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2018-12-05 14:57:06 +08:00
package graph
import (
//adjacency table, 无向图
type Graph struct {
adj []*list.List
v int
//init graphh according to capacity
func newGraph(v int) *Graph {
graphh := &Graph{}
graphh.v = v
graphh.adj = make([]*list.List, v)
for i := range graphh.adj {
graphh.adj[i] = list.New()
return graphh
//insert as add edge一条边存2次
func (self *Graph) addEdge(s int, t int) {
//search path by BFS
func (self *Graph) BFS(s int, t int) {
if s == t {
//init prev
prev := make([]int, self.v)
for index := range prev {
prev[index] = -1
//search by queue
var queue []int
visited := make([]bool, self.v)
queue = append(queue, s)
visited[s] = true
isFound := false
for len(queue) > 0 && !isFound {
top := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
linkedlist := self.adj[top]
for e := linkedlist.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
k := e.Value.(int)
if !visited[k] {
prev[k] = top
if k == t {
isFound = true
queue = append(queue, k)
visited[k] = true
if isFound {
printPrev(prev, s, t)
} else {
fmt.Printf("no path found from %d to %d\n", s, t)
//search by DFS
func (self *Graph) DFS(s int, t int) {
prev := make([]int, self.v)
for i := range prev {
prev[i] = -1
visited := make([]bool, self.v)
visited[s] = true
isFound := false
self.recurse(s, t, prev, visited, isFound)
printPrev(prev, s, t)
//recursivly find path
func (self *Graph) recurse(s int, t int, prev []int, visited []bool, isFound bool) {
if isFound {
visited[s] = true
if s == t {
isFound = true
linkedlist := self.adj[s]
for e := linkedlist.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
k := e.Value.(int)
if !visited[k] {
prev[k] = s
self.recurse(k, t, prev, visited, false)
//print path recursively
func printPrev(prev []int, s int, t int) {
if t == s || prev[t] == -1 {
fmt.Printf("%d ", t)
} else {
printPrev(prev, s, prev[t])
fmt.Printf("%d ", t)
//func main() {
// graph := newGraph(8)
// graph.addEdge(0, 1)
// graph.addEdge(0, 3)
// graph.addEdge(1, 2)
// graph.addEdge(1, 4)
// graph.addEdge(2, 5)
// graph.addEdge(3, 4)
// graph.addEdge(4, 5)
// graph.addEdge(4, 6)
// graph.addEdge(5, 7)
// graph.addEdge(6, 7)
// graph.BFS(0, 7)
// fmt.Println()
// graph.BFS(1, 3)
// fmt.Println()
// graph.DFS(0, 7)
// fmt.Println()
// graph.DFS(1, 3)
// fmt.Println()