## 0.2.0 (Sept 17, 2018) #### FEATURES: * separate nacos-api from nacos client implementation * Cluster node health check abnormality * Stand-alone mode gets the change history list exception * Pulling does not exist configuration print io exception * Optimized log framework * Service Discovery: Client support getting server status. * Service Discovery: Client support get all service names of server. * Service Discovery: Client support get all subscribed services. #### IMPROVEMENTS: #### BUG FIXES: #### BREAKING CHANGES: ## 0.1.0 (July 18, 2018) #### FEATURES: * Creating, deleting, modifying, and querying configurations: the core functionalities. * Multiple languages support: supports Java/Shell/HTTP OpenAPI. * Service Discovery: Basic service registry and discovery. * Service Discovery: Service load balancing using instance weights, protect threshold and instance health statuses. * Service Discovery: Supports four ways for health check: http, tcp, mysql and client heartbeat. * Service Discovery: CRUD operations on service instances through Java client and open API. * Service Discovery: Service subscribtion and push through Java client. * Nacos official website is coming. https://nacos.io/ #### IMPROVEMENTS: #### BUG FIXES: #### BREAKING CHANGES: