2032 lines
50 KiB
2032 lines
50 KiB
#include "../include/tsfnew.h"
#include "MarkupSTL.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
using namespace std;
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// To add a version tag to new documents, define MARKUP_VERSIONTAG
#define x_VERSIONTAG "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n"
void CMarkupSTL::operator=( const CMarkupSTL& markup )
m_iPosParent = markup.m_iPosParent;
m_iPos = markup.m_iPos;
m_iPosChild = markup.m_iPosChild;
m_iPosFree = markup.m_iPosFree;
m_nNodeType = markup.m_nNodeType;
m_nNodeOffset = markup.m_nNodeOffset;
m_nNodeLength = markup.m_nNodeLength;
m_aPos = markup.m_aPos;
m_strDoc = markup.m_strDoc;
bool CMarkupSTL::SetDoc( const char* szDoc )
// Reset indexes
m_iPosFree = 1;
// Set document text
if ( szDoc )
m_strDoc = szDoc;
// Starting size of position array: 1 element per 64 bytes of document
// Tight fit when parsing small doc, only 0 to 2 reallocs when parsing large doc
// Start at 8 when creating new document
uint32_t nStartSize = m_strDoc.size() / 64 + 8;
if ( m_aPos.size() < nStartSize )
m_aPos.resize( nStartSize );
// Parse document
bool bWellFormed = false;
if ( m_strDoc.size() )
int iPos = x_ParseElem( 0 );
if ( iPos > 0 )
m_aPos[0].iElemChild = iPos;
bWellFormed = true;
// Clear indexes if parse failed or empty document
if ( ! bWellFormed )
m_iPosFree = 1;
return bWellFormed;
bool CMarkupSTL::IsWellFormed()
if ( m_aPos.size() && m_aPos[0].iElemChild )
return true;
return false;
bool CMarkupSTL::Load( const char* szFileName )
// Load document from file
bool bResult = false;
FILE* fp = fopen( szFileName, "rb" );
if ( fp )
// Determine file length
fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_END );
int nFileLen = ftell(fp);
fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_SET );
// Load string
allocator<char> mem;
allocator<char>::pointer pBuffer = mem.allocate(nFileLen+1, NULL);
if ( fread( pBuffer, nFileLen, 1, fp ) == 1 )
pBuffer[nFileLen] = '\0';
bResult = SetDoc( pBuffer );
if ( ! bResult )
return bResult;
bool CMarkupSTL::Save( const char* szFileName )
// Save document to file
bool bResult = false;
FILE* fp = fopen( szFileName, "wb" );
if ( fp )
// Save string
int nFileLen = m_strDoc.size();
if ( ! nFileLen )
bResult = true;
else if ( fwrite( m_strDoc.c_str(), nFileLen, 1, fp ) == 1 )
bResult = true;
return bResult;
bool CMarkupSTL::FindElem( const char* szName )
// Change current position only if found
if ( m_aPos.size() )
int iPos = x_FindElem( m_iPosParent, m_iPos, szName );
if ( iPos )
// Assign new position
x_SetPos( m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent, iPos, 0 );
return true;
return false;
bool CMarkupSTL::FindChildElem( const char* szName )
// Change current child position only if found
// Shorthand: call this with no current main position
// means find child under root element
if ( ! m_iPos )
int iPosChild = x_FindElem( m_iPos, m_iPosChild, szName );
if ( iPosChild )
// Assign new position
int iPos = m_aPos[iPosChild].iElemParent;
x_SetPos( m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent, iPos, iPosChild );
return true;
return false;
int CMarkupSTL::FindNode( int nType )
// Change current node position only if a node is found
// If nType is 0 find any node, otherwise find node of type nType
// Return type of node or 0 if not found
// If found node is an element, change m_iPos
// Determine where in document to start scanning for node
int nTypeFound = 0;
int nNodeOffset = m_nNodeOffset;
if ( m_nNodeType > 1 )
// By-pass current node
nNodeOffset += m_nNodeLength;
// Set position to begin looking for node
nNodeOffset = 0; // default to start of document
if ( m_iPos )
// After element
nNodeOffset = m_aPos[m_iPos].nEndR + 1;
// Immediately after start tag of parent
if ( m_aPos[m_iPosParent].IsEmptyElement() )
return 0;
if ( m_iPosParent )
nNodeOffset = m_aPos[m_iPosParent].nStartR + 1;
// Get nodes until we find what we're looking for
int iPosNew = m_iPos;
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = nNodeOffset;
nNodeOffset = token.nNext;
nTypeFound = x_ParseNode( token );
if ( ! nTypeFound )
return 0;
if ( nTypeFound == MNT_ELEMENT )
if ( iPosNew )
iPosNew = m_aPos[iPosNew].iElemNext;
iPosNew = m_aPos[m_iPosParent].iElemChild;
if ( ! iPosNew )
return 0;
if ( ! nType || (nType & nTypeFound) )
// Found node, move position to this element
x_SetPos( m_iPosParent, iPosNew, 0 );
return m_nNodeType;
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPosNew].nEndR + 1;
while ( nType && ! (nType & nTypeFound) );
m_iPos = iPosNew;
m_iPosChild = 0;
m_nNodeOffset = nNodeOffset;
m_nNodeLength = token.nNext - nNodeOffset;
m_nNodeType = nTypeFound;
return m_nNodeType;
bool CMarkupSTL::RemoveNode()
if ( m_iPos || m_nNodeLength )
x_RemoveNode( m_iPosParent, m_iPos, m_nNodeType, m_nNodeOffset, m_nNodeLength );
m_iPosChild = 0;
return true;
return false;
string CMarkupSTL::GetTagName() const
// Return the tag name at the current main position
string strTagName;
// This method is primarily for elements, however
// it does return something for certain other nodes
if ( m_nNodeLength )
switch ( m_nNodeType )
// Processing instruction returns target
// For the document version it returns "xml"
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = m_nNodeOffset + 2;
if ( x_FindToken(token) )
strTagName = x_GetToken( token );
strTagName = "#comment";
strTagName = "#cdata-section";
// Document type returns document type name
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = m_nNodeOffset + 2;
// Find second token
if ( x_FindToken(token) && x_FindToken(token) )
strTagName = x_GetToken( token );
case MNT_TEXT:
strTagName = "#text";
return strTagName;
if ( m_iPos )
strTagName = x_GetTagName( m_iPos );
return strTagName;
bool CMarkupSTL::IntoElem()
// If there is no child position and IntoElem is called it will succeed in release 6.3
// (A subsequent call to FindElem will find the first element)
// The following short-hand behavior was never part of EDOM and was misleading
// It would find a child element if there was no current child element position and go into it
// It is removed in release 6.3, this change is NOT backwards compatible!
// if ( ! m_iPosChild )
// FindChildElem();
if ( m_iPos && m_nNodeType == MNT_ELEMENT )
x_SetPos( m_iPos, m_iPosChild, 0 );
return true;
return false;
bool CMarkupSTL::OutOfElem()
// Go to parent element
if ( m_iPosParent )
x_SetPos( m_aPos[m_iPosParent].iElemParent, m_iPosParent, m_iPos );
return true;
return false;
string CMarkupSTL::GetAttribName( int n ) const
// Return nth attribute name of main position
if ( ! m_iPos || m_nNodeType != MNT_ELEMENT )
return "";
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = m_aPos[m_iPos].nStartL + 1;
for ( int nAttrib=0; nAttrib<=n; ++nAttrib )
if ( ! x_FindAttrib(token) )
return "";
// Return substring of document
return x_GetToken( token );
bool CMarkupSTL::SavePos( const char* szPosName )
// Save current element position in saved position map
if ( szPosName )
SavedPos savedpos;
savedpos.iPosParent = m_iPosParent;
savedpos.iPos = m_iPos;
savedpos.iPosChild = m_iPosChild;
string strPosName = szPosName;
m_mapSavedPos[strPosName] = savedpos;
return true;
return false;
bool CMarkupSTL::RestorePos( const char* szPosName )
// Restore element position if found in saved position map
if ( szPosName )
string strPosName = szPosName;
mapSavedPosT::const_iterator iterSavePos = m_mapSavedPos.find( strPosName );
if ( iterSavePos != m_mapSavedPos.end() )
SavedPos savedpos = (*iterSavePos).second;
x_SetPos( savedpos.iPosParent, savedpos.iPos, savedpos.iPosChild );
return true;
return false;
bool CMarkupSTL::GetOffsets( int& nStart, int& nEnd ) const
// Return document offsets of current main position element
// This is not part of EDOM but is used by the Markup project
if ( m_iPos )
nStart = m_aPos[m_iPos].nStartL;
nEnd = m_aPos[m_iPos].nEndR;
return true;
return false;
string CMarkupSTL::GetChildSubDoc() const
if ( m_iPosChild )
int nL = m_aPos[m_iPosChild].nStartL;
int nR = m_aPos[m_iPosChild].nEndR + 1;
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = nR;
if ( ! x_FindToken(token) || m_strDoc[token.nL] == '<' )
nR = token.nL;
return m_strDoc.substr( nL, nR - nL );
return "";
bool CMarkupSTL::RemoveElem()
// Remove current main position element
if ( m_iPos && m_nNodeType == MNT_ELEMENT )
int iPos = x_RemoveElem( m_iPos );
x_SetPos( m_iPosParent, iPos, 0 );
return true;
return false;
bool CMarkupSTL::RemoveChildElem()
// Remove current child position element
if ( m_iPosChild )
int iPosChild = x_RemoveElem( m_iPosChild );
x_SetPos( m_iPosParent, m_iPos, iPosChild );
return true;
return false;
string CMarkupSTL::FindGetData( const char* szName )
if ( FindElem(szName) )
return x_GetData( m_iPos );
return "";
bool CMarkupSTL::FindSetData( const char* szName, const char* szData, int nCDATA )
if ( FindElem(szName) )
return x_SetData( m_iPos, szData, nCDATA );
return false;
// Base64 methods
string CMarkupSTL::EncodeBase64( const unsigned char* pBuffer, int nBufferLen )
// Return Base64 string
// 1 byte takes 2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:6, 5:7, 6:8, 7:10....
int nLenBase64 = nBufferLen + nBufferLen/3 + 3;
nLenBase64 += (nLenBase64 / 64) * 2 + 4; // CRLFs
string strBase64;
strBase64.resize( nLenBase64 );
// Start with CRLF
int nOffsetBase64 = 0;
strBase64[nOffsetBase64++] = '\r';
strBase64[nOffsetBase64++] = '\n';
// Loop through pBuffer 3 bytes at a time
const char* pCodes = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
int nOffsetBuffer = 0;
unsigned int n3BufferBytes;
int nTop;
int nPad = 0;
while ( nOffsetBuffer < nBufferLen )
// Set n3BufferBytes
n3BufferBytes = pBuffer[nOffsetBuffer++];
n3BufferBytes = n3BufferBytes << 8;
if ( nOffsetBuffer < nBufferLen )
n3BufferBytes |= pBuffer[nOffsetBuffer++];
n3BufferBytes = n3BufferBytes << 8;
if ( nOffsetBuffer < nBufferLen )
n3BufferBytes |= pBuffer[nOffsetBuffer++];
// Fill strBase64
nTop = nOffsetBase64 + 4;
while ( nTop != nOffsetBase64 )
if ( nPad == 0 || nTop < nOffsetBase64 + 4 - nPad )
strBase64[nTop] = pCodes[n3BufferBytes & 0x3f];
strBase64[nTop] = '=';
n3BufferBytes = n3BufferBytes >> 6;
nOffsetBase64 += 4;
if ( ! (nOffsetBase64 % 66) || nPad )
strBase64[nOffsetBase64++] = '\r';
strBase64[nOffsetBase64++] = '\n';
strBase64.resize( nOffsetBase64 );
return strBase64;
int CMarkupSTL::DecodeBase64( const string& strBase64, unsigned char* pBuffer, int nBufferLen )
// Return length of binary buffer after decoding
// If nBufferLen is 0, returns long enough length without decoding
// so that you can allocate a large enough buffer
// 1 byte takes 2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:6, 5:7, 6:8, 7:10....
// Otherwise, returns actual decoded length as long as it fits inside nBufferLen
int nLenBase64 = strBase64.size();
if ( ! nBufferLen )
return (nLenBase64/4)*3 + 3;
// Loop through Base64, 4 bytes at a time
const unsigned char* pBase64 = (const unsigned char*)strBase64.c_str();
int nOffsetBase64 = 0;
int nOffsetBuffer = 0;
unsigned int n3BufferBytes;
int nTop;
int nCount;
int nCode;
int nPad = 0;
while ( nOffsetBase64 < nLenBase64 )
// Set n3BufferBytes
nCount = 0;
n3BufferBytes = 0;
while ( nCount != 4 && nOffsetBase64 < nLenBase64 )
// Check encoded character and bypass if whitespace
nCode = pBase64[nOffsetBase64++];
if ( nCode =='\r' || nCode == '\n' )
// Shift previous bits up before OR-ing 6 lower sig bits
n3BufferBytes = n3BufferBytes << 6;
// Use ASCII codes for fast conversion
if ( nCode > 96 ) //(a-z)
n3BufferBytes |= (nCode-71);
else if ( nCode > 64 ) //(A-Z)
n3BufferBytes |= (nCode-65);
else if ( nCode == 61 ) //(=)
else if ( nCode > 47 ) //(0-9)
n3BufferBytes |= (nCode+4);
else if ( nCode == 47 ) //(/)
n3BufferBytes |= 63;
else if ( nCode == 43 ) //(+)
n3BufferBytes |= 62;
if ( nCount == 4 )
// Fill pBuffer
nTop = nOffsetBuffer + 3;
if ( nTop - nPad > nBufferLen )
return 0;
while ( nTop != nOffsetBuffer )
if ( nPad == 0 || nTop < nOffsetBuffer+3-nPad )
pBuffer[nTop] = (unsigned char)(n3BufferBytes & 0xff);
n3BufferBytes = n3BufferBytes >> 8;
nOffsetBuffer += 3-nPad;
return nOffsetBuffer;
// Private Methods
int CMarkupSTL::x_GetFreePos()
// This returns the index of the next unused ElemPos in the array
if ( (uint32_t)m_iPosFree == m_aPos.size() )
m_aPos.resize( m_iPosFree + m_iPosFree / 2 );
return m_iPosFree - 1;
int CMarkupSTL::x_ReleasePos()
// This decrements the index of the next unused ElemPos in the array
// allowing the element index returned by GetFreePos() to be reused
return 0;
int CMarkupSTL::x_ParseError( const char* szError, const char* szName )
if ( szName )
char szFormat[300];
snprintf( szFormat,299,szError, szName );
m_strError = szFormat;
m_strError = szError;
return -1;
int CMarkupSTL::x_ParseElem( int iPosParent )
// This is either called by SetDoc, x_AddSubDoc, or itself recursively
// m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL is where to start parsing for the child element
// This returns the new position if a tag is found, otherwise zero
// In all cases we need to get a new ElemPos, but release it if unused
int iPos = x_GetFreePos();
m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL;
m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent = iPosParent;
m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild = 0;
m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = 0;
// Start Tag
// A loop is used to ignore all remarks tags and special tags
// i.e. <?xml version="1.0"?>, and <!-- comment here -->
// So any tag beginning with ? or ! is ignored
// Loop past ignored tags
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL;
string strName;
while ( strName.empty() )
// Look for left angle bracket of start tag
m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = token.nNext;
if ( ! x_FindChar( token.szDoc, m_aPos[iPos].nStartL, '<' ) )
return x_ParseError( "Element tag not found" );
// Set parent's End tag to start looking from here (or later)
m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL;
// Determine whether this is an element, or bypass other type of node
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
if ( x_FindToken( token ) )
if ( token.bIsString )
return x_ParseError( "Tag starts with quote" );
char cFirstChar = m_strDoc[token.nL];
if ( cFirstChar == '?' || cFirstChar == '!' )
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL;
if ( ! x_ParseNode(token) )
return x_ParseError( "Invalid node" );
else if ( cFirstChar != '/' )
strName = x_GetToken( token );
// Look for end of tag
if ( ! x_FindChar(token.szDoc, token.nNext, '>') )
return x_ParseError( "End of tag not found" );
return x_ReleasePos(); // probably end tag of parent
return x_ParseError( "Abrupt end within tag" );
m_aPos[iPos].nStartR = token.nNext;
// Is ending mark within start tag, i.e. empty element?
if ( m_strDoc[m_aPos[iPos].nStartR-1] == '/' )
// Empty element
// Close tag left is set to ending mark, and right to open tag right
m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR-1;
m_aPos[iPos].nEndR = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR;
else // look for end tag
// Element probably has contents
// Determine where to start looking for left angle bracket of end tag
// This is done by recursively parsing the contents of this element
int iInner, iInnerPrev = 0;
m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR + 1;
while ( (iInner = x_ParseElem( iPos )) > 0 )
// Set links to iInner
if ( iInnerPrev )
m_aPos[iInnerPrev].iElemNext = iInner;
m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild = iInner;
iInnerPrev = iInner;
// Set offset to reflect child
m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iInner].nEndR + 1;
if ( iInner == -1 )
return -1;
// Look for left angle bracket of end tag
if ( ! x_FindChar( token.szDoc, m_aPos[iPos].nEndL, '<' ) )
return x_ParseError( "End tag of %s element not found", strName.c_str() );
// Look through tokens of end tag
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nEndL + 1;
int nTokenCount = 0;
while ( x_FindToken( token ) )
if ( ! token.bIsString )
// Is first token not an end slash mark?
if ( nTokenCount == 1 && m_strDoc[token.nL] != '/' )
return x_ParseError( "Expecting end tag of element %s", strName.c_str() );
else if ( nTokenCount == 2 && ! token.Match(strName.c_str()) )
return x_ParseError( "End tag does not correspond to %s", strName.c_str() );
// Else is it a right angle bracket?
else if ( m_strDoc[token.nL] == '>' )
// Was a right angle bracket not found?
if ( ! token.szDoc[token.nL] || nTokenCount < 2 )
return x_ParseError( "End tag not completed for element %s", strName.c_str() );
m_aPos[iPos].nEndR = token.nL;
// Successfully parsed element (and contained elements)
return iPos;
bool CMarkupSTL::x_FindChar( const char* szDoc, int& nChar, char c )
// static function
const char* pChar = &szDoc[nChar];
while ( *pChar && *pChar != c )
pChar += 1;
nChar = pChar - szDoc;
if ( ! *pChar )
return false;
while ( szDoc[nChar] && szDoc[nChar] != c )
nChar += _tclen( &szDoc[nChar] );
if ( ! szDoc[nChar] )
return false;
return true;
bool CMarkupSTL::x_FindToken( CMarkupSTL::TokenPos& token )
// Starting at token.nNext, bypass whitespace and find the next token
// returns true on success, members of token point to token
// returns false on end of document, members point to end of document
const char* szDoc = token.szDoc;
int nChar = token.nNext;
token.bIsString = false;
// By-pass leading whitespace
while ( szDoc[nChar] && strchr(" \t\n\r",szDoc[nChar]) )
if ( ! szDoc[nChar] )
// No token was found before end of document
token.nL = nChar;
token.nR = nChar;
token.nNext = nChar;
return false;
// Is it an opening quote?
char cFirstChar = szDoc[nChar];
if ( cFirstChar == '\"' || cFirstChar == '\'' )
token.bIsString = true;
// Move past opening quote
token.nL = nChar;
// Look for closing quote
x_FindChar( token.szDoc, nChar, cFirstChar );
// Set right to before closing quote
token.nR = nChar - 1;
// Set nChar past closing quote unless at end of document
if ( szDoc[nChar] )
// Go until special char or whitespace
token.nL = nChar;
while ( szDoc[nChar] && ! strchr(" \t\n\r<>=\\/?!",szDoc[nChar]) )
nChar += 1;
// Adjust end position if it is one special char
if ( nChar == token.nL )
++nChar; // it is a special char
token.nR = nChar - 1;
// nNext points to one past last char of token
token.nNext = nChar;
return true;
string CMarkupSTL::x_GetToken( const CMarkupSTL::TokenPos& token ) const
// The token contains indexes into the document identifying a small substring
// Build the substring from those indexes and return it
if ( token.nL > token.nR )
return "";
return m_strDoc.substr( token.nL, (token.nR - token.nL + (((uint32_t)(token.nR)<m_strDoc.size())? 1:0)) );
int CMarkupSTL::x_FindElem( int iPosParent, int iPos, const char* szPath )
// If szPath is NULL or empty, go to next sibling element
// Otherwise go to next sibling element with matching path
if ( iPos )
iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
iPos = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
// Finished here if szPath not specified
if ( szPath == NULL || !szPath[0] )
return iPos;
// Search
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
while ( iPos )
// Compare tag name
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
x_FindToken( token ); // Locate tag name
if ( token.Match(szPath) )
return iPos;
iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
return 0;
// Example relative paths:
// "ITEM/QTY" first QTY child element of next ITEM element
// "ITEM/*" first child element of next ITEM element
// Example absolute paths:
// "/" root
// "/ORDER" root must be an ORDER element
// "/*/ITEM" first ITEM child element of root
int iPathOffset = 0;
if ( szPath && szPath[0] == '/' )
// Go to root
iPos = m_aPos[0].iElemChild;
iPosParent = 0;
else if ( iPos )
iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
iPos = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
// Finished here if szPath not specified
if ( szPath == NULL || !szPath[iPathOffset] )
return iPos;
// Search
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
while ( iPos )
// Compare tag name
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
x_FindToken( token ); // Locate tag name
if ( szPath[iPathOffset] == '*' )
// Wildcard
if ( szPath[iPathOffset+1] == '/' )
iPathOffset += 2;
iPosParent = iPos;
iPos = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
return iPos;
else if ( token.Match(&szPath[iPathOffset]) )
// Matched tag name
int nLen = token.nR - token.nL + 1;
if ( szPath[iPathOffset+nLen] == '/' )
iPathOffset += nLen + 1;
iPosParent = iPos;
iPos = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
return iPos;
iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
return 0;
int CMarkupSTL::x_ParseNode( CMarkupSTL::TokenPos& token )
// Call this with token.nNext set to the start of the node
// This returns the node type and token.nNext set to the char after the node
// If the node is not found or an element, token.nR is not determined
// White space between elements is a text node
int nTypeFound = 0;
const char* szDoc = token.szDoc;
token.nL = token.nNext;
if ( szDoc[token.nL] == '<' )
// Started with <, could be:
// <!--...--> comment
// <!DOCTYPE ...> dtd
// <?target ...?> processing instruction
// <![CDATA[...]]> cdata section
// <NAME ...> element
if ( ! szDoc[token.nL+1] || ! szDoc[token.nL+2] )
return 0;
char cFirstChar = szDoc[token.nL+1];
const char* szEndOfNode = NULL;
if ( cFirstChar == '?' )
nTypeFound = MNT_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; // processing instruction
szEndOfNode = "?>";
else if ( cFirstChar == '!' )
char cSecondChar = szDoc[token.nL+2];
if ( cSecondChar == '[' )
szEndOfNode = "]]>";
else if ( cSecondChar == '-' )
nTypeFound = MNT_COMMENT;
szEndOfNode = "-->";
// Document type requires tokenizing because of strings and brackets
nTypeFound = 0;
int nBrackets = 0;
while ( x_FindToken(token) )
if ( ! token.bIsString )
char cChar = szDoc[token.nL];
if ( cChar == '[' )
else if ( cChar == ']' )
else if ( nBrackets == 0 && cChar == '>' )
if ( ! nTypeFound )
return 0;
else if ( cFirstChar == '/' )
// End tag means no node found within parent element
return 0;
nTypeFound = MNT_ELEMENT;
// Search for end of node if not found yet
if ( szEndOfNode )
const char* pEnd = strstr( &szDoc[token.nNext], szEndOfNode );
if ( ! pEnd )
return 0; // not well-formed
token.nNext = (pEnd - szDoc) + strlen(szEndOfNode);
else if ( szDoc[token.nL] )
// It is text or whitespace because it did not start with <
if ( x_FindToken(token) )
if ( szDoc[token.nL] == '<' )
token.nNext = token.nL;
nTypeFound = MNT_TEXT;
x_FindChar( token.szDoc, token.nNext, '<' );
return nTypeFound;
string CMarkupSTL::x_GetTagName( int iPos ) const
// Return the tag name at specified element
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
if ( ! iPos || ! x_FindToken( token ) )
return "";
// Return substring of document
return x_GetToken( token );
bool CMarkupSTL::x_FindAttrib( CMarkupSTL::TokenPos& token, const char* szAttrib ) const
// If szAttrib is NULL find next attrib, otherwise find named attrib
// Return true if found
int nAttrib = 0;
for ( int nCount = 0; x_FindToken(token); ++nCount )
if ( ! token.bIsString )
// Is it the right angle bracket?
if ( m_strDoc[token.nL] == '>' || m_strDoc[token.nL] == '/' )
break; // attrib not found
// Equal sign
if ( m_strDoc[token.nL] == '=' )
// Potential attribute
if ( ! nAttrib && nCount )
// Attribute name search?
if ( ! szAttrib || ! szAttrib[0] )
return true; // return with token at attrib name
// Compare szAttrib
if ( token.Match(szAttrib) )
nAttrib = nCount;
else if ( nAttrib && nCount == nAttrib + 2 )
return true;
// Not found
return false;
string CMarkupSTL::x_GetAttrib( int iPos, const char* szAttrib ) const
// Return the value of the attrib at specified element
if ( ! iPos || m_nNodeType != MNT_ELEMENT )
return "";
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
if ( szAttrib && x_FindAttrib( token, szAttrib ) )
return x_TextFromDoc( token.nL, token.nR - (((uint32_t)(token.nR)<m_strDoc.size())?0:1) );
return "";
bool CMarkupSTL::x_SetAttrib( int iPos, const char* szAttrib, int nValue )
// Convert integer to string and call SetChildAttrib
char szVal[25];
snprintf( szVal, 24, "%d", nValue );
return x_SetAttrib( iPos, szAttrib, szVal );
bool CMarkupSTL::x_SetAttrib( int iPos, const char* szAttrib, const char* szValue )
// Set attribute in iPos element
if ( ! iPos || m_nNodeType != MNT_ELEMENT )
return false;
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
int nInsertAt, nReplace = 0;
string strInsert;
if ( x_FindAttrib( token, szAttrib ) )
// Decision: for empty value leaving attrib="" instead of removing attrib
// Replace value only
strInsert = x_TextToDoc( szValue, true );
nInsertAt = token.nL;
nReplace = token.nR-token.nL+1;
// Insert string name value pair
string strFormat;
strFormat = " ";
strFormat += szAttrib;
strFormat += "=\"";
strFormat += x_TextToDoc( szValue, true );
strFormat += "\"";
strInsert = strFormat;
// take into account whether it is an empty element
nInsertAt = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR - (m_aPos[iPos].IsEmptyElement()?1:0);
x_DocChange( nInsertAt, nReplace, strInsert );
int nAdjust = strInsert.size() - nReplace;
m_aPos[iPos].nStartR += nAdjust;
m_aPos[iPos].AdjustEnd( nAdjust );
x_Adjust( iPos, nAdjust );
return true;
bool CMarkupSTL::x_RemoveAttrib( int iPos, const char* szAttrib )
// Find attribute in iPos element and remove it
if ( iPos && m_nNodeType == MNT_ELEMENT )
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
while ( x_FindAttrib(token) )
// Compare szAttrib
if ( token.Match(szAttrib) )
int nInsertAt = token.nL - 1; // preceding whitespace
if ( x_FindToken(token) && m_strDoc[token.nL] == '=' && x_FindToken(token) && token.bIsString )
int nReplace = token.nR - nInsertAt + 2;
x_DocChange( nInsertAt, nReplace, "" );
m_aPos[iPos].nStartR -= nReplace;
m_aPos[iPos].AdjustEnd( - nReplace );
x_Adjust( iPos, - nReplace );
return true;
return false;
bool CMarkupSTL::x_CreateNode( string& strNode, int nNodeType, const char* szText )
// Set strNode based on nNodeType and szText
// Return false if szText would jeopardize well-formed document
switch ( nNodeType )
if ( strstr(szText,"]]>") != NULL )
return false;
strNode = "<![CDATA[";
strNode += szText;
strNode += "]]>";
strNode = "<?";
strNode += szText;
strNode += "?>";
strNode = "<!--";
strNode += szText;
strNode += "-->";
strNode = "<";
strNode += szText;
strNode += "/>";
case MNT_TEXT:
strNode = x_TextToDoc( szText );
strNode = szText;
return true;
bool CMarkupSTL::x_SetData( int iPos, const char* szData, int nCDATA )
// Set data at specified position
// if nCDATA==1, set content of element to a CDATA Section
string strInsert;
if ( iPos == m_iPos && m_nNodeLength )
// Not an element
if ( ! x_CreateNode(strInsert, m_nNodeType, szData) )
return false;
x_DocChange( m_nNodeOffset, m_nNodeLength, strInsert );
x_AdjustForNode( m_iPosParent, iPos, strInsert.size() - m_nNodeLength );
m_nNodeLength = strInsert.size();
return true;
// Set data in iPos element
if ( ! iPos || m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild )
return false;
// Build strInsert from szData based on nCDATA
// If CDATA section not valid, use parsed text (PCDATA) instead
if ( nCDATA != 0 )
if ( ! x_CreateNode(strInsert, MNT_CDATA_SECTION, szData) )
nCDATA = 0;
if ( nCDATA == 0 )
strInsert = x_TextToDoc( szData );
// Decide where to insert
int nInsertAt, nReplace;
if ( m_aPos[iPos].IsEmptyElement() )
nInsertAt = m_aPos[iPos].nEndL;
nReplace = 1;
// Pre-adjust since <NAME/> becomes <NAME>data</NAME>
string strTagName = x_GetTagName( iPos );
m_aPos[iPos].nStartR -= 1;
m_aPos[iPos].nEndL -= (1 + strTagName.size());
string strFormat;
strFormat = ">";
strFormat += strInsert;
strFormat += "</";
strFormat += strTagName;
strInsert = strFormat;
nInsertAt = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR+1;
nReplace = m_aPos[iPos].nEndL - m_aPos[iPos].nStartR - 1;
x_DocChange( nInsertAt, nReplace, strInsert );
int nAdjust = strInsert.size() - nReplace;
x_Adjust( iPos, nAdjust );
m_aPos[iPos].AdjustEnd( nAdjust );
return true;
string CMarkupSTL::x_GetData( int iPos ) const
if ( iPos == m_iPos && m_nNodeLength )
if ( m_nNodeType == MNT_COMMENT )
return m_strDoc.substr( m_nNodeOffset+4, m_nNodeLength-7 );
else if ( m_nNodeType == MNT_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION )
return m_strDoc.substr( m_nNodeOffset+2, m_nNodeLength-4 );
else if ( m_nNodeType == MNT_CDATA_SECTION )
return m_strDoc.substr( m_nNodeOffset+8, m_nNodeLength-11 );
else if ( m_nNodeType == MNT_TEXT )
return x_TextFromDoc( m_nNodeOffset, m_nNodeOffset+m_nNodeLength-1 );
return m_strDoc.substr( m_nNodeOffset, m_nNodeLength );
// Return a string representing data between start and end tag
// Return empty string if there are any children elements
if ( ! m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild && ! m_aPos[iPos].IsEmptyElement() )
// See if it is a CDATA section
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR+1;
if ( x_FindToken( token ) && m_strDoc[token.nL] == '<'
&& token.nL + 11 < m_aPos[iPos].nEndL
&& strncmp( &token.szDoc[token.nL+1], "![CDATA[", 8 ) == 0 )
int nEndCDATA = m_strDoc.find( "]]>", token.nNext );
if ( nEndCDATA != (int32_t)(string::npos) && nEndCDATA < m_aPos[iPos].nEndL )
return m_strDoc.substr( token.nL+9, nEndCDATA-token.nL-9 );
return x_TextFromDoc( m_aPos[iPos].nStartR+1, m_aPos[iPos].nEndL-1 );
return "";
string CMarkupSTL::x_TextToDoc( const char* szText, bool bAttrib ) const
// < less than
// & ampersand
// > greater than
// and for attributes:
// ' apostrophe or single quote
// " double quote
static const char* szaReplace[] = { "<","&",">","'",""" };
const char* pFind = bAttrib?"<&>\'\"":"<&>";
const char* pSource = szText;
string strResult;
int nLen = strlen( szText );
strResult.reserve( nLen + nLen / 10 );
char cSource = *pSource;
char* pFound;
while ( cSource )
if ( (pFound=(char *)strchr(pFind,cSource)) != NULL )
pFound = (char *)szaReplace[pFound-pFind];
strResult += cSource;
cSource = *(++pSource);
return strResult;
string CMarkupSTL::x_TextFromDoc( int nLeft, int nRight ) const
// Conveniently the result is always the same or shorter in length
static const char* szaCode[] = { "lt;","amp;","gt;","apos;","quot;" };
static int anCodeLen[] = { 3,4,3,5,5 };
static const char* szSymbol = "<&>\'\"";
string strResult;
strResult.reserve( nRight - nLeft + 1 );
const char* pSource = m_strDoc.c_str();
int nChar = nLeft;
char cSource = pSource[nChar];
while ( nChar <= nRight )
if ( cSource == '&' )
// If no match is found it means XML doc is invalid
// no devastating harm done, ampersand code will just be left in result
for ( int nMatch = 0; nMatch < 5; ++nMatch )
if ( nChar <= nRight - anCodeLen[nMatch]
&& strncmp(szaCode[nMatch],&pSource[nChar+1],anCodeLen[nMatch]) == 0 )
cSource = szSymbol[nMatch];
nChar += anCodeLen[nMatch];
strResult += cSource;
cSource = pSource[nChar];
return strResult;
void CMarkupSTL::x_DocChange( int nLeft, int nReplace, const string& strInsert )
// Insert strInsert int m_strDoc at nLeft replacing nReplace chars
// When creating a document, reduce reallocs by reserving string space
// Allow for 1.5 times the current allocation, with minimum of 200
int nNewLength = strInsert.size() + m_strDoc.size() - nReplace;
int nAllocLen = m_strDoc.capacity();
if ( nNewLength > nAllocLen )
int nReserve = nAllocLen+nAllocLen/2;
if ( nReserve < nNewLength )
nReserve = nNewLength;
if ( nReserve < 200 )
nReserve = 200;
m_strDoc.reserve( nReserve );
m_strDoc.replace( nLeft, nReplace, strInsert);
void CMarkupSTL::x_Adjust( int iPos, int nShift, bool bAfterPos )
// Loop through affected elements and adjust indexes
// Algorithm:
// 1. update children unless bAfterPos
// (if no children or bAfterPos is true, end tag of iPos not affected)
// 2. update next siblings and their children
// 3. go up until there is a next sibling of a parent and update end tags
// 4. step 2
int iPosTop = m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent;
bool bPosFirst = bAfterPos; // mark as first to skip its children
while ( iPos )
// Were we at containing parent of affected position?
bool bPosTop = false;
if ( iPos == iPosTop )
// Move iPosTop up one towards root
iPosTop = m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent;
bPosTop = true;
// Traverse to the next update position
if ( ! bPosTop && ! bPosFirst && m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild )
// Depth first
iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild;
else if ( m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext )
iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
// Look for next sibling of a parent of iPos
// When going back up, parents have already been done except iPosTop
while ( (iPos=m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent) != 0 && iPos != iPosTop )
if ( m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext )
iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
bPosFirst = false;
// Shift indexes at iPos
if ( iPos != iPosTop )
m_aPos[iPos].AdjustStart( nShift );
m_aPos[iPos].AdjustEnd( nShift );
void CMarkupSTL::x_LocateNew( int iPosParent, int& iPosRel, int& nOffset, int nLength, int nFlags )
// Determine where to insert new element or node
bool bInsert = (nFlags&1)?true:false;
bool bHonorWhitespace = (nFlags&2)?true:false;
int nStartL;
if ( nLength )
// Located at a non-element node
if ( bInsert )
nStartL = nOffset;
nStartL = nOffset + nLength;
else if ( iPosRel )
// Located at an element
if ( bInsert ) // precede iPosRel
nStartL = m_aPos[iPosRel].nStartL;
else // follow iPosRel
nStartL = m_aPos[iPosRel].nEndR + 1;
else if ( m_aPos[iPosParent].IsEmptyElement() )
// Parent has no separate end tag, so split empty element
nStartL = m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR;
if ( bInsert ) // after start tag
nStartL = m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR + 1;
else // before end tag
nStartL = m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL;
// Go up to start of next node, unless its splitting an empty element
if ( ! bHonorWhitespace && ! m_aPos[iPosParent].IsEmptyElement() )
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = nStartL;
if ( ! x_FindToken(token) || m_strDoc[token.nL] == '<' )
nStartL = token.nL;
// Determine iPosBefore
int iPosBefore = 0;
if ( iPosRel )
if ( bInsert )
// Is iPosRel past first sibling?
int iPosPrev = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
if ( iPosPrev != iPosRel )
// Find previous sibling of iPosRel
while ( m_aPos[iPosPrev].iElemNext != iPosRel )
iPosPrev = m_aPos[iPosPrev].iElemNext;
iPosBefore = iPosPrev;
iPosBefore = iPosRel;
else if ( m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild )
if ( ! bInsert )
// Find last element under iPosParent
int iPosLast = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
int iPosNext = iPosLast;
while ( iPosNext )
iPosLast = iPosNext;
iPosNext = m_aPos[iPosNext].iElemNext;
iPosBefore = iPosLast;
nOffset = nStartL;
iPosRel = iPosBefore;
bool CMarkupSTL::x_AddElem( const char* szName, const char* szValue, bool bInsert, bool bAddChild )
if ( bAddChild )
// Adding a child element under main position
if ( ! m_iPos )
return false;
else if ( m_iPosParent == 0 )
// Adding root element
if ( IsWellFormed() )
return false;
#if defined( x_VERSIONTAG )
if ( m_strDoc.IsEmpty() )
m_strDoc = x_VERSIONTAG;
// Locate after any version and DTD
m_aPos[0].nEndL = m_strDoc.size();
// Locate where to add element relative to current node
int iPosParent, iPosBefore, nOffset = 0, nLength = 0;
if ( bAddChild )
iPosParent = m_iPos;
iPosBefore = m_iPosChild;
iPosParent = m_iPosParent;
iPosBefore = m_iPos;
nOffset = m_nNodeOffset;
nLength = m_nNodeLength;
int nFlags = bInsert?1:0;
x_LocateNew( iPosParent, iPosBefore, nOffset, nLength, nFlags );
bool bEmptyParent = m_aPos[iPosParent].IsEmptyElement();
if ( bEmptyParent )
nOffset += 2; // include CRLF
// Create element and modify positions of affected elements
// If no szValue is specified, an empty element is created
// i.e. either <NAME>value</NAME> or <NAME/>
int iPos = x_GetFreePos();
m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = nOffset;
// Set links
m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent = iPosParent;
m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild = 0;
m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = 0;
if ( iPosBefore )
// Link in after iPosBefore
m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPosBefore].iElemNext;
m_aPos[iPosBefore].iElemNext = iPos;
// First child
m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild = iPos;
// Create string for insert
string strInsert;
int nLenName = strlen(szName);
int nLenValue = szValue? strlen(szValue) : 0;
if ( ! nLenValue )
// <NAME/> empty element
strInsert = "<";
strInsert += szName;
strInsert += "/>\r\n";
m_aPos[iPos].nStartR = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + nLenName + 2;
m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR - 1;
m_aPos[iPos].nEndR = m_aPos[iPos].nEndL + 1;
// <NAME>value</NAME>
string strValue = x_TextToDoc( szValue );
nLenValue = strValue.size();
strInsert = "<";
strInsert += szName;
strInsert += ">";
strInsert += strValue;
strInsert += "</";
strInsert += szName;
strInsert += ">\r\n";
m_aPos[iPos].nStartR = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + nLenName + 1;
m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR + nLenValue + 1;
m_aPos[iPos].nEndR = m_aPos[iPos].nEndL + nLenName + 2;
// Insert
int nReplace = 0, nLeft = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL;
if ( bEmptyParent )
string strParentTagName = x_GetTagName(iPosParent);
string strFormat;
strFormat = ">\r\n";
strFormat += strInsert;
strFormat += "</";
strFormat += strParentTagName;
strInsert = strFormat;
nLeft -= 3;
nReplace = 1;
// x_Adjust is going to update all affected indexes by one amount
// This will satisfy all except the empty parent
// Here we pre-adjust for the empty parent
// The empty tag slash is removed
m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR -= 1;
// For the newly created end tag, see the following example:
// <A/> (len 4) becomes <A><B/></A> (len 11)
// In x_Adjust everything will be adjusted 11 - 4 = 7
// But the nEndL of element A should only be adjusted 5
m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL -= (strParentTagName.size() + 1);
x_DocChange( nLeft, nReplace, strInsert );
x_Adjust( iPos, strInsert.size() - nReplace );
if ( bAddChild )
x_SetPos( m_iPosParent, iPosParent, iPos );
x_SetPos( iPosParent, iPos, 0 );
return true;
bool CMarkupSTL::x_AddSubDoc( const char* szSubDoc, bool bInsert, bool bAddChild )
// Add subdocument, parse, and modify positions of affected elements
int nOffset = 0, iPosParent, iPosBefore;
if ( bAddChild )
// Add a subdocument under main position, after current child position
if ( ! m_iPos )
return false;
iPosParent = m_iPos;
iPosBefore = m_iPosChild;
iPosParent = m_iPosParent;
iPosBefore = m_iPos;
int nFlags = bInsert?1:0;
x_LocateNew( iPosParent, iPosBefore, nOffset, 0, nFlags );
bool bEmptyParent = m_aPos[iPosParent].IsEmptyElement();
if ( bEmptyParent )
nOffset += 2; // include CRLF
// if iPosBefore is NULL, insert as first element under parent
int nParentEndLBeforeAdd = m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL;
int iPosFreeBeforeAdd = m_iPosFree;
// Skip version tag or DTD at start of subdocument
TokenPos token( szSubDoc );
int nNodeType = x_ParseNode( token );
while ( nNodeType && nNodeType != MNT_ELEMENT )
token.szDoc = &szSubDoc[token.nNext];
token.nNext = 0;
nNodeType = x_ParseNode( token );
string strInsert = token.szDoc;
// Insert subdocument
m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL = nOffset;
int nReplace = 0, nLeft = nOffset;
string strParentTagName;
if ( bEmptyParent )
strParentTagName = x_GetTagName(iPosParent);
string strFormat;
strFormat = ">\r\n";
strFormat += strInsert;
strFormat += "</";
strFormat += strParentTagName;
strInsert = strFormat;
m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL = m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR + 2;
nLeft = m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR - 1;
nReplace = 1;
x_DocChange( nLeft, nReplace, strInsert );
// Parse subdocument
int iPos = x_ParseElem(iPosParent);
m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL = nParentEndLBeforeAdd;
if ( iPos <= 0 )
// Abort because not well-formed
string strRevert = bEmptyParent?"/":"";
x_DocChange( nLeft, strInsert.size(), strRevert );
m_iPosFree = iPosFreeBeforeAdd;
return false;
// Link in parent and siblings
m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent = iPosParent;
if ( iPosBefore )
m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPosBefore].iElemNext;
m_aPos[iPosBefore].iElemNext = iPos;
m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild = iPos;
// Make empty parent pre-adjustment
if ( bEmptyParent )
m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR -= 1;
m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL -= (strParentTagName.size() + 1);
// Adjust, but don't adjust children of iPos (bAfterPos=true)
x_Adjust( iPos, strInsert.size() - nReplace, true );
// Set position to top element of subdocument
if ( bAddChild )
x_SetPos( m_iPosParent, iPosParent, iPos );
else // Main
x_SetPos( m_iPosParent, iPos, 0 );
return true;
int CMarkupSTL::x_RemoveElem( int iPos )
// Remove element and all contained elements
// Return new position
int iPosParent = m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent;
// Find previous sibling and bypass removed element
// This leaves orphan positions in m_aPos array
int iPosLook = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
int iPosPrev = 0;
while ( iPosLook != iPos )
iPosPrev = iPosLook;
iPosLook = m_aPos[iPosLook].iElemNext;
if ( iPosPrev )
m_aPos[iPosPrev].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
// Remove from document
// Links have been changed to go around removed element
// But element position and links are still valid
int nAfterEnd = m_aPos[iPos].nEndR + 1;
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = nAfterEnd;
if ( ! x_FindToken(token) || token.szDoc[token.nL] == '<' )
nAfterEnd = token.nL;
int nLen = nAfterEnd - m_aPos[iPos].nStartL;
x_DocChange( m_aPos[iPos].nStartL, nLen, string() );
x_Adjust( iPos, - nLen, true );
return iPosPrev;
void CMarkupSTL::x_AdjustForNode( int iPosParent, int iPos, int nShift )
// Adjust affected indexes
if ( ! iPos )
// Adjust end tag of parent, and adjust from there
int iPosChild = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
if ( ! iPosParent )
if ( ! iPosChild )
return; // no elements in this document yet
// Change happened before root element
m_aPos[iPosChild].AdjustStart( nShift );
iPos = m_aPos[iPosChild].iElemChild;
if ( iPos )
m_aPos[iPos].AdjustStart( nShift );
iPos = iPosChild;
// Change happened before or at first element under iPosParent
iPos = iPosChild;
if ( iPos )
m_aPos[iPos].AdjustStart( nShift );
iPos = iPosParent;
m_aPos[iPos].AdjustEnd( nShift );
x_Adjust( iPos, nShift, true );
bool CMarkupSTL::x_AddNode( int nNodeType, const char* szText, bool bInsert )
// Add node of nNodeType after current node position
string strInsert;
if ( ! x_CreateNode(strInsert, nNodeType, szText) )
return false;
// Only comments, DTDs, and processing instructions are followed by CRLF
// Other nodes are usually concerned with mixed content, so no CRLF
bool bNewline = false;
|| nNodeType == MNT_COMMENT
|| nNodeType == MNT_DOCUMENT_TYPE )
bNewline = true;
// Locate where to add node relative to current node
int iPosBefore = m_iPos;
int iPosParent = m_iPosParent;
int nNodeOffset = m_nNodeOffset;
int nNodeLength = m_nNodeLength;
int nFlags = bNewline?0:2;
if ( bInsert )
nFlags |= 1;
x_LocateNew( iPosParent, iPosBefore, nNodeOffset, nNodeLength, nFlags );
bool bEmptyParent = m_aPos[iPosParent].IsEmptyElement();
int nInsertAt = nNodeOffset;
// Get node length before adding CRLF
nNodeLength = strInsert.size();
if ( bNewline )
strInsert += "\r\n";
// If its a new element, link it in
int iPos = iPosBefore;
if ( nNodeType == MNT_ELEMENT )
// Set indexes
iPos = x_GetFreePos();
m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = nNodeOffset;
m_aPos[iPos].nStartR = nNodeOffset + nNodeLength - 1;
m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR - 1;
m_aPos[iPos].nEndR = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR;
nNodeOffset = 0;
nNodeLength = 0;
// Set links
m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent = iPosParent;
m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild = 0;
m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = 0;
if ( iPosBefore )
// Link in after iPosBefore
m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPosBefore].iElemNext;
m_aPos[iPosBefore].iElemNext = iPos;
// First child
m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild = iPos;
// Insert
int nReplace = 0;
if ( bEmptyParent )
nReplace = 1;
string strParentTagName = x_GetTagName(iPosParent);
string strFormat;
strFormat = ">";
if ( bNewline )
strFormat += "\r\n";
strFormat += strInsert;
strFormat += "</";
strFormat += strParentTagName;
strInsert = strFormat;
m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR -= 1;
m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL -= (strParentTagName.size() + 1);
x_DocChange( nInsertAt, nReplace, strInsert );
// Need to adjust element positions after iPos
x_AdjustForNode( iPosParent, iPos, strInsert.size() - nReplace );
// Set current position
m_iPos = iPos;
m_iPosChild = 0;
m_nNodeOffset = nNodeOffset;
m_nNodeLength = nNodeLength;
m_nNodeType = nNodeType;
return true;
void CMarkupSTL::x_RemoveNode( int iPosParent, int& iPos, int& nNodeType, int& nNodeOffset, int& nNodeLength )
// Remove node and return new position
int iPosPrev = iPos;
// Removing an element?
if ( nNodeType == MNT_ELEMENT )
nNodeOffset = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL;
nNodeLength = m_aPos[iPos].nEndR - m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
// Deleting iPos element, so find previous element if any
iPosPrev = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
if ( iPosPrev == iPos )
iPosPrev = 0;
m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
while ( m_aPos[iPosPrev].iElemNext != iPos )
iPosPrev = m_aPos[iPosPrev].iElemNext;
m_aPos[iPosPrev].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
// Find previous node type, offset and length
int nPrevOffset = 0;
if ( iPosPrev )
nPrevOffset = m_aPos[iPosPrev].nEndR + 1;
else if ( iPosParent )
nPrevOffset = m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR + 1;
TokenPos token( m_strDoc.c_str() );
token.nNext = nPrevOffset;
int nPrevType = 0;
while ( token.nNext < nNodeOffset )
nPrevOffset = token.nNext;
nPrevType = x_ParseNode( token );
int nPrevLength = nNodeOffset - nPrevOffset;
if ( ! nPrevLength )
// Previous node is iPosPrev element
nPrevOffset = 0;
if ( iPosPrev )
nPrevType = MNT_ELEMENT;
// Remove node from document
x_DocChange( nNodeOffset, nNodeLength, string() );
x_AdjustForNode( iPosParent, iPos, - nNodeLength );
nNodeType = nPrevType;
nNodeOffset = nPrevOffset;
nNodeLength = nPrevLength;
iPos = iPosPrev;