776 lines
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776 lines
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* Copyright 1999-2018 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const chai = require('chai');
const should = chai.should();
const JWebDriver = require('jwebdriver');
const resemble = require('resemblejs-node');
errorType: 'flatDifferenceIntensity',
const rootPath = getRootPath();
module.exports = function() {
let driver, testVars;
before(function() {
let self = this;
driver = self.driver;
testVars = self.testVars;
it('url:', async function() {
await driver.url(_(``));
it('waitBody: ', async function() {
await driver
.wait('body', 30000)
.then(function(code) {
it('click: #username, 89, 41, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#username', 30000)
.mouseMove(89, 41)
it('sendKeys: nacos', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('nacos');
it('click: #password, 53, 34, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#password', 30000)
.mouseMove(53, 34)
it('sendKeys: nacos', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('nacos');
it('click: 提交 ( //button[text()="提交"], 321, 30, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="提交"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(321, 30)
it('click: div:nth-child(1) > div.next-form-item-control > span.next-medium > input[type="text"], 178, 9, 0', async function() {
await driver
'div:nth-child(1) > div.next-form-item-control > span.next-medium > input[type="text"]',
.mouseMove(178, 9)
it('sendKeys: test_test', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('test_test');
it('click: 查询 ( //button[text()="查询"], 3, 9, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="查询"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(3, 9)
it('click: #viewFramework-product-body i.next-icon-add, 15, 27, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body i.next-icon-add', 30000)
.mouseMove(15, 27)
it('click: Data ID ( #dataId, 154, 20, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#dataId', 30000)
.mouseMove(154, 20)
it('sendKeys: test_test', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('test_test');
it('dblClick: Group: ( #group, 89, 11, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#group', 30000)
.mouseMove(89, 11)
it('click: #viewFramework-product-body i.next-icon-delete-filling, 11, 7, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body i.next-icon-delete-filling', 30000)
.mouseMove(11, 7)
it('sendKeys: test', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('test');
it('click: 更多高级选项 ( //a[text()="更多高级选项"], 61, 3, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//a[text()="更多高级选项"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(61, 3)
it('click: span.next-select-trigger-search > input[role="combobox"]:nth-child(1), 66, 8, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('span.next-select-trigger-search > input[role="combobox"]:nth-child(1)', 30000)
.mouseMove(66, 8)
it('click: span.next-select-trigger-search > input[role="combobox"]:nth-child(1), 71, 16, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('span.next-select-trigger-search > input[role="combobox"]:nth-child(1)', 30000)
.mouseMove(71, 16)
it('click: 归属应用: ( #appName, 50, 19, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#appName', 30000)
.mouseMove(50, 19)
it('click: 收起 ( //a[text()="收起"], 16, 5, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//a[text()="收起"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(16, 5)
it('click: #desc, 77, 40, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#desc', 30000)
.mouseMove(77, 40)
it('sendKeys: test', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('test');
it('scrollElementTo: #viewFramework-product-body, 0, 49', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body', 30000)
.scrollElementTo(0, 49);
it('click: #container div.view-line, 60, 15, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#container div.view-line', 30000)
.mouseMove(60, 15)
it('sendKeys: test', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('test');
it('scrollElementTo: #viewFramework-product-body, 0, 155', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body', 30000)
.scrollElementTo(0, 155);
it('click: 发布 ( //button[text()="发布"], 39, 9, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="发布"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(39, 9)
it('× click: 确定 ( //button[text()="确定"], 13, 9, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="确定"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(13, 9)
it('click: 返回 ( //button[text()="返回"], 39, 18, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="返回"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(39, 18)
it('scrollElementTo: #viewFramework-product-body, 0, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body', 30000)
.scrollElementTo(0, 0);
it('click: 详情 ( //a[text()="详情"], 12, 7, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//a[text()="详情"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(12, 7)
it('scrollElementTo: #viewFramework-product-body, 0, 22', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body', 30000)
.scrollElementTo(0, 22);
it('click: test ( #content, 225, 35, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#content', 30000)
.mouseMove(225, 35)
it('click: #backarrow, 13, 10, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#backarrow', 30000)
.mouseMove(13, 10)
it('scrollElementTo: #viewFramework-product-body, 0, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body', 30000)
.scrollElementTo(0, 0);
it('click: 示例代码 ( //a[text()="示例代码"], 29, 6, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//a[text()="示例代码"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(29, 6)
it('click: Spring Boot ( li[role="tab"]:nth-child(2) > div.next-tabs-tab-inner, 63, 22, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('li[role="tab"]:nth-child(2) > div.next-tabs-tab-inner', 30000)
.mouseMove(63, 22)
it('click: i.next-icon-close, 9, 10, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('i.next-icon-close', 30000)
.mouseMove(9, 10)
it('click: 编辑 ( //a[text()="编辑"], 14, 6, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//a[text()="编辑"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(14, 6)
it('scrollElementTo: #viewFramework-product-body, 0, 134', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body', 30000)
.scrollElementTo(0, 134);
it('click: label:nth-child(2) > span.next-radio > input[type="radio"][role="radio"].next-radio-input, 7, 1, 0', async function() {
await driver
'label:nth-child(2) > span.next-radio > input[type="radio"][role="radio"].next-radio-input',
.mouseMove(7, 1)
it('click: label:nth-child(1) > span.next-radio > input[type="radio"][role="radio"].next-radio-input, 8, 8, 0', async function() {
await driver
'label:nth-child(1) > span.next-radio > input[type="radio"][role="radio"].next-radio-input',
.mouseMove(8, 8)
it('click: test ( #container div.view-line, 47, 11, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#container div.view-line', 30000)
.mouseMove(47, 11)
it('sendKeys: _test', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('_test');
it('click: test ( #desc, 76, 25, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#desc', 30000)
.mouseMove(76, 25)
it('sendKeys: _test', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('_test');
it('click: 发布 ( //button[text()="发布"], 41, 15, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="发布"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(41, 15)
it('click: 确认发布 ( //button[text()="确认发布"], 61, 16, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="确认发布"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(61, 16)
it('click: 确定 ( //button[text()="确定"], 31, 15, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="确定"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(31, 15)
it('click: 返回 ( //button[text()="返回"], 25, 6, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="返回"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(25, 6)
it('scrollElementTo: #viewFramework-product-body, 0, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body', 30000)
.scrollElementTo(0, 0);
it('click: 更多 ( #viewFramework-product-body span:nth-child(9), 19, 12, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('#viewFramework-product-body span:nth-child(9)', 30000)
.mouseMove(19, 12)
it('click: 历史版本 ( //span[text()="历史版本"], 0, 3, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//span[text()="历史版本"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(0, 3)
it('click: 配置列表 ( //div[text()="配置列表"], 120, 36, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//div[text()="配置列表"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(120, 36)
it('click: 更多 ( #viewFramework-product-body tr.first > td[type="body"][role="gridcell"].last > div.next-table-cell-wrapper > div > span:nth-child(9), 10, 8, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
'#viewFramework-product-body tr.first > td[type="body"][role="gridcell"].last > div.next-table-cell-wrapper > div > span:nth-child(9)',
.mouseMove(10, 8)
it('click: div:nth-child(1) > div.next-form-item-control > span.next-medium > input[type="text"], 163, 21, 0', async function() {
await driver
'div:nth-child(1) > div.next-form-item-control > span.next-medium > input[type="text"]',
.mouseMove(163, 21)
it('click: span.next-input > input[role="combobox"], 31, 19, 0', async function() {
await driver
.wait('span.next-input > input[role="combobox"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(31, 19)
it('sendKeys: test', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('test');
it('click: 查询 ( //button[text()="查询"], 8, 25, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="查询"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(8, 25)
it('click: div:nth-child(1) > div.next-form-item-control > span.next-medium > input[type="text"], 91, 18, 0', async function() {
await driver
'div:nth-child(1) > div.next-form-item-control > span.next-medium > input[type="text"]',
.mouseMove(91, 18)
it('sendKeys: test_test', async function() {
await driver.sendKeys('test_test');
it('click: 查询 ( //button[text()="查询"], 17, 17, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="查询"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(17, 17)
it('click: 删除 ( //a[text()="删除"], 7, 8, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//a[text()="删除"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(7, 8)
it('click: 确认 ( //button[text()="确认"], 21, 15, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="确认"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(21, 15)
it('click: 确定 ( //button[text()="确定"], 25, 14, 0 )', async function() {
await driver
.wait('//button[text()="确定"]', 30000)
.mouseMove(25, 14)
function _(str) {
if (typeof str === 'string') {
return str.replace(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g, function(all, key) {
return testVars[key] || '';
} else {
return str;
if (module.parent && /mocha\.js/.test(module.parent.id)) {
function runThisSpec() {
// read config
let webdriver = process.env['webdriver'] || '';
let proxy = process.env['wdproxy'] || '';
let config = require(rootPath + '/config.json');
let webdriverConfig = Object.assign({}, config.webdriver);
let host = webdriverConfig.host;
let port = webdriverConfig.port || 4444;
let match = webdriver.match(/([^\:]+)(?:\:(\d+))?/);
if (match) {
host = match[1] || host;
port = match[2] || port;
let testVars = config.vars;
let browsers = webdriverConfig.browsers;
browsers = browsers.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
delete webdriverConfig.host;
delete webdriverConfig.port;
delete webdriverConfig.browsers;
// read hosts
let hostsPath = rootPath + '/hosts';
let hosts = '';
if (fs.existsSync(hostsPath)) {
hosts = fs.readFileSync(hostsPath).toString();
let specName = path
.relative(rootPath, __filename)
.replace(/\\/g, '/')
.replace(/\.js$/, '');
browsers.split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach(function(browserName) {
let caseName = specName + ' : ' + browserName;
let browserInfo = browserName.split(' ');
browserName = browserInfo[0];
let browserVersion = browserInfo[1];
describe(caseName, function() {
let driver;
before(function() {
let self = this;
let driver = new JWebDriver({
host: host,
port: port,
let sessionConfig = Object.assign({}, webdriverConfig, {
browserName: browserName,
version: browserVersion,
'ie.ensureCleanSession': true,
chromeOptions: {
args: ['--enable-automation'],
if (proxy) {
sessionConfig.proxy = {
proxyType: 'manual',
httpProxy: proxy,
sslProxy: proxy,
} else if (hosts) {
sessionConfig.hosts = hosts;
try {
self.driver = driver
.windowSize(1024, 768)
pageloadTimeout: 30000, // page onload timeout
scriptTimeout: 5000, // sync script timeout
asyncScriptTimeout: 10000, // async script timeout
} catch (e) {
self.testVars = testVars;
let casePath = path.dirname(caseName);
self.screenshotPath = rootPath + '/screenshots/' + casePath;
self.diffbasePath = rootPath + '/diffbase/' + casePath;
self.caseName = caseName.replace(/.*\//g, '').replace(/\s*[:\.\:\-\s]\s*/g, '_');
self.stepId = 0;
return self.driver;
beforeEach(function() {
let self = this;
if (self.skipAll) {
afterEach(async function() {
let self = this;
let currentTest = self.currentTest;
let title = currentTest.title;
if (
currentTest.state === 'failed' &&
) {
self.skipAll = true;
if (!/^(closeWindow):/.test(title)) {
let filepath = self.screenshotPath + '/' + self.caseName + '_' + self.stepId;
let driver = self.driver;
try {
// catch error when get alert msg
await driver.getScreenshot(filepath + '.png');
let url = await driver.url();
let html = await driver.source();
html = '<!--url: ' + url + ' -->\n' + html;
fs.writeFileSync(filepath + '.html', html);
let cookies = await driver.cookies();
fs.writeFileSync(filepath + '.cookie', JSON.stringify(cookies));
} catch (e) {}
after(function() {
return this.driver.close();
function getRootPath() {
let rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname);
while (rootPath) {
if (fs.existsSync(rootPath + '/config.json')) {
rootPath = rootPath.substring(0, rootPath.lastIndexOf(path.sep));
return rootPath;
function mkdirs(dirname) {
if (fs.existsSync(dirname)) {
return true;
} else {
if (mkdirs(path.dirname(dirname))) {
return true;
function callSpec(name) {
try {
require(rootPath + '/' + name)();
} catch (e) {
function isPageError(code) {
return (
code == '' ||
/ jscontent="errorCode" jstcache="\d+"|diagnoseConnectionAndRefresh|dnserror_unavailable_header|id="reportCertificateErrorRetry"|400 Bad Request|403 Forbidden|404 Not Found|500 Internal Server Error|502 Bad Gateway|503 Service Temporarily Unavailable|504 Gateway Time-out/i.test(
function catchError(error) {}