mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 04:57:10 +08:00
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npm run build 测试 / task (18.x, npm, windows-latest) (push) Waiting to run
npm run build 测试 / task (18.x, pnpm, macOS-latest) (push) Waiting to run
npm run build 测试 / task (18.x, pnpm, ubuntu-latest) (push) Waiting to run
npm run build 测试 / task (18.x, pnpm, windows-latest) (push) Waiting to run
npm run build 测试 / task (18.x, yarn, macOS-latest) (push) Waiting to run
npm run build 测试 / task (18.x, yarn, ubuntu-latest) (push) Waiting to run
npm run build 测试 / task (18.x, yarn, windows-latest) (push) Waiting to run
Docker 镜像 / task (18.x, npm, ubuntu-latest) (push) Waiting to run
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89 lines
4.6 KiB
89 lines
4.6 KiB
/* eslint-disable */
/* prettier-ignore */
// @ts-nocheck
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
// Generated by unplugin-auto-import
export {}
declare global {
const EffectScope: typeof import('vue')['EffectScope']
const acceptHMRUpdate: typeof import('pinia')['acceptHMRUpdate']
const computed: typeof import('vue')['computed']
const createApp: typeof import('vue')['createApp']
const createPinia: typeof import('pinia')['createPinia']
const customRef: typeof import('vue')['customRef']
const defineAsyncComponent: typeof import('vue')['defineAsyncComponent']
const defineComponent: typeof import('vue')['defineComponent']
const defineStore: typeof import('pinia')['defineStore']
const effectScope: typeof import('vue')['effectScope']
const getActivePinia: typeof import('pinia')['getActivePinia']
const getCurrentInstance: typeof import('vue')['getCurrentInstance']
const getCurrentScope: typeof import('vue')['getCurrentScope']
const h: typeof import('vue')['h']
const inject: typeof import('vue')['inject']
const isProxy: typeof import('vue')['isProxy']
const isReactive: typeof import('vue')['isReactive']
const isReadonly: typeof import('vue')['isReadonly']
const isRef: typeof import('vue')['isRef']
const mapActions: typeof import('pinia')['mapActions']
const mapGetters: typeof import('pinia')['mapGetters']
const mapState: typeof import('pinia')['mapState']
const mapStores: typeof import('pinia')['mapStores']
const mapWritableState: typeof import('pinia')['mapWritableState']
const markRaw: typeof import('vue')['markRaw']
const nextTick: typeof import('vue')['nextTick']
const onActivated: typeof import('vue')['onActivated']
const onBeforeMount: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeMount']
const onBeforeRouteLeave: typeof import('vue-router')['onBeforeRouteLeave']
const onBeforeRouteUpdate: typeof import('vue-router')['onBeforeRouteUpdate']
const onBeforeUnmount: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeUnmount']
const onBeforeUpdate: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeUpdate']
const onDeactivated: typeof import('vue')['onDeactivated']
const onErrorCaptured: typeof import('vue')['onErrorCaptured']
const onMounted: typeof import('vue')['onMounted']
const onRenderTracked: typeof import('vue')['onRenderTracked']
const onRenderTriggered: typeof import('vue')['onRenderTriggered']
const onScopeDispose: typeof import('vue')['onScopeDispose']
const onServerPrefetch: typeof import('vue')['onServerPrefetch']
const onUnmounted: typeof import('vue')['onUnmounted']
const onUpdated: typeof import('vue')['onUpdated']
const onWatcherCleanup: typeof import('vue')['onWatcherCleanup']
const provide: typeof import('vue')['provide']
const reactive: typeof import('vue')['reactive']
const readonly: typeof import('vue')['readonly']
const ref: typeof import('vue')['ref']
const resolveComponent: typeof import('vue')['resolveComponent']
const resolveDirective: typeof import('vue')['resolveDirective']
const setActivePinia: typeof import('pinia')['setActivePinia']
const setMapStoreSuffix: typeof import('pinia')['setMapStoreSuffix']
const shallowReactive: typeof import('vue')['shallowReactive']
const shallowReadonly: typeof import('vue')['shallowReadonly']
const shallowRef: typeof import('vue')['shallowRef']
const storeToRefs: typeof import('pinia')['storeToRefs']
const toRaw: typeof import('vue')['toRaw']
const toRef: typeof import('vue')['toRef']
const toRefs: typeof import('vue')['toRefs']
const toValue: typeof import('vue')['toValue']
const triggerRef: typeof import('vue')['triggerRef']
const unref: typeof import('vue')['unref']
const useAttrs: typeof import('vue')['useAttrs']
const useCssModule: typeof import('vue')['useCssModule']
const useCssVars: typeof import('vue')['useCssVars']
const useId: typeof import('vue')['useId']
const useLink: typeof import('vue-router')['useLink']
const useModel: typeof import('vue')['useModel']
const useRoute: typeof import('vue-router')['useRoute']
const useRouter: typeof import('vue-router')['useRouter']
const useSlots: typeof import('vue')['useSlots']
const useTemplateRef: typeof import('vue')['useTemplateRef']
const watch: typeof import('vue')['watch']
const watchEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchEffect']
const watchPostEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchPostEffect']
const watchSyncEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchSyncEffect']
// for type re-export
declare global {
// @ts-ignore
export type { Component, ComponentPublicInstance, ComputedRef, DirectiveBinding, ExtractDefaultPropTypes, ExtractPropTypes, ExtractPublicPropTypes, InjectionKey, PropType, Ref, MaybeRef, MaybeRefOrGetter, VNode, WritableComputedRef } from 'vue'