
This commit is contained in:
lyt-Top 2021-07-25 01:28:32 +08:00
parent 3e7ff893cd
commit 0e45548c06
12 changed files with 2916 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
🎉🎉🔥 `vue-next-admin` 基于 vue3.x 、Typescript、vite、Element plus 等适配手机、平板、pc 的后台开源免费模板库vue2.x 请切换 vue-prev-admin 分支)
## 1.0.13
- 🌟 更新 依赖更新最新版本
- 🎉 新增 数据可视化演示界面(/visualizingDemo1、/visualizingDemo2
- 🎉 新增 登录页扫码登录
## 1.0.12

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "vue-next-admin",
"version": "1.0.12",
"version": "1.0.13",
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
"build": "vite build",
@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
"countup.js": "^2.0.7",
"cropperjs": "^1.5.12",
"echarts": "^5.1.2",
"echarts-gl": "^2.0.6",
"echarts-wordcloud": "^2.0.0",
"element-plus": "^1.0.2-beta.55",
"element-plus": "^1.0.2-beta.57",
"mitt": "^3.0.0",
"nprogress": "^0.2.0",
"print-js": "^1.6.0",
@ -32,22 +33,22 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@types/axios": "^0.14.0",
"@types/clipboard": "^2.0.1",
"@types/node": "^16.3.2",
"@types/node": "^16.4.1",
"@types/nprogress": "^0.2.0",
"@types/sortablejs": "^1.10.7",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.28.3",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.28.3",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.28.4",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.28.4",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^1.2.5",
"@vue/compiler-sfc": "^3.1.4",
"@vue/compiler-sfc": "^3.1.5",
"dotenv": "^10.0.0",
"eslint": "^7.30.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^7.13.0",
"eslint": "^7.31.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^7.14.0",
"prettier": "^2.3.2",
"sass": "^1.35.2",
"sass": "^1.36.0",
"sass-loader": "^12.1.0",
"typescript": "^4.3.5",
"vite": "^2.4.2",
"vue-eslint-parser": "^7.8.0"
"vite": "^2.4.3",
"vue-eslint-parser": "^7.9.0"
"browserslist": [
"> 1%",

View File

@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ export const dynamicRoutes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [
component: () => import('/@/layout/routerView/link.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'message.router.visualizingLinkDemo1',
isLink: `${import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL}/#/visualizingDemo1`,
isLink: `${import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL}#/visualizingDemo1`,
isHide: false,
isKeepAlive: false,
isAffix: false,
@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ export const dynamicRoutes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [
component: () => import('/@/layout/routerView/link.vue'),
meta: {
title: 'message.router.visualizingLinkDemo2',
isLink: `${import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL}/#/visualizingDemo2`,
isLink: `${import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL}#/visualizingDemo2`,
isHide: false,
isKeepAlive: false,
isAffix: false,

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// 字体图标 url
const cssCdnUrlList: Array<string> = [
// 第三方 js url

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<div class="login-scan-container">
<div class="login-scan-qrcode" ref="qrcodeRef"></div>
<script lang="ts">
import { toRefs, reactive, defineComponent, onMounted, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue';
import QRCode from 'qrcodejs2-fixes';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'login11',
setup() {
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance() as any;
const state = reactive({});
const initQrcode = () => {
proxy.$refs.qrcodeRef.innerHTML = '';
new QRCode(proxy.$refs.qrcodeRef, {
text: `https://qm.qq.com/cgi-bin/qm/qr?k=RdUY97Vx0T0vZ_1OOu-X1yFNkWgDwbjC&jump_from=webapi`,
width: 260,
height: 260,
colorDark: '#000000',
colorLight: '#ffffff',
onMounted(() => {
return {
<style scoped lang="scss">
.login-scan-container {
.login-scan-qrcode {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -40%);

View File

@ -6,21 +6,27 @@
<div class="login-content" :class="{ 'login-content-mobile': tabsActiveName === 'mobile' }">
<div class="login-content-main">
<h4 class="login-content-title">{{ getThemeConfig.globalTitle }}后台模板</h4>
<el-tabs v-model="tabsActiveName" @tab-click="onTabsClick">
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('message.label.one1')" name="account" :disabled="tabsActiveName === 'account'">
<transition name="el-zoom-in-center">
<Account v-show="isTabPaneShow" />
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('message.label.two2')" name="mobile" :disabled="tabsActiveName === 'mobile'">
<transition name="el-zoom-in-center">
<Mobile v-show="!isTabPaneShow" />
<div class="mt10">
<el-button type="text" size="small">{{ $t('message.link.one3') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="text" size="small">{{ $t('message.link.two4') }}</el-button>
<div v-if="!isScan">
<el-tabs v-model="tabsActiveName" @tab-click="onTabsClick">
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('message.label.one1')" name="account" :disabled="tabsActiveName === 'account'">
<transition name="el-zoom-in-center">
<Account v-show="isTabPaneShow" />
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('message.label.two2')" name="mobile" :disabled="tabsActiveName === 'mobile'">
<transition name="el-zoom-in-center">
<Mobile v-show="!isTabPaneShow" />
<div class="mt10">
<el-button type="text" size="small">{{ $t('message.link.one3') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="text" size="small">{{ $t('message.link.two4') }}</el-button>
<Scan v-else />
<div class="login-content-main-sacn" @click="isScan = !isScan">
<i class="iconfont" :class="isScan ? 'icon-diannao1' : 'icon-barcode-qr'"></i>
@ -35,15 +41,17 @@
import { toRefs, reactive, computed } from 'vue';
import Account from '/@/views/login/component/account.vue';
import Mobile from '/@/views/login/component/mobile.vue';
import Scan from '/@/views/login/component/scan.vue';
import { useStore } from '/@/store/index';
export default {
name: 'login',
components: { Account, Mobile },
components: { Account, Mobile, Scan },
setup() {
const store = useStore();
const state = reactive({
tabsActiveName: 'account',
isTabPaneShow: true,
isScan: false,
const getThemeConfig = computed(() => {
@ -108,6 +116,40 @@ export default {
white-space: nowrap;
.login-content-main-sacn {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
width: 51px;
height: 50px;
overflow: hidden;
cursor: pointer;
opacity: 0.7;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
&::before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-bottom: 50px solid #ffffff;
border-right: 50px solid transparent;
z-index: 2;
&:hover {
opacity: 1;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
i {
content: '';
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
position: absolute;
top: -2px;
right: 0px;
font-size: 50px;
z-index: 1;
.login-content-mobile {
height: 418px;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 607 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 783 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// 地图模拟数据
export const echartsMapList: Array<object> = [
{ name: '深圳市人民政府', value: '100' },
{ name: '莲花山公园', value: '100' },
{ name: '世界之窗', value: '100' },
{ name: '华侨城欢乐谷', value: '100' },
{ name: '宝安区西乡', value: '100' },
// 地图经纬度数据
export const echartsMapData: object = {
: [114.064524, 22.549225],
: [114.0658, 22.560072],
: [113.979419, 22.540579],
: [113.986066, 22.548056],
西: [113.869053, 22.581714],
// 地图图片显示
export const echartsMapImgs: Array<object> = [
url: 'https://img1.baidu.com/it/u=4244861097,3561366422&fm=11&fmt=auto&gp=0.jpg',
name: '深圳市人民政府',
add: '深圳市福田区福中三路市民中心C区',
dec: '深圳市人民政府是根据《中华人民共和国地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法》设立的,是深圳市人民代表大会的执行机关,是深圳市的国家行政机关。',
url: 'https://img1.baidu.com/it/u=3793608028,4006842751&fm=26&fmt=auto&gp=0.jpg',
name: '莲花山公园',
add: '广东省深圳市福田区莲花街道莲花北社区红荔路6030号',
dec: '莲花山公园筹建于1992年10月10日 1997年6月23日正式对外局部开放。',
url: 'https://img0.baidu.com/it/u=1406340112,1927292660&fm=26&fmt=auto&gp=0.jpg',
name: '世界之窗',
add: '深圳市南山区深南大道9037号',
dec: '这里,世界首座实景拍摄悬空式球幕影院“飞跃美利坚””,为游客提供集休闲放松于一体的都市时尚生活空间。',
url: 'https://img0.baidu.com/it/u=3042342330,902556630&fm=26&fmt=auto&gp=0.jpg',
name: '华侨城欢乐谷',
add: '广东省深圳市南山区沙河街道星河街社区侨城西街1号',
dec: '深圳欢乐谷注重满足人们参与、体验的新型诱游需求,营造出自然、清新、活泼、惊奇、热烈、刺激的休闲旅游氛围。',
url: 'https://img2.baidu.com/it/u=1075072079,1229283519&fm=11&fmt=auto&gp=0.jpg',
name: '宝安区西乡',
add: '西乡街道下辖25个社区',
dec: '西乡街道,隶属于广东省深圳市宝安区,位于宝安区西南部,东接石岩街道,南接新安街道,西至珠江口岸边,北接航城街道。',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
// 顶部下来菜单
export const dropdownList: Array<object> = [
label: '广东省农业农村厅',
label: '广西省农业农村厅',
label: '四川省农业农村厅',
label: '湖北省农业农村厅',
label: '福建省农业农村厅',
label: '山东省农业农村厅',
label: '江西省农业农村厅',
// sky 天气
export const skyList: Array<object> = [
v1: '时间',
v2: '天气',
v3: '温度',
v4: '湿度',
v5: '降水概率',
v6: '风向',
v7: '风力',
type: 'title',
v1: '今天',
v2: 'el-icon-cloudy-and-sunny',
v3: '20°/26°',
v4: '80%',
v5: '50%',
v6: '东南风',
v7: '13m/s',
v1: '明天',
v2: 'el-icon-lightning',
v3: '20°/26°',
v4: '80%',
v5: '50%',
v6: '东南风',
v7: '13m/s',
v1: '后天',
v2: 'el-icon-sunny',
v3: '20°/26°',
v4: '80%',
v5: '50%',
v6: '东南风',
v7: '13m/s',
// 当前设置状态
export const dBtnList: Array<object> = [
v1: '地块A-灌溉',
v2: '阳光玫瑰种植',
v3: '126天',
v4: '设备在线',
v1: '地块B-收割',
v2: '阳光玫瑰种植',
v3: '360天',
v4: '设备预警',
// 当前设备监测
export const chartData4List: Array<object> = [
label: '温度',
label: '光照',
label: '湿度',
label: '风力',
label: '张力',
label: '气压',
// 3DEarth 地图周围按钮组
export const earth3DBtnList: Array<object> = [
topLevelClass: 'fixed-top',
icon: 'el-icon-s-marketing',
label: '环境监测',
type: 0,
topLevelClass: 'fixed-right',
icon: 'el-icon-s-cooperation',
label: '精准管理',
type: 1,
topLevelClass: 'fixed-bottom',
icon: 'el-icon-s-order',
label: '数据报表',
type: 2,
topLevelClass: 'fixed-left',
icon: 'el-icon-s-claim',
label: '产品追溯',
type: 3,