2021-08-04 06:23:29 +08:00
# Oat++ 1.3.0
Previous release - [1.2.5](1.2.5.md)
Feel free to ask questions - [Chat on Gitter!](https://gitter.im/oatpp-framework/Lobby)
- [The New oatpp::String](#the-new-oatppstring)
- [ConnectionPool::get() Timeout](#connectionpoolget-timeout)
- [JSON Serializer Escape Flags](#json-serializer-escape-flags)
## The New oatpp::String
Now it's much easier to use `oatpp::String` since `oatpp::String` is now wrapper over `std::string`
std::string s1 = Hello;
oatpp::String s2 = s1;
oatpp::String s1 = "Hello";
std::string s2 = *s1;
oatpp::String s1 = "Hello";
bool b = s1 == "Hello"; // compare s1 with const char*
oatpp::String s1 = "Hello";
std::stringg s2 = "Hello";
bool b = s1 == s2; // compare s1 with std::string
oatpp::String s1 = "Hello";
std::string s2 = "World";
oatpp::String s3 = s1 + " " + s2; // concat oatpp::String with const char* and std::string directly
OATPP_LOGD("TEST", "str='%s'", s3->c_str()); // prints 'Hello World'
## ConnectionPool::get() Timeout
2021-08-04 06:38:44 +08:00
auto connectionProvider = oatpp::network::tcp::client::ConnectionProvider::createShared({"httpbin.org", 80});
auto pool = oatpp::network::ClientConnectionPool::createShared(connectionProvider,
OATPP_LOGD("TEST", "start")
auto c1 = pool->get(); //<--- this one will succeed
OATPP_LOGD("TEST", "c1=%llu", c1.get())
auto c2 = pool->get(); //<--- this one will fail in 5 sec. Since Max-Resources is 1, Pool timeout is 5 sec. And c1 is not freed.
OATPP_LOGD("TEST", "c2=%llu", c2.get())
D |2021-08-04 01:32:56 1628029976986744| TEST:start
D |2021-08-04 01:32:57 1628029977126940| TEST:c1=140716915331208
D |2021-08-04 01:33:02 1628029982128324| TEST:c2=0
2021-08-04 06:23:29 +08:00
## JSON Serializer Escape Flags
Now you can control if solidus is escaped or not.
### Default Behavior
oatpp::parser::json::mapping::ObjectMapper mapper;
// mapper.getSerializer()->getConfig()->escapeFlags = 0; // by default FLAG_ESCAPE_SOLIDUS is ON
auto res = mapper.writeToString(oatpp::String("https://oatpp.io/"));
OATPP_LOGD("TEST", "res='%s'", res->c_str());
res='"https:\/\/oatpp.io\/"' # by default, solidus is escaped
### Clear Escape Flags
oatpp::parser::json::mapping::ObjectMapper mapper;
mapper.getSerializer()->getConfig()->escapeFlags = 0;
auto res = mapper.writeToString(oatpp::String("https://oatpp.io/"));
OATPP_LOGD("TEST", "res='%s'", res->c_str());
res='"https://oatpp.io/"' # solidus isn't escaped