre instance.
+ Cette requête nécessite une version plus récente de l’instance. Veuillez la mettre à jour.
🌟 Rien ici 🌟
@@ -516,7 +513,7 @@
Rapports de plantage
Vous aimez GitNex ? Mettez-lui un pouce !
- Numéros de version GitNex et Gitea, autres liens
+ Version de l’application, version de l’instance utilisateur
Ce dépôt est archivé. Les fichiers sont accessibles, mais aucune modification n’est possible.
Compte supprimé
@@ -647,7 +644,7 @@
Dépôt %s adopté
Dépôts abandonnés
- - Adopter le dépôt %s l’ajoutera à l’organisation/utilisateur %s.\n- Le supprimer l’effacera du système.
+ - Adopter le dépôt %1$s l’ajoutera à l’organisation/utilisateur %2$s.\n- Supprimer l’effacera du système.
@@ -660,4 +657,60 @@
Page wiki créée
Ouvrir dans l’Éditeur de code
+ Nouvelle note
+ Modifier note
+ Prenez vos notes ici
+ Créée le %s
+ Mise à jour le %s
+ Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer cette note ?
+ - Note supprimée
+ - Notes supprimées
+ Toutes vos notes seront supprimées. Cette action est irréversible.
+ révision
+ %1$s a ajouté %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s a ajouté | l’étiquette %2$s
+ %1$s a retiré | l’étiquette %2$s
+ %1$s s’est désaffecté de ceci %2$s
+ %1$s a été désaffecté par %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s s’est affecté à ceci %2$s
+ %1$s a été affecté par %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s a ajouté ceci au jalon %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s a retiré ceci du jalon %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s a fermé ce ticket %2$s
+ %1$s a rouvert ce ticket %2$s
+ %1$s a rouvert cette demande de fusion %2$s
+ %1$s a fermé cette demande de fusion %2$s
+ %1$s a accepté cette demande de fusion %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s a demandé l’avis de %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s a renommé %2$s en %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s a verrouillé en raison de %2$s et limité la discussion aux collaborateurs %3$s
+ %1$s a déverrouillé cette conversation %2$s
+ %1$s a ajouté une nouvelle dépendance #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s a supprimé une dépendance #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s a ajouté ceci à un projet %2$s
+ %1$s a supprimé ceci d\'un projet %2$s
+ %1$s a fixé l’échéance au %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s a modifié l’échéance du %3$s au %2$s %4$s
+ %1$s a supprimé l’échéance au %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s a changé la branche cible de %2$s à %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s a supprimé la branche %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s a ajouté le temps passé %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s a supprimé le temps passé %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s a ajouté la référence %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s s’est référé à ce ticket dans #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s a fait référence à cette demande de fusion dans #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuts
+ Ce statut n’a pas d’URL.
+ Dépôts favoris
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
index 455a4c62..79251dee 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
Info su
Valuta GitNex
- Amministrazione
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Nuovo Repository
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
Aggiungi indirizzo e-mail
Nuovo File
- Amministrazione Gitea
+ Administration
Nuova Pull Request
@@ -49,13 +51,12 @@
URL Istanza
Apri panello Navigazione
Chiudi panello Navigazione
- Accedi a Gitea
- 1- Scegli il protocollo corretto(https or http). \n2- Enter Gitea url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Impossibile connettersi all\'host. Controlla l\'URL o la porta per eventuali errori
Non si consiglia di utilizzare il protocollo HTTP a meno che non si stia testando sulla rete locale
È stato ricevuto JSON non valido. La risposta del server non ha avuto successo
- Istanza
+ Istanza
URL è richiesto
Nome utente obbligatorio
Password obbligatoria
@@ -147,14 +148,11 @@ URL è richiesto
Elimina Certificati Attendibili
Eliminare i Certificati Attendibili?
- Sei sicuro di voler eliminare qualsiasi certificato attendibile o hostname aggiunti manualmente? \n\nSarai anche disconnesso.
- Data & Ora
+ Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
Impostazioni salvate
- Bella
- Normale
Scegli la lingua
Orario Attivazione Tema Chiaro
Orario Attivazione Tema Scuro
@@ -242,7 +240,7 @@ URL è richiesto
I membri possono inviare i repository del team e aggiungere loro collaboratori
Inserisci il nome del team
Il nome del team deve contenere solo caratteri alfanumerici, trattino (-), trattino basso (_) e punto (.)
- Seleziona
+ Seleziona
La descrizione del team contiene caratteri non validi
La descrizione del team ha più di 100 caratteri
@@ -373,7 +371,7 @@ autorizzazione
Qualcosa è andato storto, riprova
- Questa richiesta richiede una versione di Gitea superiore a quella installata. Aggiorna la tua istanza all\'ultima versione di Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -399,7 +397,7 @@ autorizzazione
Aspetta ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -415,6 +413,7 @@ autorizzazione
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Esplora utenti
Esplora problemi
@@ -424,7 +423,7 @@ autorizzazione
Repository aggiunto alla watch list
Repository rimosso dalla watchlist
- Vecchia versione non supportata (%1$s) di Gitea rilevata. Per favore aggiorna all\'ultima versione stabile. Se continui, alcune funzionalità potrebbero non funzionare.
+ Unsupported old version(%1$s) of Gitea detected. Please update to latest stable version. If you continue, some features may not work.
Nuova versione di Gitea rilevata! Si prega di AGGIORNARE GitNex!
Nessun Gitea rilevato!
Versione non supportata di Gitea
@@ -501,19 +500,22 @@ autorizzazione
Rapporti crash
It is encouraged to open an issue at the project repository with how to reproduce this bug. It is easier to debug and fix the problem that way.\n\nTap the OK button to send the crash report by email instead. Additional content could be added in the email.\nThank you!
Per favore accedi di nuovo
- A causa di alcune modifiche importanti riguardanti il funzionamento interno dell\'app, abbiamo bisogno che tu effettui nuovamente il login. Queste modifiche ci permettono di rendere l\'applicazione più flessibile in futuro.\n\nGrazie per la pazienza e ci scusiamo per il disagio.
+ Due to some major changes regarding the internal functioning of the app, we require you to login again. These changes allow us to make the app more flexible in the future.\n\nThank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
Elimina Tutte Le Bozze
Nessuna bozza trovata
Bozze eliminate con successo
Bozza eliminata con successo
Questo eliminerà tutte le bozze per questo account. \n\nProcedi con la cancellazione?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Rapporti crash
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account eliminato con successo
@@ -635,7 +637,7 @@ autorizzazione
Etichetta eliminata
A tag attached to a release cannot be deleted directly
Usa Schede Personalizzate
- Nessuna applicazione trovata per aprire questo collegamento. URL SSH e URL con prefissi diversi da http:// or https:// non sono supportati dalla maggior parte dei browser
+ No application found to open this link. SSH URLs and URLs with another prefix the http:// or https:// are not supported by most browser
Accedi di nuovo
%s \u25CF non è connesso
Follow system (Light/Dark)
@@ -644,7 +646,7 @@ autorizzazione
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -656,4 +658,61 @@ autorizzazione
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
index f7ac1cbb..64776d12 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
- 管理
+ Instance Administration
- 最も訪問したリポジトリ
- ノート
+ 訪問者の多いリポジトリ
+ 注記
- 新規リポジトリ
+ 新しいリポジトリ
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
- スターを付けたリポジトリ
+ スター付きリポジトリ
- メールアドレスを追加
+ 電子メールアドレスの追加
- Gitea管理設定
+ Administration
@@ -38,22 +38,21 @@
- 更新
+ [更新]
- 組織概要
- ユーザー名
+ 組織の説明
+ ユーザ名
- Giteaへのログイン
- 1:正しいプロトコル(httpsまたはhttp)を選択します。\n2-GiteaのURLを入力します(例:try.gitea.io)。\n3-アカウントで2 FAを有効にしている場合は、[OTP Code]フィールドにコードを入力します。\n4-HTTP基本認証では、URLフィールドでUSERNAME@DOMAIN.COMを使用します。
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
@@ -72,10 +71,10 @@
組織名が無効です。[a–z A–Z 0–9–_]
- 組織概要が最大255文字の制限を超えています
+ 組織の説明が最大255文字の制限を超えています
- %1$s 個の追加と %2$s 個の削除
+ %1$s の追加と %2$s の削除
@@ -97,25 +96,25 @@
- リポジトリURL
+ リポジトリ URL
- 作成日時
+ 作成済み
- マイルストーン %1$s
+ マイルストーン %1Ss
期限 %1$s
割り当て先: %1$s
- 自分に割り当て
+ 自分に割り当てられた
- コミット作成者: %1$s
+ コミット作成者:%1$s
- 発行者 @%1$s
+ 発行者@%1$s
@@ -137,9 +136,9 @@
- 課題のタイトルが空です
- 課題の説明が空です
- 新規課題が正常に作成されました
+ 懸案事項のタイトルが空です
+ 懸案事項の説明が空です
+ 新しい懸案事項が正常に作成されました
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@
- 認証エラー
+ 認可エラー
@@ -217,10 +216,10 @@
- 組織のメンバー
+ Orgメンバー
- %s を削除
- %s を追加
+ %sを削除
+ %sを追加
@@ -370,7 +369,7 @@
- この要求には、インストールされているものよりも新しいGiteaバージョンが必要です。インスタンスを最新バージョンのGiteaにアップグレードしてください。
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
@@ -514,7 +513,7 @@
- アプリケーションバージョン、ビルド、ユーザーgiteaバージョン
+ App version, build, user instance version
@@ -644,7 +643,7 @@
- - [登録]は リポジトリ %s を組織/ユーザ %s に追加します。\n- [削除]は、システムから削除します。
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -680,16 +679,16 @@
%1$s が %2$sに自分で割り当てました
%1$s は、%2$s から%3$sに割り当てられました。
%1$s は、これを マイルストーン %3$sの %2$s に追加しました。
- %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
- %1$s closed this issue %2$s
- %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
- %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
- %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
- %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
- %3$s %4$s]]>
- %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
- %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
- %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s はこれをマイルストーン%3$s の %2$s から 削除しました
+ %1$s は、この課題 %2$s をクローズしました。
+ %1$s は、課題 %2$s を再オープンしました。
+ %1$s は、プルリクエスト %2$s を再オープンしました。
+ %1$s は、このプルリクエスト %2$s をクローズしました。
+ %1$s は、プルリクエスト %2$s をマージしました。
+ %3$s %4$s から、このプルリクエストを参照しました。]]>
+ %1$s は、 %2$s %3$s からレビューを要求しました。
+ %1$s は、 %2$s から %3$s %4$s へタイトルを変更しました。
+ %1$s は、 %2$s としてロックし、協力者 %3$s との対話を制限しました。
%1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
%1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
%1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
@@ -711,4 +710,5 @@
%3$s %4$s]]>
This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index c56e576e..50f1f5c5 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
GitNex 평가하기
- 관리
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
새 저장소
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
이메일 주소 추가
새 파일
- Gitea Administration
+ Administration
New Pull Request
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
Instance URL
Open Navigation Drawer
Close Navigation Drawer
- Login to Gitea
- 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter Gitea url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors
It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network
Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
@@ -147,13 +148,10 @@
Delete Trusted Certificates
Delete Trusted Certificates?
Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
- Date & Time
Settings saved
- Pretty
- Normal
Choose Language
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Something went wrong, please try again
- This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -506,12 +505,15 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Crash reports
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account deleted successfully
@@ -641,7 +643,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -653,4 +655,60 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml
index d16b2929..303968ad 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
Rate GitNex
- Administration
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Jauns repozitorijs
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
Add Email Address
New File
- Gitea Administration
+ Administration
New Pull Request
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
Instance URL
Open Navigation Drawer
Close Navigation Drawer
- Login to Gitea
- 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter Gitea url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors
It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network
Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
@@ -147,13 +148,10 @@
Delete Trusted Certificates
Delete Trusted Certificates?
Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
- Date & Time
Settings saved
- Pretty
- Normal
Choose Language
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Something went wrong, please try again
- This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -506,12 +505,15 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Crash reports
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account deleted successfully
@@ -643,7 +645,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -655,4 +657,62 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index 4fdf71ec..165ea8e2 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
Beoordeel GitNex
- Administratie
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Nieuwe Repository
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
E-mailadres Toevoegen
Nieuw Bestand
- Gitea Administratie
+ Administration
Nieuw Pull Request
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
URL Instantie
Open Navigatiemenu
Sluit Navigatiemenu
- Inloggen bij Gitea
- 1- Selecteer het juiste protocol (https of http). \n2- Vul Gitea url in, bijv.: try.gitea.io. \n3- Indien 2FA geactiveerd is voor jouw account, vul dan de code in bij het OTP Code veld. \n4- Voor HTTP standaard autorisatie gebruik GEBRUIKERSNAAM@DOMEIN.NL in het URL veld.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Kan geen verbinding maken met host. Controleer de URL en poort op fouten
Het is afgeraden om HTTP te gebruiken tenzij je test op een lokaal netwerk
Incorrecte JSON ontvangen. Server reactie is niet gelukt
@@ -146,14 +147,11 @@
Verwijder Vertrouwde Certificaten
Verwijder Vertrouwde Certificaten?
- Weet u zeker dat u handmatig vertrouwde certificaten of hostnamen wil verwijderen? \n\nU wordt ook uitgelogd.
- Datum & Tijd
+ Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
Instelling opgeslagen
- Mooi
- Normaal
Kies Taal
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -184,7 +182,7 @@
Beginscherm, standaard URL afhandelaar
Standaard URL Afhandelaar
- Kies het scherm wat geopend moet worden als de app niet met de externe URL overweg kan. U zal automatisch omgeleid worden.
+ Choose what screen should be loaded if the app cannot handle external links. It will redirect you automatically.
Selecteer Standaard URL Afhandelaar Scherm
Ondersteuning voor Biometrie
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Something went wrong, please try again
- This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -506,12 +505,15 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Crash reports
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account deleted successfully
@@ -642,7 +644,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -654,4 +656,61 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index f6ab46a8..57774b71 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
O programie
Oceń GitNex
Wyloguj się
- Administracja
+ Instance Administration
Moje zgłoszenia
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Nowe repozytorium
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
Dodaj adres e-mail
Nowy plik
- Administracja Gitea
+ Administration
Nowy Pull Request
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
Adres URL instancji
Otwórz szufladę nawigacji
Zamknij szufladę nawigacji
- Zaloguj się do Gitea
- 1- Wybierz poprawny protokół (https lub http). \n2- Wprowadź adres URL Gitea np: try.gitea.io. \n3- Jeśli włączyłeś 2FA dla swojego konta, wprowadź kod w polu OTP Code. \n4 - Dla podstawowej autoryzacji HTTP użyj NAZWAUŻYTKOWNIKA@STRONA.PL w polu URL.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Nie można połączyć się z hostem. Sprawdź czy adres URL i port są prawidłowe
It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network
Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
@@ -146,14 +147,11 @@
Usuń zaufane certyfikaty
Usunąć zaufane certyfikaty?
- Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie ręcznie zaufane certyfikaty lub nazwy hostów? \n\nZostaniesz również wylogowany.
- Data & Czas
+ Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
Ustawienia zapisane
- Piękny
- Normalny
Wybierz język
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj ponownie
- To żądanie wymaga wyższej wersji Gitea niż zainstalowana. Proszę zaktualizować swoją instancję do najnowszej wersji Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Zaczekaj chwilę☕
- Etykieta
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Przeglądaj zgłoszenia
@@ -506,12 +505,15 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Crash reports
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account deleted successfully
@@ -644,7 +646,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -656,4 +658,63 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
index 48832494..b11978bd 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
Avalie o GitNex
- Administração
+ Instance Administration
Meus Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Novo repositório
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
Adicionar endereço de E-mail
Novo arquivo
- Administração de Gitea
+ Administration
Novo Pull Request
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
URL da instância
Abrir painel de navegação
Fechar painel de navegação
- Conectar no Gitea
- 1- Escolha o protocolo correto (https ou http). \n2- Insira a url do Gitea. Por exemplo: try.gitea.io. \n3 - Se você habilitou 2FA para sua conta, digite o código no campo de código OTP. \n4- Para autenticação básica HTTP use USUARIO@DOMINIO.COM no campo URL.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Não foi possível conectar-se ao host. Por favor verifique sua URL ou porta para ver se há algum erro
Não é recomendado usar o protocolo HTTP a menos que você esteja testando na rede local
JSON malformado foi recebido. A resposta do servidor não foi bem sucedida
@@ -146,14 +147,11 @@
Excluir Certificados Confiáveis
Excluir Certificados Confiáveis?
- Tem certeza que deseja excluir qualquer certificado ou hostname confiado manualmente? \n\nVocê também será desconectado.
- Data & Hora
+ Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
Configurações salvas
Português (Brasil)
- Bonito
- Normal
Escolha o idioma
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -204,7 +202,7 @@
Marcador excluído
Select a branch for release
Erro de autorização
- Parece que o Token de Acesso foi revogado OU você não está autorizado para ver esses conteúdos.\n\nNo caso de token ser revogado, faça o logout e login de novo
+ It seems that the Access Token is revoked OR your are not allowed to see these contents.\n\nIn case of revoked Token, please logout and login again
Você realmente deseja excluir este marcador?
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Algo deu errado, por favor, tente de novo
- Esta solicitação precisa de uma versão do Gitea maior do que a instalada. Por favor, atualize sua instância para a versão mais recente do Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Abrir no Navegador
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -499,24 +498,27 @@
Relatórios de erros
It is encouraged to open an issue at the project repository with how to reproduce this bug. It is easier to debug and fix the problem that way.\n\nTap the OK button to send the crash report by email instead. Additional content could be added in the email.\nThank you!
Por favor, faça o login novamente
- Devido a algumas mudanças principais no funcionamento interno do aplicativo, exigimos que você faça o login novamente. Essas alterações nos permitem tornar o aplicativo mais flexível no futuro.\n\nAgradecemos por sua paciência e lamentamos o inconveniente.
+ Due to some major changes regarding the internal functioning of the app, we require you to login again. These changes allow us to make the app more flexible in the future.\n\nThank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
Excluir Todos os Rascunhos
Nenhum rascunho encontrado
Rascunhos excluídos com êxito
Rascunho excluído com êxito
Isso vai excluir todos os rascunhos para essa conta. \n\nProsseguir com a exclusão?
O rascunho foi salvo automaticamente.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Relatórios de erros
Se você gosta do GitNex você pode dar um joinha
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Conta excluída com êxito
Excluir Conta
- Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta conta do aplicativo?\n\nIsso excluirá todos os dados relacionados a esta conta apenas no app.
+ Are you sure you want to remove this account from the app?\n\nThis will remove all the data related to this account on the app only.
Nova Conta
Adicionar Nova Conta
Esta conta já existe no app
@@ -568,8 +570,8 @@
Repository name does not match
Repositório deletado com sucesso
Transfer Ownership
- Transferir este repositório para um outro usuário ou para uma organização onde você tem permissões de administrador
- Coisas para saber antes da transferência:\n\n- Você irá perder acesso ao repositório se você transferir-o para um usuário individual.\n- Você irá manter o acesso ao repositório se você transferir para uma organização que você (co-)pertence.\n\nInsira o nome do repositório como confirmação
+ Transfer this repository to a user or to an organization for which you have administrator rights
+ Things to know before transfer:\n\n- You will lose access to the repository if you transfer it to an individual user.\n- You will keep access to the repository if you transfer it to an organization that you (co-)own.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation
Realizar Transferência
New Owner
Repositório transferido com sucesso
@@ -592,7 +594,7 @@
Pull Request closed
Pull Request reopened
Pull Request Info
- Parece que a conta para a URI %1$s não existe no aplicativo. Você pode adicionar uma tocando no botão de Adicionar Uma Conta.
+ It seems that account for URI %1$s does not exists in the app. You can add one by tapping on the Add New Account button.
Ir para o Aplicativo
GitNex cannot handle the requested resource, you can open an issue at the project repository as an improvement with providing details of the work. Just launch a default screen for now from the buttons below, it can be changed from settings.
Biometric Authentication
@@ -642,7 +644,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -654,4 +656,61 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index e2d6dd40..7303ddf4 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
О программе
Оценить GitNex
- Администрирование
- My Issues
+ Instance Administration
+ Мои вопросы
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Создать репозиторий
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
Добавить адрес эл. почты
Новый файл
- Администрирование Gitea
+ Administration
Новый запрос на слияние
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
Адрес сервера
Открыть навигацию
Закрыть навигацию
- Войти в Gitea
- 1. Выберите протокол (https или http) \n2. Укажите URL Gitea, например: try.gitea.io \n3. Если для учетной записи включена 2FA, введите код OTP в соответствующее поле. \n4. Для базовой аутентификации HTTP укажите USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM в поле URL.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Не удалось подключиться к хосту. Пожалуйста, проверьте URL-адрес или порт на наличие ошибок
Не рекомендуется использовать протокол HTTP, если вы не тестируете в локальной сети
Получен искаженный JSON. Ответ сервера не был успешным
@@ -146,14 +147,11 @@
Удалить доверенные сертификаты
Удалить доверенные сертификаты?
- Вы уверены, что хотите удалить любой вручную доверенный сертификат или имя хоста? \n\nВы также выйдите из системы.
- Дата и время
+ Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
- Приятное
- Стандартный
Выбор языка
Время переключения светлой темы
Время переключения тёмной темы
@@ -184,7 +182,7 @@
Домашний экран, обработчик ссылок по умолчанию
Обработчик ссылок по умолчанию
- Выберите, какой экран следует загрузить, если приложение не может обрабатывать внешние ссылки. Он автоматически перенаправит вас.
+ Choose what screen should be loaded if the app cannot handle external links. It will redirect you automatically.
Выбрать экран обработчика ссылок по умолчанию
Поддержка биометрии
@@ -204,7 +202,7 @@
Метка удалена!
Выберите ветку для релиза
Ошибка авторизации
- Похоже, токен доступа отозван, либо вам не разрешено просматривать это содержимое.\n\nВ случае отзыва токена, пожалуйста, выйдите из системы и войдите снова
+ It seems that the Access Token is revoked OR your are not allowed to see these contents.\n\nIn case of revoked Token, please logout and login again
Вы действительно хотите удалить эту метку?
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, попытайтесь еще раз.
- Для этого запроса требуется более новая версия Gitea, чем установленная. Пожалуйста, обновите свою инстанцию до последней версии Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Подождите ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Обзор пользователей
Обзор задач
@@ -422,7 +421,7 @@
Репозиторий добавлен в список наблюдения
Репозиторий удален из списка наблюдения
- Обнаружена неподдерживаемая старая версия (%1$s) Gitea. Пожалуйста, обновите до последней стабильной версии. Если вы продолжите, некоторые функции могут работать неправильно.
+ Unsupported old version(%1$s) of Gitea detected. Please update to latest stable version. If you continue, some features may not work.
Обнаружена новая версия Gitea! Пожалуйста, ОБНОВИТЕ GitNex!
Gitea не обнаружен!
Неподдерживаемая версия Gitea
@@ -497,26 +496,29 @@
Включить отчёты об ошибках
GitNex остановлен :(
Отчёты об ошибках
- Рекомендуется открыть в репозитории проекта задачу о том, как воспроизвести эту ошибку. Таким образом легче отладить и устранить проблему.\n\nНажмите кнопку ОК, чтобы вместо этого отправить отчет о сбое по электронной почте. В электронное письмо можно добавить дополнительный контент.\nСпасибо!
+ It is encouraged to open an issue at the project repository with how to reproduce this bug. It is easier to debug and fix the problem that way.\n\nTap the OK button to send the crash report by email instead. Additional content could be added in the email.\nThank you!
Пожалуйста, войдите снова
- В связи с некоторыми существенными изменениями, касающимися внутренней работы приложения, мы просим вас снова войти в систему. Эти изменения позволяют сделать приложение более гибким в будущем.\n\nБлагодарим вас за терпение и приносим извинения за неудобства.
+ Due to some major changes regarding the internal functioning of the app, we require you to login again. These changes allow us to make the app more flexible in the future.\n\nThank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
Удалить все черновики
Черновики не найдены
Черновики успешно удалены
Черновик успешно удален
Это приведет к удалению всех черновиков для этой учетной записи. \n\nПродолжить удаление?
Черновик сохранен автоматически.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Темы, шрифты, значки
Биометрическая аутентификация, SSL-сертификаты, кеш
Отчёты об ошибках
Если вам нравится GitNex, вы можете поставить ему палец вверх
- Версия приложения, сборка, пользовательская версия gitea
+ App version, build, user instance version
Этот репозиторий находится в архиве. Вы можете просматривать файлы, но не можете отправлять или открывать проблемы/запросы на слияние.
Учётная запись успешно удалена
Удалить учётную запись
- Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту учётную запись из приложения?\n\nЭто удалит все данные, связанные с этой учётной записью только в приложении.
+ Are you sure you want to remove this account from the app?\n\nThis will remove all the data related to this account on the app only.
Новая учётная запись
Добавить новую учётную запись
Учётная запись уже существует в приложении
@@ -566,12 +568,12 @@
Включить объединение и слияние
Включить rebase с коммитом слияния (——no-ff)
Свойства репозитория успешно обновлены
- Что нужно знать перед удалением:\n\n- Эту операцию НЕЛЬЗЯ отменить.\n- Эта операция навсегда удалит репозиторий, включая код, задачи, комментарии, данные вики и настройки соавтора.\n\nВведите имя репозитория в качестве подтверждения
+ Things to know before deletion:\n\n- This operation CANNOT be undone.\n- This operation will permanently delete the repository including code, issues, comments, wiki data and collaborator settings.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation
Имя репозитория не совпадает
Репозиторий успешно удалён
Передать права собственности
- Передать репозиторий другому пользователю или организации где у вас есть права администратора
- Что нужно знать перед передачей:\n\n- Вы потеряете доступ к репозиторию, если передадите его отдельному пользователю.\n- Вы сохраните доступ к репозиторию, если передадите его организации, которой вы (со)владеете.\n\nВведите имя репозитория в качестве подтверждения
+ Transfer this repository to a user or to an organization for which you have administrator rights
+ Things to know before transfer:\n\n- You will lose access to the repository if you transfer it to an individual user.\n- You will keep access to the repository if you transfer it to an organization that you (co-)own.\n\nEnter the repository name as confirmation
Выполнить передачу
Новый владелец
Репозиторий успешно перенесён
@@ -594,9 +596,9 @@
Pull Request closed
Pull Request reopened
Pull Request Info
- Похоже, что учётная запись для URI %1$s не существует в приложении. Вы можете добавить её, нажав кнопку «Добавить новую учётную запись».
+ It seems that account for URI %1$s does not exists in the app. You can add one by tapping on the Add New Account button.
Перейти к приложению
- GitNex не может обработать запрошенный ресурс, вы можете открыть задачу в репозитории проекта в качестве улучшения, предоставив подробную информацию о работе. Просто запустите экран по умолчанию, используя кнопки ниже, его можно изменить в настройках.
+ GitNex cannot handle the requested resource, you can open an issue at the project repository as an improvement with providing details of the work. Just launch a default screen for now from the buttons below, it can be changed from settings.
Биометрическая Aутентификация
Разблокируйте с помощью биометрических данных
На этом устройстве нет биометрических функций
@@ -644,7 +646,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -656,4 +658,63 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-si/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-si/strings.xml
index 4cc793bd..c8ef4d02 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-si/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-si/strings.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
මේ ගැන
GitNex අගයන්න
- පරිපාලනය
+ Instance Administration
මගේ ගැටළු
Most Visited Repos
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
වි-තැපෑල එකතු කරන්න
නව ගොනුව
- ගිටියා පරිපාලනය
+ Administration
නව අදින්න ඉල්ලීම
@@ -51,9 +51,8 @@
උදාහරණ URL
සංචාලන ලාච්චුව විවෘත කරන්න
සංචාලන ලාච්චුව වසන්න
- Gitea වෙත පිවිසෙන්න
- 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter Gitea url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
සත්කාරක වෙත සම්බන්ධ වීමට නොහැකි විය. කිසියම් දෝෂයක් සඳහා කරුණාකර ඔබගේ URL හෝ තොට පරීක්ෂා කරන්න
ඔබ දේශීය ජාලයේ පරීක්ෂා කරන්නේ නම් මිස HTTP ප්රොටෝකෝලය භාවිතා කිරීම නිර්දේශ නොකරයි
Malformed JSON ලැබුණි. සේවාදායක ප්රතිචාරය සාර්ථක නොවීය
@@ -370,7 +369,7 @@
අවලංගු කරන්න
යම් දෙයක් වැරදී ඇත, කරුණාකර නැවත උත්සාහ කරන්න
- This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 මෙතන මොකුත් නෑ 🌟
එකතු කරන්න
ඉවත් කරන්න
@@ -514,7 +513,7 @@
බිඳ වැටීම් වාර්තා
ඔබ GitNex වලට කැමති නම් ඔබට එය thumbs up ලබා දිය හැක
- යෙදුම් අනුවාදය, ගොඩනැගීම, පරිශීලක gitea අනුවාදය
+ App version, build, user instance version
සංරක්ෂණය කර ඇත
මෙම රෙපෝව සංරක්ෂණය කර ඇත. ඔබට ගොනු බැලිය හැක, නමුත් ගැටළු/අදින්න-ඉල්ලීම් තල්ලු කිරීමට හෝ විවෘත කිරීමට නොහැක.
ගිණුම සාර්ථකව මකා ඇත
@@ -645,7 +644,7 @@
සම්මත කරන ලද නිධිය %s
අනුමත නොකළ නිධි
- - Adopt විසින් සංවිධානය/පරිශීලක %sවෙත නිධිය %s එකතු කරනු ඇත.\n- මකන්න එය පද්ධතියෙන් ඉවත් කරයි.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -713,4 +712,5 @@
%3$s %4$s]]>
This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml
index 3d7a1f33..d533ea3e 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
O aplikácii
Ohodnoť GitNex
Odhlásiť sa
- Spravovanie
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Najnavštevovanejšie stránky
+ Notes
Nový repozitár
@@ -28,9 +30,9 @@
Pridať e-mailovú adresu
Nový súbor
- Spravovanie Gitea
+ Administration
New Pull Request
- Users
+ Užívatelia
Demo repozitár
Demo popis
@@ -49,16 +51,15 @@
URL inštancie
Open Navigation Drawer
Close Navigation Drawer
- Prihlásiť sa do Gitea
- Protocol
- 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter Gitea url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
+ Protokol
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors
It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network
Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
Instance URL is required
- Username is required
- Password is required
- Protocol is required
+ Prihlasovacie meno je povinné
+ Heslo je povinné
+ Protokol je povinný
Cannot access network, please check your Internet connection
Repository name is empty
Repository name is not valid. [a–z A–Z 0–9 – _]
@@ -74,19 +75,19 @@
Organization created successfully
Organization already exists
%1$s addition(s) and %2$s deletion(s)
- Processing
- Search
- Close
- Add
+ Prebieha spracovanie
+ Vyhľadávanie
+ Zatvoriť
+ Pridať
- Repo
+ Repozitár
- Remove
+ Odstrániť
Instance has returned an error. Code %d
- Details
- Files
- Milestones
- Releases
+ Detaily
+ Súbory
+ Míľniky
+ Vydania
Pull Requests
@@ -141,33 +142,30 @@
No milestone
No assignees found
- Translation
- System
- Security
+ Preklad
+ Systém
+ Zabezpečenie
Delete Trusted Certificates
Delete Trusted Certificates?
Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
- Date & Time
- Settings saved
- Language
- English
- Appearance
- Pretty
- Normal
- Choose Language
+ Nastavenia uložené
+ Jazyk
+ Slovenčina
+ Vzhľad
+ Vyberte jazyk
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
- Choose Time Format
+ Vyberte formát dátumu
Translate GitNex via Crowdin
Code Block Color
Code Block Color Selector
- Home Screen
- My Repositories
+ Domovská obrazovka
+ Moje repozitáre
Select Home Screen
- Font
- Choose Font
- Select App Theme
- Theme
+ Písmo
+ Vybrať písmo
+ Vybrať tému
+ Motív
Counter Badges
Source Code Theme
Data Cache Size
@@ -187,7 +185,7 @@
Choose what screen should be loaded if the app cannot handle external links. It will redirect you automatically.
Select Default Link Handler Screen
- Biometric Support
+ Biometrické odomykanie
Labels With Text Support
Enabling this will show labels with text in issues and pr lists, default are color dots
@@ -195,52 +193,52 @@
New Label
Repo Menu
Label Name
- Label Color
- Label name is empty
- Label name is not valid
+ Farba štítka
+ Názov štítku je prázdny
+ Názov štítku nie je platný
Label created
- Label updated
- Desc
- Label deleted
+ Štítok bol aktualizovaný
+ Zostupne
+ Štítok odstránený
Select a branch for release
- Authorization Error
- It seems that the Access Token is revoked OR your are not allowed to see these contents.\n\nIn case of revoked Token, please logout and login again
- Do you really want to delete this label?
+ Chyba overenia
+ Zdá sa, že prístupový token je zrušený ALEBO nemáte povolené vidieť tento obsah.\n\nV prípade zrušeného tokenu sa odhláste a prihláste znova
+ Naozaj chcete tento štítok vymazať?
- Teams
- Members
- Team name
- Team desc
- Permissions
- • Members of this team do not have any permissions.
- • Members of this team can view team repositories.
- • Members of this team can view and push to team repositories.
+ Tímy
+ Členovia
+ Názov tímu
+ Popis tímu
+ Povolenia
+ • Členovia tohto tímu nemajú žiadne povolenia.
+ • Členovia tohto tímu môžu prezerať tímové repozitáre.
+ • Členovia tohto tímu môžu prezerať a odosielať do tímových repozitárov.
• Members of this team can push to and from team repositories and add collaborators.
- • Members of this team have owner permissions.
- show all
+ • Členovia tohto tímu majú oprávnenia vlastníka.
+ zobraziť všetko
Org members
Organization team members
- Remove %s
- Add %s
- Do you want to add this user to the team?
- Do you want to remove this user from the team?
- Member added to the team successfully
- Member removed from the team successfully
- Repository added to the team successfully
- Repository removed from the team successfully
+ Odstrániť %s
+ Pridať %s
+ Chcete pridať tohto používateľa do tímu?
+ Chcete odstrániť tohto používateľa z tímu?
+ Člen úspešne pridaný do tímu
+ Člen úspešne vyradený z tímu
+ Repozitár úspešne pridaný do tímu
+ Repozitár úspešne odstránené z tímu
Add repository %1$s to organization %2$s team %3$s
Remove repository %1$s from team %2$s
- Team Name
- Description
- Permission
- Access Controls
- Members can view and clone team repositories
+ Názov tímu
+ Popis
+ Povolenia
+ Kontrola prístupu
+ Členovia môžu prezerať a klonovať tímové repozitáre
Members can read and push to team repositories
Members can pull and push to team repositories and add collaborators to them
- Please enter team name
- Team name should contain only alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore (_) and dot (.) characters
+ Prosím, zadajte názov tímu
+ Názov tímu by mal obsahovať len alfanumerické znaky, pomlčku (-), podčiarkovník (_) a bodku (.)
Please select permission
Team description have illegal characters
Team description have more than 100 characters
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Something went wrong, please try again
- This request needs higher Gitea version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version of Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -506,12 +505,15 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Crash reports
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account deleted successfully
@@ -644,7 +646,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -656,4 +658,63 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml
index b5865ffe..4be16951 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-sr/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
О програму
Оцени GitNex
Одјави ме
- Administration
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Нови репозиторијум
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
Додај имејл-адресу
Нови фајл
Претражи репозиторијуме
- Gitea Administration
+ Administration
New Pull Request
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
URL инстанце
Отвори навигацију
Затвори навигацију
- Пријави ме
- 1. Одабери одговарајући протокол (HTTPS или HTTP).\n2. Унеси URL инстанце, нпр. try.gitea.io.\n3. Ако користиш 2FA, унеси OTP код.\n4. Ако користиш HTTP протокол, унеси URL инстанце у формату korisnickoime@domen.com.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors
It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network
Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
@@ -146,14 +147,11 @@
Избриши сертификате
Да ли желиш да избришеш сертификате?
- Да ли желиш да избришеш сертификате?\n\nТо би подразумевало и одјављивање.
- Датум и време
+ Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
Подешавања су сачувана
- Релативно
- Normal
Одабери језик
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Нешто је пошло наопако, покушај поново
- Ова активност захтева новију верзију програма Gitea
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -506,12 +505,15 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Crash reports
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account deleted successfully
@@ -643,7 +645,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -655,4 +657,62 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index cb99aa37..ee587b34 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
GitNex\'i Puanla
Çıkış Yap
- Administration
- My Issues
+ Instance Administration
+ Konularım
+ En çok ziyaret edilen depolar
+ Notlar
Yeni Depo
@@ -21,15 +23,15 @@
Yeni Konu
Yeni Etiket
- Select Branch
+ Branş seçin
Etiketi Güncelle
Yıldızlı Depolar
Yeni Takım
E-posta Adresi Ekle
Yeni Dosya
- Gitea Administration
- New Pull Request
+ Administration
+ Yeni Değişiklik İsteği
Demo deposu
@@ -49,16 +51,15 @@
Örnek URL
Gezinme Çekmecesini Aç
Gezinme Çekmecesini Kapat
- Gitea\'ya Giriş Yap
- 1- Doğru protokolü seçin (https veya http). \n2- Gitea url girin, örneğin: try.gitea.io. \n3- Hesabınız için 2FA\'yı etkinleştirdiyseniz, kodu OTP Kodu alanına girin. \n4- HTTP temel kimlik doğrulaması için, URL alanında KULLANICIADI@DOMAIN.COM adresini kullanın.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Sunucuya bağlanamadı. Lütfen URL\'nizde veya portunuzda hata olup olmadığını kontrol edin
Yerel ağ üzerinde test yapmadığınız sürece HTTP protokolünü kullanmanız önerilmez
Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
Örnek URL gerekli
Kullanıcı adı gerekli
Parola gerekli
- Protocol is required
+ Protokol gerekli
Ağa erişilemiyor, lütfen internet bağlantınızı kontrol edin
Depo adı boş
Depo adı geçerli değil. [a–z A–Z 0–9 – _]
@@ -96,24 +97,24 @@
SSH Adresi
Klonlama Adresi
Depo Adresi
- Çatallar
+ Forklar
Son Güncellenme
- Show More Information
- More Information
+ Daha fazla bilgi göster
+ Daha fazla bilgi
Kilometre taşı %1$s
Due on %1$s
Atanmış: %1$s
- Assigned to Me
+ Bana atandı
Yorum Yap
Lütfen yorumunuzu yazın
Yorum gönderildi
- This function will be removed in the future
- Image
+ Bu özellik gelecekte kaldırılacak
+ Görsel
İşleme yazarı: %1$s
- Published by @%1$s
+ \@%1$s tarafından yayınlandı
Release notes are not provided by the publisher.
@@ -147,13 +148,10 @@
Delete Trusted Certificates
Delete Trusted Certificates?
Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
- Tarih ve Saat
Ayarlar kaydedildi
- Güzel
- Normal
Dil Seç
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -283,10 +281,10 @@
Konu tekrar açıldı
Atanan Ekle/Kaldır
Atanan güncellendi
- Subscribe
- Unsubscribe
+ Takip et
+ Takipten çık
- Depo Meta
+ Depo Metası
New User
System Users
@@ -310,8 +308,8 @@
Bu kullanıcı zaten mevcut
- Hatayı Düzenle #%1$s
- Hata güncellendi
+ Konuyu Düzenle #%1$s
+ Konu güncellendi
Yeni Sürüm
@@ -359,7 +357,7 @@
Konu Adresini Kopyala
URL panoya kopyalandı
- Comment copied to clipboard
+ Yorum panoya kopyalandı
SHA copied to clipboard
%1$d\uFF05 tamamlandı
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Bir şeyler ters gitti, lütfen tekrar deneyin
- Bu isteğin yüklü olandan daha yüksek Gitea sürümü gerekiyor. Lütfen örneğinizi Gitea\'nin en son sürümüne yükseltin.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -395,48 +393,49 @@
We cannot reach the server at the moment, please check your server status and try again
Copy URL
Hold on ☕
- File
- Issue
- Label
- Release
- Pull Request
- Collaborator
- Unstar
- Watch
- Unwatch
- Share
- Repository
- Team
- Organization
- Add / Remove
- Download
- Reopen
- Open in Browser
- Delete %s
+ Dosya
+ Konu
+ Etiket
+ Sürüm
+ Değişiklik İsteği
+ İşbirlikçi
+ Yıldızı kaldır
+ İzle
+ İzlemeyi bırak
+ Paylaş
+ Depo
+ Takım
+ Organizasyon
+ Ekle / Kaldır
+ İndir
+ Tekrar aç
+ Tarayıcıda aç
+ %s\'i sil
+ Sıfırla
- Explore users
- Explore issues
+ Kullanıcıları keşfet
+ Konuları keşfet
Depoları keşfet
Depo yıldızlılar listesine eklendi
Depo yıldızlılar listesinden kaldırıldı
Depo izleme listesine eklendi
Depo izleme listesinden kaldırıldı
- Drafts
- Unsupported old version(%1$s) of Gitea detected. Please update to latest stable version. If you continue, some features may not work.
+ Taslaklar
+ Gitea\'nın desteklenmediği eski versiyonu (%1$s) kullanıyorsunuz. Lütfen son stabil versiyona geçiniz. Aksi taktirde bazı özellikler çalışmayabilir.
Yeni Gitea versiyonu tespit edildi! Lütfen GitNex\'i GÜNCELLEYİN!
- No Gitea detected!
+ Gitea bulunamadı!
Desteklenmeyen Gitea Versiyonu
Kullanıcı Adı / Şifre
Hesabınıza erişmek için tercih ettiğiniz giriş yöntemini seçin. Jeton daha güvenli!
Örnek bir hata döndürdü - Yetkisiz. Kimlik bilgilerinizi kontrol edin ve tekrar deneyin
- Token is required
- Deleted Fork
+ Token gerekli
+ Silinmiş Fork
Çekme İsteği Düzenle #%1$s
Çekme İsteği güncellendi
%1$s Dosya Değiştirildi
%1$s Dosya Değiştirildi
- Update Pull Request
- Show Changed Files
+ Değişiklik İsteğini Güncelle
+ Değişen dosyaları göster
Değişiklik İsteğini Birleştir
Branch deleted successfully
Could not delete branch
@@ -466,7 +465,7 @@
Edit %1$s
File is modified by branch %1$s
- Share Issue
+ Konuyu paylaş
Share Repository
Create Repository
@@ -506,14 +505,17 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Crash reports
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
- This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
+ Bu depo arşivlendi. Dosyaları görüntüleyebilir ama konu/değişiklik isteği açamaz veya paylaşamazsınız.
Account deleted successfully
Remove Account
Are you sure you want to remove this account from the app?\n\nThis will remove all the data related to this account on the app only.
@@ -553,8 +555,8 @@
Delete Repository
Be careful, this operation CANNOT be undone!
Set as Template
- Enable Issues
- External Issue Tracker Url
+ Konuları etkinleştir
+ Harici Konu İzleyici URL\'si
Enable Wiki
External Wiki Url
Enable Pull Requests
@@ -594,7 +596,7 @@
Pull Request Info
It seems that account for URI %1$s does not exists in the app. You can add one by tapping on the Add New Account button.
Go to App
- GitNex cannot handle the requested resource, you can open an issue at the project repository as an improvement with providing details of the work. Just launch a default screen for now from the buttons below, it can be changed from settings.
+ GitNex istenen kaynağı işleyemedi, işin ayrıntılarını sağlayarak iyileştirme olarak proje deposunda bir konu açabilirsiniz. Şimdilik aşağıdaki butonlardan bir varsayılan ekran başlatmanız yeterlidir, ayarlardan değiştirilebilir.
Biometric Authentication
Unlock using your biometric credentials
No biometric features available on this device
@@ -642,7 +644,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -654,4 +656,61 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml
index 9748013d..75475a6d 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-uk/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
Про додаток
Оцінити GitNex
- Адміністрування
+ Instance Administration
My Issues
+ Most Visited Repos
+ Notes
Новий репозиторій
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
Додати адресу Email
Новий файл
- Адміністрування Gitea
+ Administration
New Pull Request
@@ -49,9 +51,8 @@
URL екземпляру
Відкрити панель навігації
Закрити панель навігації
- Увійти до Gitea
- 1. Оберіть правильний протокол (https або http). \n2. Введіть URL Gitea, наприклад: try.gitea.io. \n3. Якщо для вашого облікового запису увімкнено двофакторну аутентифікацію, введіть код OTP у відповідне поле. \n4. Для базової автентифікації HTTP використовуйте USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM в полі URL.
+ 1- Choose the correct protocol(https or http). \n2- Enter instance url e.g: try.gitea.io. \n3- If you have enabled 2FA for your account, enter the code in the OTP Code field. \n4- For HTTP basic auth use USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM in the URL field.
Couldn\'t connect to host. Please check your URL or port for any errors
It is not recommended to use HTTP protocol unless you are testing on local network
Malformed JSON was received. Server response was not successful
@@ -146,14 +147,11 @@
Видалення довірених сертифікатів
Видалити надійні сертифікати?
- Ви дійсно бажаєте видалити будь-який довірений сертифікат вручну або ім\'я хосту? \n\nВи також вийдете з системи.
- Дата і час
+ Are you sure to delete any manually trusted certificate or hostname? \n\nYou will also be logged out.
Налаштування збережено
Зовнішній вигляд
- Гарний
- Normal
Оберіть мову
Light Theme Switch Time
Dark Theme Switch Time
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
Щось пішло не так. Будь ласка, спробуйте знову
- Цей запит потребує новішої за встановлену версію Gitea. Будь ласка, оновіть ваш екземпляр до останньої версії Gitea.
+ This request needs higher version than the one installed. Please upgrade your instance to the latest version.
🌟 Nothing in here 🌟
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
Hold on ☕
- Label
+ Label
Pull Request
@@ -413,6 +411,7 @@
Open in Browser
Delete %s
+ Reset
Explore users
Explore issues
@@ -506,12 +505,15 @@
Draft deleted successfully
This will delete all the drafts for this account. \n\nProceed with deletion?
Draft was saved automatically.
+ Counter is reset successfully
+ Do you want to reset counter for repository %s?
+ This will reset all the counters for this account repositories.
Themes, fonts, badges
Biometric authentication, SSL certificates, cache
Звіти про падіння
If you like GitNex you can give it a thumbs up
- App version, build, user gitea version
+ App version, build, user instance version
This repo is archived. You can view files, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
Account deleted successfully
@@ -644,7 +646,7 @@
Adopted repository %s
Unadopted Repositories
- - Adopt will add repository %s to organization/user %s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
+ - Adopt will add repository %1$s to organization/user %2$s.\n- Delete will remove it from the system.
@@ -656,4 +658,63 @@
Wiki page updated successfully
Wiki page created successfully
+ Open in Code Editor
+ New Note
+ Edit Note
+ Start taking your notes here
+ Created %s
+ Updated %s
+ Do you really want to delete this note?
+ - Note deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ - Notes deleted successfully
+ This will delete all of your notes. This action cannot be undone.
+ commit
+ %1$s added %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed the | label %2$s
+ %1$s removed their assignment %2$s
+ %1$s was unassigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s self-assigned this %2$s
+ %1$s was assigned by %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added this to the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s removed this from the %2$s milestone %3$s
+ %1$s closed this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this issue %2$s
+ %1$s reopened this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s closed this pull request %2$s
+ %1$s merged this pull request %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ %1$s requested review from %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed title from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s locked as %2$s and limited conversation to collaborators %3$s
+ %1$s unlocked this conversation %2$s
+ %1$s added a new dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s removed a dependency #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s added this to a project %2$s
+ %1$s removed this from a project %2$s
+ %1$s added the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s modified the due date to %2$s from %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s removed the due date %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s changed target branch from %2$s to %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s deleted branch %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s started working %2$s
+ %1$s stopped time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s cancelled time tracking %2$s
+ %1$s added spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s deleted spent time %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s added reference %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this issue in #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s referenced this pull request in #%2$d %3$s
+ %3$s %4$s]]>
+ Statuses
+ This status has no linked target URL.
+ Starred Repos
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml
index f5411759..66694fa7 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
- 管理
+ 实例管理
+ 访问最多的代码库
+ 备注
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
- Gitea 管理
+ 管理
@@ -49,9 +51,9 @@
- 登录到 Gitea
- 1- 选择协议 (https 或 http). \n2- 输入Gitea访问地址(可带端口) 例如: try.gitea.io:3000. \n3- 如已启用双重验证,请在OTP输入有效代码。 \n4- 在 URL 字段中使用 USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM 进行 HTTP 基本身份验证。
+ 1- 选择正确协议(https or http). \n2- 输入实例 url 如: try.gitea.io. \n3- 如果你为账户启用了 2FA
+ ,请在 OTP 码字段输入代码。 \n4- 对 HTTP basic auth, 请在 URL 字段中使用 USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM。
无法连接到主机。请检查您的 URL 或端口是否有任何错误
除非您正在本地网络上测试,否则不建议使用 HTTP 协议
收到格式错误的 JSON 。服务器响应不成功
@@ -147,13 +149,10 @@
您确定要删除任何手动信任的证书或主机名吗? \n\n您也将被注销。
- 日期与时间格式
- 推算时间
- 普通
@@ -204,7 +203,7 @@
- 看来访问令牌已被吊销,或者您不被允许查看这些内容。\n\n如果令牌被吊销,请注销并重新登录
+ 看来访问令牌被吊销,或者您不被允许查看这些内容。\n\n如果令牌被吊销,请注销并重新登录
@@ -371,7 +370,7 @@
- 此请求需要比安装版本更高的Gitea版本。请将您的实例升级到最新版本的Gitea。
+ 此请求需要比已安装版本更高的 Gitea 版本。请将您的实例升级到最新版本的 Gitea。
🌟 这里什么都没有 🌟
@@ -397,7 +396,7 @@
等一下 ☕
- 标签
+ 标签
@@ -413,6 +412,7 @@
删除 %s
+ 重置
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
- 检测到不支持的 Gitea 旧版本 (%1$s)。请更新到最新稳定版。如果您继续,应用程序可能无法正常运行。
+ 检测到不支持的 Gitea 旧版本 (%1$s)。请更新到最新稳定版。如果您继续,某些功能可能无法正常运行。
检测到新的 Gitea 版本!请更新 GitNex!
不支持的 Gitea 版本
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
GitNex 已停止 :(
- 鼓励在项目存储库中提出一个问题,并说明如何重现这个bug。这样更容易调试和修复问题。\n\n点击OK按钮,通过电子邮件发送崩溃报告。可以在电子邮件中添加其他内容,\n谢谢!
+ 鼓励在项目存储库中新开一个 issue,并说明如何重现这个 bug。这样更让调试和修复变得比较容易。\n\n点击 OK 按钮,通过电子邮件发送崩溃报告。可以在电子邮件中添加其他内容。\n谢谢!
@@ -506,17 +506,20 @@
这将删除此帐户的所有草稿。 \n\n继续删除?
+ 成功重置计数
+ 你要重置存储库 %s 的计数吗?
+ 这会重置此账户存储库的所有计数
- 应用程序版本、构建、用户gitea版本
+ 应用程序版本、构建、用户实例版本
- 您确定要从应用中删除此帐户吗?\n\n这将仅移除应用程序上与此账户相关的所有数据。
+ 您确定要从应用中删除此帐户吗?\n\n 这将仅移除应用程序上与此账户相关的所有数据。
@@ -563,11 +566,11 @@
- 删除前要知道的事:\n\n-此操作无法撤消。\n-此操作将永久删除存储库,包括代码、问题、注释、Wiki数据和协作者设置。\n\n输入存储库名称作为确认
+ 删除前要知道的事:\n\n - 此操作无法撤消。\n - 此操作将永久删除存储库,包括代码、问题、注释、Wiki 数据和协作者设置。\n\n 输入存储库名称作为确认
- 将此存储库传输给您具有管理员权限的用户或组织
+ 将此存储库转移到用户或您具有管理员权限的组织
转移所有权之前需要注意的事项:\n\n- 如果将存储库移交给单个用户,您将失去对该存储库的访问权。\n- 如果您将存储库转移到您和他人(共同)拥有的组织,那么您将保留对该存储库的访问权。\n\n输入存储库名称作为确认
@@ -591,9 +594,9 @@
- 似乎应用程序中并不存在URI%1$s的账户。您可以通过点击添加新帐户按钮来添加一个。
+ 似乎应用程序中并不存在URI%1$s的账户。您可以通过点击“添加新账户”按钮来添加一个。
- GitNex无法处理所请求的资源,您可以在项目代码库中发起一个问题,提供工作细节。只需从下面的按钮启动一个默认屏幕,您可通过设置更改默认屏。
+ GitNex 无法处理所请求的资源,您可以在项目代码库中发起一个问题,最好提供工作细节。只需从下面的按钮启动一个默认屏幕,您可通过设置更改默认屏。
@@ -641,7 +644,7 @@
已采用仓库 %s
- - 采用将添加仓库 %s 到组织/用户 %s。\n- 删除将从系统中移除它。
+ - Adopt 会将添加仓库 %1$s 到组织/用户 %2$s。\n- 删除将其从系统中移除。
@@ -653,4 +656,60 @@
+ 在代码编辑器中打开
+ 新备注
+ 编辑备注
+ 从此处开始记备注
+ 创建于 %s
+ 更新于 %s
+ 您真要删除此备注吗?
+ - 已成功删除备注
+ 这会删除您的所有备注。此操作无法撤消。
+ 提交
+ %1$s 添加了 %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s 添加了 | 标签 %2$s
+ %1$s 删除了 | 标签 %2$s
+ %1$s 删除了他们的任务分配 %2$s
+ %2$s %3$s 取消了分配给 %1$s 的任务
+ %1$s 给自己分配了这个 %2$s
+ %2$s %3$s 给 %1$s 分配了任务
+ %1$s 将此添加至 %2$s 里程碑 %3$s
+ %1$s 将此从 %2$s 里程碑 %3$s 删除了
+ %1$s 关闭了这张工单 %2$s
+ %1$s 重新打开了这张工单 %2$s
+ %1$s 重新打开了此拉取请求 %2$s
+ %1$s 关闭了此拉取请求 %2$s
+ %1$s 合并了此拉取请求 %2$s
+ %3$s %4$s 的拉取请求]]>
+ %1$s 请求 %2$s %3$s 进行审阅
+ %1$s 将标题从 %2$s 改为 %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s 被锁定为 %2$s 并限定对话至协作者 %3$s
+ %1$s 解锁了此对话 %2$s
+ %1$s 添加了新依赖项 #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s 删除了依赖项 #%2$d %3$s
+ %1$s 将此添加至项目 %2$s
+ %1$s 将此从项目 %2$s 中删除了
+ %1$s 添加了到期日 %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s 将到期日从 %3$s %4$s 改为 %2$s
+ %1$s 删除了到期日 %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s 将目标分支从 %2$s 改为了 %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s 删除了分支 %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s 开始追踪 %2$s
+ %1$s 停止了时间追踪 %2$s
+ %1$s 取消了时间追踪 %2$s
+ %1$s 添加了所花时间 %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s 删除了所花时间 %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s 添加了参考 %2$s %3$s
+ %1$s 在 #%2$d %3$s 中提到了这张工单
+ %1$s 在 #%2$d %3$s 中提到了这个拉取请求
+ %3$s %4$s 的工单]]>
+ 状态
+ 此状态没有链接的目标 URL。
+ 加星标的仓库
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/gitea_version.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/gitea_version.xml
index 4f0c0d1a..79dc468f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/gitea_version.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/gitea_version.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- 1.16
- 1.18
+ 1.17
+ 1.19
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/settings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/settings.xml
index f81bd1d3..7c52b18c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/settings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/settings.xml
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- si
- tr
- uk
+ - el
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/xml/changelog.xml b/app/src/main/res/xml/changelog.xml
index 1e74c246..2f60ceb4 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/xml/changelog.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/xml/changelog.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
- Under development
+ [New] Timeline view for issues and pull requests
+ [New] Notes (App only)
+ [New] CI statuses for commits
+ [New] Markdown preview for issue/pr descriptions
+ [New] Material profile view
+ [Improvement] Improve code editor (CE)
+ [Improvement] More languages support like C, C++, JS/TS, JSON
+ [Improvement] Respect your selected theme style
+ [Bugfix] Fix open in browser loop
+ [Bugfix] Fix not showing labels for user as organization
+ [Bugfix] Fix missing sub path for assets
diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/500.txt b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/500.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14400b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/500.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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\ No newline at end of file