2018-12-07 21:39:49 +08:00

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LeetCode Animation All in One

Travis Travis


I will do my best to demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.

I plan to take three to four years to complete it!

I look forward to witnessing this day with you!

The latest article published in WeChat 五分钟学算法 , you can pay attention to get the latest article.

Code source

This warehouse code unless otherwise specified, all from this warehouse



ID Problem Article Animation
001 Two-Sum 每天一算Two Sum
019 Remove-Nth-Node-From-End-of-List 每天一算Remove Nth Node From End of List
020 Valid-Parentheses 每天一算Valid Parentheses
024 Swap-Nodes-in-Pairs 每天一算Swap Nodes in Pairs
026 Remove-Duplicates-from-Sorted-Array 每天一算Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
075 Sort-Colors 每天一算Sort Colors
086 Partition-List 每天一算Partition List
092 Reverse-Linked-List-II 每天一算Reverse Linked List II
094 Binary-Tree-Inorder-Traversal 每天一算Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
102 Binary-Tree-Level-Order-Traversal 每天一算Binary Tree Level Order Traveral
144 Binary-Tree-Preorder-Traversal 每天一算Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
145 Binary-Tree-Postorder-Traversal 每天一算Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
150 Evaluate-Reverse-Polish-Notation 每天一算Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
167 Two-Sum-II-Input-array-is-sorted 每天一算Two Sum II
199 Binary Tree Right Side View 每天一算Binary Tree Right Side View
203 Remove-Linked-List-Elements 每天一算Remove Linked List Elements
219 Contains-Duplicate-II 每天一算Contains Duplicate II
237 Delete-Node-in-a-Linked-List 每天一算Delete Node in a Linked List
283 Move-Zeroes 每天一算Move Zeros
328 Odd-Even-Linked-List 每天一算Odd Even Linked List
344 Reverse-String 每天一算Reverse String
349 Intersection-of-Two-Arrays 每天一算Intersection of Two Arrays
350 Intersection-of-Two-Arrays-II 每天一算Intersection of Two Arrays II
447 Number-of-Boomerangs 每日一算Number of Boomerangs
454 4Sum-II 每日一算4Sum II


The warehouse is kept up to date.

2018-12-07 explain:

In order to better perform LeetCode animation, i am working hard to learn more data structures and algorithms.

I am currently writing an article 《动画图解数据结构》, and will continue to update this warehouse after finishing the series of articles on animation graphic data structure.


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